Datos abiertos sobre feminicidios en Brasil

  El feminicidio es reconocido a nivel global como una de las manifestaciones más severas de la violencia en contra de las mujeres y Brasil es uno de los países con mayor prevalencia de este crimen. Según “Mapa da Violência”,…

Open Data about femicide in Brazil

  Femicide is recognized globally as one of the harshests manifestations of violence against women - and Brazil is one of the countries with the highest prevalence of that crime. According to ‘Mapa da Violência’, a study published by FLACSO…

DataBootcamp: un boost a las capacidades para trabajar con datos

En agosto, muchos miembros de la comunidad latinoamericana de datos abiertos nos reunimos en Costa Rica en el marco de Abrelatam y ConDatos. Aprovechando ese mix de talento, organizamos un espacio de entrenamiento de alto impacto para todos aquellos que…

The Ethics of Working With Open Data in Closed Societies

The concept that sold open data was: “open all the data, people will do wonderful things, and the world will be a better place”. Has open data been sold as something more simple than it actually is?Hello everyone. If you…

Connecting governments with their people: Using technology to bridge top down and bottom up approaches

This blog is part of a series on public service delivery for open government. In the recent ”Open Government for Improving Public Services in Asia”  workshop in Manila, Making All Voices Count was given the opportunity to share findings, results…