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Open Parliaments: The Case of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Georgia

The Autonomous Republic of Ajara is a political-administrative region of Georgia. Its Supreme Council is made up of 21 congresspeople who represent about 350,000 citizens. While the Autonomous Republic of Ajara is not a member of OGP Local, its legislative body, the Supreme Council, has played a significant role in promoting open government values.

OGP Europe Regional-16272

Faces of Open Government: Oleksandr Yarema

Meet Oleksandr Yarema, the State Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers and co-chair of the OGP Coordination Council in Ukraine. We sat down with Oleksandr on the sidelines of the OGP Europe Regional Meeting to learn about his efforts over the years to promote civil society and public participation in decision-making, ensure access to public information, and, more recently, aid the reconstruction efforts in Ukraine.

DataLab Georgia – IDFI

Georgia’s Journey to Accelerating Open Data Reforms

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Open Government Partnership and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. Georgia’s open government reforms have encompassed…

Georgia Locals Workshop – Featured Image

Georgian Municipalities Engage in the Co-Creation of Their OGP Action Plans

Discover practical tips from Georgian OGP Local members for more effective co-creation.

Voices of Open Gov – Khadija

From Uncovering Corruption to Facing Conviction: One Journalist’s Story

In this episode, Khadija Ismayilova shares how her reporting on government corruption led to blackmail, intrusive surveillance, and unjust imprisonment and how we can create spaces for journalists to hold power to account without fear of retaliation.