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Strengthening National Dialogues (FI0035)

Vue d’ensemble

D'un coup d'œil

Plan d'action: Plan d'action pour la Finlande 2023-2027

Cycle du plan d'action : 2023



Institution principale:

Institution (s) de soutien:

Domaines politiques

Démocratiser la prise de décision, Intégration de la participation, Participation du public

Revue IRM

Rapport IRM: Examen du plan d'action de la Finlande 2023-2027

Premiers résultats : examen du MII en attente

Conception i

Vérifiable : Oui

Pertinent pour les valeurs OGP : Oui

Ambition (voir définition): Faible

Implémentation i

Achèvement : en attente d'examen par le MII


We will strengthen inclusion, mutual understanding and the knowledge base in preparing of policy measures through dialogues. • We will establish and expand National dialogues together with civil society actors. The aim is to increase the number of participants and organisers in these dialogues. • We will improve the effectiveness of National dialogues by producing shorter summaries and highlighting the results of the dialogues for the use of the ministries’ leadership. We will also make the impact of information created via dialogues visible to the participants. • We will develop the utilisation of the results of national dialogues in cooperation with the organisers of dialogues. We will also strengthen the utilisation of information obtained through dialogues at other administrative levels (wellbeing services counties and municipalities). • We will utilise national dialogues and their results as part of the Government’s futures work, for example in the preparation of foresight reports. • We will strengthen dialogue competence and the use of dialogues: we will integrate dialogue work into the open democracy network (see commitment 3).


Open Government Partnership