Kaduna Nigeria

Eyes and Ears to Improve Public Services

Learn how a concerned mother in Kaduna, Nigeria used a citizen feedback app to notify government leaders about poor conditions in a healthcare clinic and improve access to health services in her community.

Voices of Open Gov – Marta

Closing the Gender Gap in Care Services in Mexico

In this Voices of Open Government episode, we learn how reformers in Mexico are designing a national policy to reduce the gender inequality gap and position the right to care in the public agenda.


2021 OGP Local Innovation Awards: Bogota, Colombia | Innovation and Participation in Health

Through the “Territories of Innovation and Participation in Health – TIPS” program, we will broaden the spectrum of social participation in health in Bogota from the current minimal levels of information and consultation in the management of health issues to…


2021 OGP Impact Awards: Philippines – Citizen Participatory Audit

The Citizen Participatory Audit goes beyond simple auditing by working closely with civil society on a range of policy decisions to improve people’s lives. It uses a constructive engagement approach between citizens and government to validate the government’s use of…


2021 IRM Week Infographics

To contribute to reflections on the 10 year anniversary of OGP and leading up to the 7th OGP Global Summit hosted by the Republic of Korea, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) is sharing four key learning from recent findings of…