
2021 OGP Impact Awards: Philippines – Citizen Participatory Audit

The Citizen Participatory Audit goes beyond simple auditing by working closely with civil society on a range of policy decisions to improve people’s lives. It uses a constructive engagement approach between citizens and government to validate the government’s use of…


2021 IRM Week Infographics

To contribute to reflections on the 10 year anniversary of OGP and leading up to the 7th OGP Global Summit hosted by the Republic of Korea, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) is sharing four key learning from recent findings of…

Costa Rica – Indigenous Communities – Credit – OGP

Indigenous Voices Find a Way to Be Heard

By building stronger ties with its Indigenous populations, and including them in policy development, Costa Rica is better able to serve all of its diverse citizens.

Liberia CitizENGAGE

No One Left Behind: Open Government for Public Service Delivery for Africa and the Middle East

Join OGP on June 29 at 9 AM GMT to learn from open government champions and their efforts to deliver public services more efficiently in Africa through their OGP action plans. 

Usec Annalyn Sevilla

Faces of Open Government: Annalyn Sevilla

Learn how the Philippines is using open government approaches to address the needs and gaps in their education system.