Australia: Youth and University Deregulation

Sydneyoperahouse.JPG Australia joined the Open Government Partnership in the middle of last year. Its inclusion to the partnership is an important addition. Not only does Australia have one of the most robust democratic institutions according to The Economist, it also…

Join us for the launch of OGP’s Legislative Openness Working Group

Cross posted with the permission of the author from Just a few months ago, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) announced the creation of the Legislative Openness Working Group (LOWG), one of five new thematic working groups to be launched in 2013. Since…

e-DIRAP Open Government Google+ Hangout

e-DIRAP organized a Google+ Hangout on the topic of Open Government on Thursday, 25 July 2013 at UTC/GMT 04:30-05:30. This Hangout brought together professionals from government, civil society, academia and the private sector to discuss issues related to open government in…

Open data and economic growth: which link, if any?

One of our Facebook followers, Paul Beentjes, posted on our page: You hear this a lot these days: "Open data is a driver of economic growth". But how can you explain this? True, the link is not always evident, but…