OGP Academic 6

Building a Democratic Process in Our University – Tunisia

Academia could be considered the link between society and policy makers, as scholars diagnose, analyze, and make recommendations for public policy. The academic world offers space to discover the truth underlying sociological and political forces and ideological dogma. More than…

Vers un lancement proche du Projet d’Appui aux Gouvernements Ouverts d’Afrique Francophone

« On peut aider un bœuf à se lever seul, seulement s'il s'efforce lui-même de le faire. » Proverbe africain Le 2 juin 2017 lors d’un atelier relatif à l’Afrique francophone  fut annoncé le lancement proche du Projet d’Appui aux Gouvernements Ouverts d’Afrique francophone…

OGP in the News – Week of May 1, 2017

A series providing a round-up of media attention received by Open Government Partnership throughout the world. Want to receive OGP in the News directly in your email inbox every Monday morning? Subscribe here. This week’s OGP coverage included news on the…

Dos Gráficos que Demuestran la Oportunidad que Representan los Datos Abiertos para la Lucha contra el Cambio Climático

El futuro del Acuerdo de París es incierto. El Presidente Donald Trump prometió anunciar una “decisión importante” sobre el acuerdo en las próximas dos semanas. Algunos periodistas han reportado que sus asesores se encuentran divididos sobre el asunto, mientras que…

Two Graphs Show the Opportunity of Open Climate Data for Climate Action

The future of the Paris Agreement remains unclear. President Donald Trump promised to announce a “big decision” on the accord within the next two weeks. Journalists report that his advisors are fiercely divided on the issue, arguing either to withdraw…