Collecting Open Government Approaches to COVID-19
As many of our countries are facing unprecedented challenges from COVID-19 the strain on our governments is extreme, and the impact on people all over the world continues to grow. At OGP our first steps have been to take proactive measures to protect our own team, and to adjust the timelines and expectations around OGP participation – such as postponing Open Gov Week events to later in the year and replacing the activities planned for May 3-10 with a series of online community events (more details coming soon). We will continue to assess whether we need to take further action as this crisis evolves.
See Examples of OG Approaches | Submit an Example | Read OGP’s Message to the Community on Coronavirus
We also know that many of us in the open government community are looking for ways to help and to apply the principles of transparency, accountability, and participation to the COVID-19 response. It is in moments of disaster response and relief that the values of open government can come under intense pressure, but can also meaningfully contribute to better outcomes.
We believe the best role for OGP right now is to help create an open space for the community to share where they see open government approaches to tackling COVID-19 being implemented, either by governments themselves or civil society, citizens or the private sector.
To get things started, we encourage you to share examples that may cover some of the following categories:
- Citizen-led community responses, including neighborhood volunteer groups and neighborhood associations, clergy, teachers or others helping to inform the public on the risks and needed steps.
- Participatory disaster response strategies, including working with civil society and citizens.
- Building trust between government and citizens, including through strong communications and focusing on reaching vulnerable communities with the information they need.
- Transparency over forecasting models and data that are influencing government’s strategies.
- Digital platforms or apps to keep citizens informed, enable public participation and/or offer open data; Digital tools to enable public participation.
- Digital and/or crowdsourced provision of public and government services.
- Protecting data rights and privacy as corporations help lead the response in many countries.
- Tackling misinformation and disinformation online.
- Publishing proactive information for affected communities, including economic and social support.
We propose to keep a running list of these examples so the OGP community can use them as they see fit. We will periodically update the list below and share examples via social media.
Please add examples from OGP or non-OGP countries here. This is a crowd-sourced list for our community. Examples are not reviewed or vetted by OGP.
View the responses in the chart below or on the real-time response spreadsheet here.
Country: | Region/City | Example: | Link to further information: |
Argentina | City of Buenos Aires and Province of Buenos Aires | This is a public campaign aimed at disseminating legal information regarding the COVID for vulnerabilized groups such as children, people living in slums, people with disabilities and women sexual health. The participants of this proposal are ACIJ, CIDC, the Human Rights Center of the University of Buenos Aires and Torcuato Di Tella University. | |
Argentina | #LoHackeamosEntreTodos was an event that meet designers, data scientist, programers and healthcare professionals to think and develop prototipes to resolve the new challenges about the Covid-19. The themes were society and tecnology, health and tecnology and information and tecnology. The activity was organized by pymes of the tecnology and healthcare sector, Clapps, ConsensoSalud and Develop Consulting S.A., and supported and co-organized by the Buenos Aires City Governmnet, Argentinian National Government, and different companys. The Governments provided open data, mentoring and challenges. | | |
Argentina | Buenos Aires | A Whatsapp bot that answers questions about prevention, symptoms, and general information from city services about COVID-19 | |
Argentina | Buenos Aires | We develop a guide for subnational government to manage the COVID-19 crisis from the perspective of how to make decisions, what health policies to take, what technologies to use and how to communicate actions to the public. This guide was elaborated between Asuntos del Sur and Bloomsbury Policy Group. |ía-rápida-de-gestión-de-crisis-del-COVID-19-para-gobiernos.1-1.pdf |
Argentina | Latin America | Directorio Legislativo (CSO) presents #PorUnaDemocraciaSaludable, a social media campaign designed to create awareness on democracies´ health facing the COVID crisis. During the campaign we are publishing about civic space, access to information, accountability and transparency and parliamentary work, among other issues (e.g: Which latin american congresses are introducing tech tools to their legislative work and how are they ensuring legislative transparency). | |
Argentina | Latin America | Directorio Legislativo (CSO) presents and updated mapping of the regulations issued by 19 countries in Latin America and the Carribbean in the face of the crisis. Our monitoring includes regulations covering health, labor, education, economics and movement across and within countries | |
Argentina | Nationwide | App COVID-19 is a website and app that allows people to self-test for coronavirus. In addition, citizens are able to learn about the development of the pandemic and the measures adopted by national authorities to contain the advancement of the virus. On the first day of launching, 500,000 people already took the test with the app. Soon, a map will be available with the nearby health units. | |
Argentina | Nationwide | Social Contact Tracing | |
Argentina | Nationwide | Whatsapp & Facebook Chatbot New automated helpline and free information on WhatsApp & Facebook Messenger. The service aims to provide answers to the most frequently asked questions, avoid misinformation, and provide tips that will keep people safe and help prevent the spread of COVID-19. In addition, notifications with relevant information about coronavirus are found in the Facebook News section and in the Instagram Feed. | |
Argentina | Latin America | Directorio Legislativo (CSO) presents Civic Space Guardian (CSG) – COVID-19 Edition. CSG is a tool that monitors regulations affecting civic space in Latin America and the Caribbean. Facing coronavirus, many of the freedoms were restricted for health reasons, but debates arise about excesses and how to protect the right of access to information, citizen participation and freedom of expression. | |
Argentina | Latin America | Directorio Legislativo (CSO) presented a new report: “Restricted rights in times of COVID-19: The challenge of safeguarding health and civil liberties”. We appreciate that states must make every effort to protect the health of their populations. However, we are equally adamant the state of exception cannot under any circumstances become the new norm. Any curtailment on freedom of movement, assembly, association and citizen participation must necessarily meet strict criteria for responding to health needs and be proportionate both in scope and duration. A rise in state surveillance and control must, therefore, be carefully monitored, which itself demands an unwavering public commitment to transparency | |
Argentina | Ciudad de Buenos AIres | Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires | |
Argentina | Americas | Directorio Legislativo (CSO) and ParlAmericas have developed “The challenge of adapting and strengthening the role of parliaments. An analysis from an Open Parliament perspective”, a publication on COVID-19, the role of parliament during a pandemic, an explanation on how are the parliaments of the Americas and the Caribbean currently working and a set of open parliament recommendation. | |
Argentina | Buenos Aires | Adaptamos Caminos de la Villa para que los vecinos de los barrios más vulnerables de la ciudad puedan georreferenciar problemáticas vinculadas al COVID-19 y acceder a información relevante, además de seguir monitoreando datos vinculados a los procesos de urbanización de las villas de CABA. Proyecto llevado adelante entre ACIJ y Wingu. | |
Argentina | Escala Nacional – Municipio de Rosario | Frena la Curva (FLC) es una plataforma ciudadana donde voluntarios, emprendedores, activistas, organizaciones sociales, makers y laboratorios de innovación pública y abierta, cooperan para canalizar y organizar la energía social y la resiliencia cívica frente a la pandemia del Covid-19 (coronavirus). Hosteado por el Municipio de Rosario y coordinado por ciudadxs. | |
Argentina | Rosario | El voluntariado es participación, inclusión e integración de la sociedad. Es una herramienta valiosa que permite que los ciudadanos se involucren en los desafíos y oportunidades que se plantean en la ciudad. Esta interacción posibilita canales de participación abiertos e inclusivos. Ser voluntario surge de una decisión personal, reflexiva y responsable, que da lugar a un compromiso libremente asumido y motivado por la solidaridad, la generosidad y el desinterés. | |
Argentina | Rosario | Sabemos que en nuestra ciudad están los mejores talentos, los más sólidos profesionales y los más destacados estudiantes y los emprendedores más audaces. Por ello apuntamos a potenciar propuestas innovadoras, herramientas tecnológicas, apps y todo aquel proyecto que colabore en la contención de la pandemia del COVID-19, Queremos conocerlas y hacerlas realidad. | |
Argentina | Rosario | Una plataforma online que promueve el comercio local para aquellos pequeños comercios que no pueden acceder a otras plataformas por diversas razones.. Una acción colaborativa entre municipio, Cámaras de comercio y el Banco Municipal para activar la actividad económica. | |
Argentina | Rosario | Red solidaria de apoyo, acompañamiento y cuidados para Adultos Mayores en colaboración con la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Consta de cuatro acciones: red de voluntarios, registro de comercios de cercanía, red de apoyo telefónico y red de acompañamiento digital. | |
Argentina | Rosario | Rosario en Casa, plataforma de contenidos educativos, culturales, deportivos, recreativos. Todos con colaboración local apuntando a una ciudad del talento y la solidaridad. | |
Argentina | Rosario | Whatsapp en los Distritos. Son canales institucionales que se encuentran descentralizados por distrito, en los que se envía información oficial de la ciudad, medidas, recomendaciones y servicios. Tiene como objetivo proporcionar respuestas que ayuden a prevenir la propagación de COVID-19 | |
Argentina | Poder Ciudadano created a Purchasing Observatory COVID-19 with the objective of making available to citizens, in a single space and in an accessible format, public information on contracts made by national organizations during the health emergency, in order to exercise effective social control of each of them and thus ensure the integrity of the affected public funds, with a focus on reinforcing access, publicity and integrity of the purchasing and contracting system. | | |
Argentina | Latinamerica | Creación y coordinación de la Red Latinoamericana contra la Violencia de Género | |
Argentina | América Latina | Mapeo en tiempo real del avance de los feminicidios en la región en tiempos de COVID-19 | |
Argentina | cordoba | tratar de comprender un poco más la Inteligencia sanitaria | |
Australia | NSW | NSW has established a central source of COVID-19 information for NSW citizens using open data to ensure transparency, build trust and promote effective responses. Through collaborating with multiple agencies a consolidated, whole of government digital communications response to COVID-19 is available on and social media channels. The introduction of a public health order has also enabled greater sharing of information including health data, the number and location of confirmed COVID-19 cases by postcode, age groups and likely sources of infection is available on | |
Azerbaijan | Baku | The website (evdeqal means stay at home) was launched jointly by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan and the United Nations Development Programme. The main purpose of the website is to educate people about the importance of not leaving home when they do not need it and to protect their own health and the health of those around them, at the same time to provide easy access to digital services to meet the daily needs of the population. As it is known, amid social isolation measures due to coronavirus, people’s demand for distance education, e-health, online stores and cinemas, online ordering of goods and services has increased several times. With this in view, the website provides users with online services in the categories of “education”, “delivery”, “medicine”, “food” and “entertainment”, as well as makes available detailed information about the challenges and opportunities during the period of coronavirus epidemic. The website also provides online learning opportunities for personal development, ways to build a digital business without leaving home, as well as online business management methods. | |
Azerbaijan | Baku | The first global virtual hackathon called “”HACK Covid-19″” was held in Azerbaijan to combine technological solutions to combat the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to support the “Stay at Home” motto. The main goal of Global Virtual Hackathon competition was combine technological solutions to combat the coronavirus pandemic and to create an environment in which people could organize their work in the virtual world, learn, build a network, bridge the gap between trade relations, identify existing potential and get real results The competition Global Virtual Hackathon, to combine technological solutions to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, organized jointly by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies, the United Nations Development Programme and the SUP.VC Acceleration Center.Over 600 applications from 45 countries covering five continents were registered on the site to participate in the Global Virtual Hackathon. It is no coincidence that the competition, which gathered a large audience, along with the local mass media, also attracted special attention of foreign media, where articles about the hackathon were published. Find out all about it in live blog: | |
Bahrain | Nationwide | Authorities have developed an app called “BeAware” that uses location data to notify people when they are approaching a location where an active case of Covid-19 has been detected. The app also keeps citizens and residents up to date on recommendations issued by the Kingdom’s health authorities. | |
Bahrain | Nationwide | The Ministry of Health’s website provides a contact tracing portal where information detailing the locations visited by contacts of active cases of COVID-19 is recorded. | |
Bahrain | The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with partners WhatsApp and Facebook, introduced a dedicated chat service in Arabic and English to deliver up-to-date information on the spread of COVID-19 and Bahrain’s response to the global pandemic – led by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister. The chat services has been built on the WhatsApp Business API and uses Infobip’s global communication platform in order to provide timely and critical information to the population regarding the virus. For more advanced queries, the chatbot can also direct users to online resources. | | |
Bahrain | A nationwide campaign led by the Supreme Council (SCW) served over 6,000 women-supported families in less than fifty days. Themed “Together for the Safety of Bahrain”, the drive was launched following directives from Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al-Khalifa, Wife of His Majesty the King and SCW President to support Bahraini families and cater to their needs, in direct cooperation and coordination with the e-Volunteer platform. | | |
Bahrain | Bahrain’s governorates and police departments teamed up with a large number of volunteers to present 16,000 Ramadan fast breaking meals across the Kingdom. The initiative deepens the principle of societal partnership promoted by the Ministry of Interior and comes in cooperation and coordination with the national campaign “Feena Khair”” launched by His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa. The initiative also seeks to enhance the culture of generous sharing and dedicated volunteerism among the Bahrain society and communities. | | |
Bahrain | The National Volunteering Platform provides details of diverse volunteering opportunities available within the Kingdom of Bahrain. Volunteering opportunities are available to support the Kingdom’s national efforts to combat the coronavirus. The National Volunteering Platform is one of the winning projects within the government innovation competition, Fikra, launched by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister. The platform aims to promote the sense of belonging, responsibility and tolerance; create an environment conducive to volunteering; and connect volunteers to opportunities. | | |
Bahrain | The Ministry of Interior is using drones to broadcast information to keep people indoors, take necessary precautions, enforce social-distancing and wear a masks. The drones are equipped with loudspeakers and broadcast measures in several different languages to communicate to the migrant population in Bahrain, particularly in the Capital governorate. | | |
Bahrain | Bahrain ensured the availability and abundance of medical supplies. The country has ensured the availability of 2 million surgical masks, in line with the decision to wear them mandatorily in public. The price was also fixed to a max of 50 cents per mask, to safeguard the rights of consumers. | | |
Bahrain | The government and private entities have helped provide employers with additional accommodation for employees to be used as dormitories, which has helped to reduce the density of expatriate workers at their residences. The evacuation procedure is taking place gradually in order to alleviate density in overcrowded buildings across the Kingdom. | | |
Bahrain | The Ministry of Education joined efforts with the regional unit of the world’s dominant cloud services platform, Amazon Web Services (AWS), to power a Learning Portal for students across the Kingdom. The portal offers e-books, educational units, exams, lessons, lesson summaries conducted by school teachers, and exercises. | | |
Bahrain | Bahrain is sharing Covid-19 test results, in English and Arabic, through WhatsApp and Facebook messenger. This service is offered to ensure that critical information is received by a wider community of residents and citizens. The free service also provides guides and links to YouTube videos that show instructions on preventative Covid-19 measures. | | |
Bahrain | The General Directorate of Anti-Corruption and Economic and Electronic Security, under the Ministry of Interior, monitors all social media sites to confront rumors and publish correct and reliable information regarding Covid-19, calling on citizens and residents to follow official media sources only. Any individual who has been a victim of electronic crime or wants to file a formal complaint to the administration, can contact Hotline 992. | | |
Bahrain | The Supreme Council for Women in Bahrain will be paying off the debts owed by Bahraini women who have received judicial verdicts of “Fael Khair” (A Person of Good Will) by the Ministry of Interior. As part of a national campaign launched by Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Wife of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW), the council is keen on assisting people affected by the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure stability for Bahraini families as well as health and psychological safety for their members. | | |
Bahrain | Under His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa’s campaign ‘Feena Khair’, the Royal Humanitarian Foundation (RFH) will be allocating $13million to support Bahraini families and businesses who meet the requirements, and have been affected by coronavirus. | | |
Bahrain | The General Directorate of Traffic is using drones to run a Covid-19 multi-language awareness campaign that promotes traffic safety. This campaign was initiated given the rise in sports activities in the recent months, such as walking and riding bicycles. | | |
Bahrain | The Royal Humanitarian Foundation in Bahrain launched a registration service for those who have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic financially. The service is available through the national platform, where those who are eligible can receive financial aid to alleviate their financial burdens during these difficult times. Essentially, the scheme would benefit those affected by the pandemic, such as private school bus drivers, employees working in the hospitality sector, etc. | | |
Bahrain | “Bahrain’s Labor Market Regulatory Authority launched a portal to connect job seekers and private sector institutions and companies. The portal is a free service intended to help workers of all nationalities whose jobs were affected by COVID-19 to get their information and CVs in the market, in order for prospective employers to know about their availability for employment. The portal also contributes to limiting the marginal employment in the country and support the growth of the private sector in light of the global crisis and the difficulties in recruiting people from abroad.” | | |
Bangladesh | Government has set up an official coronavirus information portal in Bangla, with video resources, hotlines, other information. | | |
Bangladesh | Kurigram | As a Bangladeshi citizen, I want to be on the side of the government in this transitional country. I want to make people aware of the country and help. I believe people are for people. | |
Bangladesh | South Asia | Contribution The COVID -19 demands cooperation among government, CSOs, local business communities, multi-stakeholders. Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication(BNNRC) has been mobilizing the stakeholders for social disaster preparedness and Disaster Risks Reduction (DRR) since its inception. In this perspective, BNNRC has been working on COVID -19 covering with the following issues: 1. Animate CSOs, Government, health service providers and communities for reinforcing collective action. 2. Keeping community people’s daily life normal and livelihood function 3. Mobilize further cooperation among government, CSOs, local market and communities’ response | |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh, South Asia | Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) has been mobilizing all community radios for developing and broadcasting awareness building programs on COVID-19: Coronavirus contamination to protect lives and livelihoods since March 1, 2020. Now 18 Community Radios stations in Bangladesh have been broadcasting 165 hours Coronavirus prevention education in line with the National Preparedness and Response Plan for COVID – 19, published by Directorate General of Health Services, Health Service Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. There are 200 community youth and youth women working as community broadcaster. | |
Belgium | Global (Disinformation Database) | EUvsDisinfo’s core objective is to increase public awareness and understanding of the Kremlin’s disinformation operations, and to help citizens in Europe and beyond develop resistance to digital information and media manipulation. Established 2015, EUvsDisinfo is the flagship project of the [EU gov’t] European External Action Service’s East StratCom Task Force HQ’d in Brussels, Belgium. The site includes Covid-19 specific disinformation tracking and resources. | |
Belgium | Global (disinfo resources) and Northern Hemisphere (responses) | NATO and Covid-19 Information page. NATO has previously tweeted that it is working behind the scenes on combating disinformation. While anti-disinfo page “Covid-19 Mythbusters” is linked from here under “Nato Response to Covid-19” (as well as other external Covid resources), this page primarily provides public information on NATO members publicly requesting Covid-related assistance from NATO, and NATO’s other public responses to Covid. NATO is an inter-governmental organization headquartered in Belgium. | |
Bolivia | El objetivo de este repositorio consiste en recolectar datos georeferenciados de abastecimiento, servicios y salud en el contexto de la crisis del Covid-19 en Bolivia. Y al mismo tiempo distribuir esos datos en formato abierto para que puedan ser utilizados por desarrolladores para crear apps informativas (vía una API estática de JSON que hemos preparado) o analistas y visualizadores de datos (mediante datos en CSV). | | |
Brazil | An exclusive channel was created by the Office of Comptroller General (CGU) to receive statements regarding rendered services and/or the performance of public agents’ actions to prevent Covid-19 dissemination. | | |
Brazil | Brazilian Transparency Portal discloses specific federal spending related to combating the COVID-19. General Users can verify on a daily basis the budget and execution of expenses related to the Federal Government’s action. | | |
Brazil | Open Government’s website broadcasts information about the Coronavirus. The measure is part of an effort from the Office of Comptroller General (CGU) to increase transparency of public information relevant to general society. | | |
Brazil | The National School of Public Administration (Enap) has developed the “Challenges Platform”, the system invites society to participate in the construction of ground-breaking solutions to help the country face COVID-19 pandemic. | | |
Brazil | The federal government created the “Todos por Todos”(All for All) campaign, where business, entities and associations, in addition to public agencies, can offer products and services free of charge due to emergency basis | | |
Brazil | Natal, Rio Grande do Norte | The University Extension Project RECânone and the NESC (Center for Collective Health Research) – both from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte – are since working together since March 2020: students, teachers and specalists are volunteering by translating texts that are strategic to face the COVID-19 Crisis in Northeastern Brazil. The translated texts coming from scientific world centres as the Imperial College and Johns Hopkins University but also – and much more emphatically – from community iniciatives activated in other places, which were linked to CODIV-19 or other prior epidemic outbreaks, such as ebola in Western Africa. The project is also translating Latin-American materials with the will of strenghtening a decolonial, South-South dialogue. A space for reflexion has been created, where the global outlines to face pandemics are put in the same level of the particular conditions of Northeastern communities, in what we call an “encounter of knowledges”. The project staff believes that scientific analphabetism has to be fought with critical consciousness, and that cultural diversity as well as class, race and gender differences have to be considered when defining policies towards local communities. In this sense, empowerment and participation of common citizens is considered fundamental. The texts resulting from this experience of translation are being shared between local government leaders, health workers, social movements and the local and regional media. | |
Brazil | Ministry of Health creates a data website to provide information in regards to hospital capabilities and equipment in the Country. In order to promote transparency to actions and efforts taken to fight Covid-19, the website allows the population to monitor the number of hospital beds and supplies, as well as tests, masks, gloves, among others, available in each state. | | |
Brazil | Ministry of Economy launches the web-page “Vamos Vencer” (Let’s Win): Measures taken to support the business Sector. The page is focused to guide industry businesspeople, retail and services, as well as general population on how to succeed through this moment of globaleconomic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. | | |
Brazil | Covid-19 Transparency Index: Brazilian states and federal government | | |
Brazil | Natal | The NASC, Núcleo de Ações Sociais e Cidadania is an NGO acting in Mãe Luiza, one of the most vulnerable neighbourhoods from Natal city, in Northeastern Brazil. We are working informally since 2010 and formally since 2013. Since March 2020, the city of Natal had 15 deaths, 304 infected people and 2,888 suspicious cases with COVID-19. Even when Mãe Luiza is not between the most affected neighbourhoods, the NASC organized a campaign to collect goods that would help people working in informal settings to stay home doing their quarantines. The campaign put together food, products for hygiene and masks. The group also started a campaign against violence towards children and women in domestic contexts, since their vulnerability has grown under the pressure of constantly being together, especially in overloaded placecs, as most houses in Mãe Luiza are. When someone needs to go to a health station, pharmacy or supermarket, will call people from the organization, who are becoming responsible for the transport. During these difficult times in our city, country and the world, it is necessary to strengthen our solidarity bonds starting from the closest, doing the smallest. | |
Brazil | Natal & Parnamirim | The National Homeless Movement of Rio Grande do Norte – MNPR/RN, founded in 2012, defends social rights of homeless people and carries out advocacy and political training on human rights and specific public policies for homeless people in the state and in Brazil. Facing the pandemic of the new Coronavirus, it is known that the street population is among the most vulnerable to contamination being unable to follow the recommendations of social isolation, as well as precarious access to drinking water, hygiene materials, healthy food, among other issues that can ensure prevention. It is also known that a large part of the population living in a street situation is also at risk due to aggravated conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, bronchitis, tuberculosis, among other diseases that most of the times are untreated/controlled in the street environment. Seeking to promote actions of solidarity with the homeless people in the metropolitan region of Natal, the MNPR-RN launched the campaign “”Solidarity Cannot Enter the Quarantine””, which seeks to collect personal hygiene materials, bedding and bathing clothes, clothing for all ages and genders, drinking water and non-perishable food, in order to promote subsidies for prevention to those who need it most. Considering that a part of those who feel sensitive to donate may prefer to contribute financially to the cause, a bank account was created: Banco do Brasil, Ag: 1668-3, Cc: 17092-5, Saving variation: 51, Titular: Tadeu Mattos Farias to receive the donations. The MNPR-RN is carrying out a financial transparency policy, showing openly their financial balances in its social pages/networks, such as and []. Through donations, the MNPR-RN has been organizing actions twice a week in the streets of Natal and the nearby city of Parnamirim, bringing ready-made food, kits with fruits and kits of personal hygiene material, in addition to masks and alcohol gel. The Movement has also contributed with emergency needs for homeless people who are sheltered in temporary institutions organized by local administration providing materials such as masks, alcohol gel, slippers and clothes. The MNPR in RN has also won free of charge in two Popular Restaurants, Café Cidadão and Janta Cidadã, directed to homeless, migrants and refugees in the state. The movement also continues to participate in the government spaces by monitoring public policies and exercizing social control, such as in the Municipal Council of Social Assistance of Natal-CMAS, Municipal Council of Health of Natal-CMS, Municipal Council of Public Policy on Alcohol and other Drugs-COMUD, State Committee for Prevention and Fight Against Torture of RN-CEPCT, Intersectoral Committee for Monitoring and Supervision of Public Policies for Homeless Population in RN-CIAMPRUA, State Council of Social Assistance of RN-CEAS, and the National Health Council, where measures on the prevention of the new Coronavirus are constantly debated towards a proper positioning and action of the public power. | |
Brazil | Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict) provides a Free Access Directory of Scientific Information Sources about the Corona virus. The directory aims to compile national and international sources of scientific information content on the COVID-19. | | |
Brazil | São Paulo | A public website with all City Hall contracts related to COVID-19, with special focus on emergency contracts. | |
Brazil | Sao Paulo | Daily reports on number of cases, deaths and health system usage related to COVID-19 | |
Brazil | Sao Paulo | Cidade Solidária – A partnership between São Paulo City Hall and civil society organization to coordinate donations and volunteers to tackle pandemic social and economic effects. | |
Brazil | São Paulo | A City Hall website dedicated to gather all the main informations regarding COVID-19 in the city (guidance, hospitals, data, etc). | |
Brazil | A Guide of recommendations for public procurement in the context of Covid-19 in Brazil. Produced by Transparency International Brazil and the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), the Guide indicates how emergency procurement can follow Transparency, Accountability, Integrity and Openness principles in order to mitigate corruption. | | |
Brazil | The Transparency Ranking in Covid-19 Public Procurement evaluates how local governments in Brazil have complied with the country’s legislation and recommendations put forth by Transparency International Brazil and the Federal Court of Accounts. The goal is to periodically assess if and how information about procurement is published by state and municipal governments. In order to conduct this assessment, TI Brazil has developed a unique methodology, which has been made available to local CSOs. | | |
Brazil | São Paulo | Weekly newsletter gathering all main actions to address the pandemic taken by the local government and its partners. | |
Bulgaria | Sofia | #Sofia COVID-19 Viber Community – an online information system with news, useful information, guidance, Q&A, all in one place, 24/7. | |
Bulgaria | Sofia | Sofia Volunteer Platform recruits and organises volunteers to serve the elderly and other people at risk by daily door-to-door visits, bringing food, doing shopping, providing medication, making a friendly social phone call. Mayor Ms. Fandakova joins the volunteer teams daily. Over 3,000 citizens receive support at present, served by over 100 volunteers and the municipal enterprise “Social Patronage”. | |
Cameroon | Douala | Data Journalisme | |
Canada | Canada COVID-19 is an application for Canadians to stay informed about COVID-19 and determine what actions and next steps they should take. It provides personalized recommendations based on personal risk factors and sends timely updates with important news and alerts from Canada’s Ministry of Health. | | |
Canada | Supporting the Call to Action for Open Access to COVID-19 Scientific Publications Canada’s Chief Science Advisor, in collaboration with 13 countries, has called on the scholarly publishing community to voluntarily agree to make their COVID-19 and coronavirus-related publications, and the available data supporting them, immediately accessible in PubMed Central and other appropriate public repositories, (such as the World Health Organization’s COVID database), to support the ongoing public health emergency response efforts. | | |
Canada | Nationwide | Provide information on COVID-19 under an open licence Public Health information on COVID-19 is also published on the Open Government portal under the Open Government Licence, allowing anyone to use this information with few caveats and increasing the discoverability of the resource. | |
Canada | Nationwide | Redirect citizen to official source of information Banner added on Open Government portal’s landing page to direct citizens to Canada’s designated hub for COVID-19 to avoid possible confusion. The corona virus webpage centralizes information on COVID-19, such as outbreak updates, symptoms and treatments, prevention and risks and public health guidance on travels. | |
Canada | Vancouver, BC, Canada | Open Procurement from City of Vancouver’s (non-successful) smart cities challenge bid in 2018. The ‘Call for Innovation’ provided a partnership structure that was modeled after NYC’s Call for Innovations’. This sort of structure could enable cities/other to post an required outcome, rather than a requirements set, to tackle C-19 related issues. Private companies would then submit their view on requirements and what they believed would be required to facilitate, all of which was enabled in 2018 by a webform. | |
Canada | Global (Educational Web Videogame App) | Educational web videogame app on disinformation as part of Government of Canada’s #breakTheFake anti-disinformation educational campaign by Capilano University (a public university in Canada). Earn a “Master of Disinformation” degree and various badges as you spread mayhem online and learn about fighting disinformation. (Has been updated to even allow you to tweet disinformation on Covid-19 in-game). | |
Canada | Global (Educational website) | #BreakTheFake or, an anti-disinformation media literacy educational campaign and website by MediaSmarts, Canada’s Centre for Digital and Media Literacy, formerly the Media Awareness Network, now a private charity that in the 1990s was spun out of Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, a government agency in Canada. | |
Canada | Catalogue of open source digital solutions that are part of COVID19 government response, with offer of free training and support for other Canadian governments to reuse | | |
Canada | Canada’s Department of Justice created a webpage to make it easy for Canadians to find all of the legislative and other measures related to COVID-19 available in one spot. Users can find information on legislative proposals, federal legislation that has been enacted, as well as orders and regulations that have been issued to address COVID-19. This webpage also includes Charter Statements for each piece of legislation that has been introduced to ensure it is consistent with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. | | |
Canada | The Department for Women and Gender Equality (WAGE) is helping ensure that Government of Canada emergency measures are responsive and inclusive through targeted measures, gender mainstreaming and Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+). GBA+ – is about assessing the different groups of people impacted by an issue and how different women, men and gender diverse individuals may experience initiatives to respond to these issues. It includes embedding gender equality, diversity and inclusion perspectives in all actions undertaken by the Government of Canada. This includes in the preparation, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of measures put in place to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. To support the application of GBA+ to the Government of Canada response to COVID-19,WAGE has undertaken a GBA+ of COVID-19 and has developed resources to support departments in its application to policy/program development, implementation and monitoring. In addition, WAGE is working with partners to identify data and evidence needed to support robust GBA+ of Government of Canada response measures. | | |
Canada | WAGE is also supporting women’s shelters and sexual assault centres who are experiencing increased demand in services during the pandemic. People have been asked to stay home in order to reduce transmission of COVID-19, but home is not a safe place for everyone. Reports of gender-based violence are increasing during the pandemic, likely owing to increased financial stress and social isolation. To date, over 500 organizations in Canada have received funding under the federal investment of $50M to support women and children including those in Indigenous communities facing violence. This funding is an important part of the broader effort to protect some of the most vulnerable people in Canada. | | |
Canada | Building on the webpage created to help Canadians understand legislative measures related to COIVID-19, Canada’s Department of Justice has created another webpage to make it easy for Canadians to find all of the actions that are being taken by the Department to address impacts to access to justice and the Canadian Justice System as a result of COVID-19. The new page outlines what Justice Canada is doing to support Canada’s response to the pandemic. | | |
Chile | Nacional | Nos adherimos a FrenaLaCurva, iniciativa generada desde Aragón, que ha permitido comunitariamente, mediante un sistema de georeferenciación, permitir construir un mapa de ayuda comunitaria en tiempos de crisis. | |
Chile | Santiago de Chile | La Municipalidad de El Bosque dio inicio a un centro comunal de monitoreo y trazabilidad de pacientes contagiados con COVID-19, el que comenzó su funcionamiento con recursos propios, y ya se encuentra haciendo seguimiento a los más de 1.400 casos positivos que registra esta comuna de la zona sur de la capital. La nueva unidad de trabajo está compuesta por un equipo interdisciplinario de la dirección de Salud Municipal integrado por 70 profesionales y se ubica al interior de salas de taller del liceo Christa McAuliffe, las que fueron reconvertidas en un centro de contacto telefónico clínico, con oficinas y funciones diferentes.El alcalde de la comuna, Sadi Melo, señaló que “gracias a esta plataforma propia, el municipio coordina los datos de contagiados, realiza tareas de seguimiento, despliega atención de urgencia a domicilio y gestiona el servicio de ambulancias comunales” Red centralizada En esa misma línea la directora de Salud Municipal, Cecilia González, indicó que “este centro ha permitido descomprimir las múltiples tareas de los Cesfam de la comuna, mejorando la calidad de atención, ampliado también la capacidad de seguimiento caso a caso generando más y mejor información, haciendo que esta fluya con facilidad para el equipo, en una sola coordinación”. “Acá centralizamos toda la red que teníamos en los seis Cesfam, que estaba descentralizada, y concentramos toda la estrategia de trazabilidad de acompañamiento social y comunitario, para los pacientes COVID- 19, haciendo un seguimiento sanitario y médico”, añadió el jefe comunal. Asimismo, Melo indicó que el centro mantiene “un monitoreo la condición médica de los pacientes, identificando contactos estrechos, activando gestiones administrativas de protección de salud, otorgando prestaciones sociales y sanitarias, gestionando también titulación a residencias sanitarias y haciendo lo posible por actuar oportunamente ante agravamiento o complicación tanto vecino o vecina, como de los integrantes del grupo familiar”. | |
China | China (including mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan/ROC) and world wide | Open data and news platform gathering cases (from central and local government), dispelling misinformation, live updating news, and providing scientific information regarding COVID-19 and SARS-COV-2 virus. Run and managed by digital service provider DXY. In Chinese version, provincial/city level data available, in English version (, only country level data available. | |
Colombia | The local government and different civil society organizations joined efforts to launch a Hackaton to provide solutions to the challenge of mobilizing critical workers at the same time as reducing contagion among citizens | | |
Colombia | Bogota | Hackaton to find solutions to mobility under the pandemic | |
Costa Rica | Nacional | Información para todos los sectores, con las orientaciones y medidas oportunas durante la pandemia Covid-19 | |
Costa Rica | Todo el país, Costa Rica | Modelo de Gestión Compartida “Costa Rica Trabaja y se Cuida”, es un un modelo de gestión compartida por el gobierno y las municipalidades para complementar y fortalecer los esfuerzos entre la empresa privada, el comercio y una fuerte gestión comunitaria, que permita reactivar la economía aplicando innovadoras medidas para prevenir el contagio por COVID-19. Busca un balance entre la actividad productiva y las medidas sanitarias con la definición de ejes de coordinación que surgieron de varias sesiones de trabajo. La propuesta ha sido fortalecida con buenas prácticas impulsadas por algunas municipalidades del país. | |
Côte d’Ivoire | Dashboard using government data to track COVID-19 cases in Côte d’Ivoire: location, total number, and recoveries. | | |
Côte d’Ivoire | Abidjan | La Cellule Anti Fake News a été mise sur pied pour faciliter la lutte contre la maladie du coronavirus, par la riposte contre les fausses informations sur les réseaux sociaux (WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.). C’est une initiative citoyenne de l’Ivoirien Tairu Kaberu, invitant les internautes à partager l’information de façon raisonnée et responsable. En outre, elle leur présente d’autres stratégies visant à limiter la présence d’informations erronées dans un texte telles que : corriger les erreurs rencontrées lors de la lecture d’un texte ; réfuter les informations fausses par la présentation de « faits » véridiques et les répéter ; avertir les autres usagers lorsqu’une information est fausse ; mettre en avant le caractère ridicule de certaines informations ; réfléchir avant de directement croire au contenu d’une information. Pour y parvenir, la cellule Anti Fake News compte sur une équipe de bénévoles composés de trackers, d’analystes, d’infographistes, de traducteurs et de diffuseurs. | |
Croatia | – an official Government website for accurate and verified information on Coronavirus. The website is updated on a daily basis. | | |
Croatia | Viber group – an official Viber community of Civil Protection Directorate with information about prevention, symptoms, and general information from city services about COVID-19. | | |
Croatia | “Andrija” – a digital assistant that serves as an online health self-assessment tool that is available to all Croatian smart phone users. Andrija advises people how to diagnose and manage suspected COVID-19 infections and provides users with personalised health advice and guidance. This “virtual doctor”, powered by artificial intelligence, has been developed by Croatian IT companies in cooperation with epidemiologists. The IT companies were working free of charge on this project, aimed at combating the spread of the coronavirus. The digital assistant is very helpful to the healthcare system as it could process tens of thousands of requests on a daily basis, while doctors can handle some 50 calls a day. The digital assistant “Andrija” is named after Andrija Štampar, a distinguished Croatian doctor and scholar in the field of social medicine, which from 1931 to 1933 worked as an expert of the Health Organization of the League of Nations. He also spent time in China, from 1933 to 1936, after the Health Organization sent him as an advisor to help the Chinese health administration in the control of mass infectious diseases that appeared after devastating floods in 1931. The digital assistant is available at and can be activated on WhatsApp under the name Andrija. | | |
Croatia | TV broadcast of school – Croatian primary and high school students are taking classes provided over the public broadcasting service after classroom learning was disrupted by COVID-19 outbreak. The Croatian learning programme is being broadcasted since the middle of March 2020 on a daily basis on Croatian Radio Television (HRT) and classes are also available on YouTube immediately after they were aired on television. | | |
Croatia | E-pass/E-permit – Passes of this kind were recently introduced in Croatia due to the confinement measures imposed to restrict movement and curb the spread of the infection with COVID-19. The government established the e-Propusnica (e-pass) system with an aim to digitise the process of issuing passes for citizens that want to travel from one city to another, keeping a record of all issued passes and facilitating their control. The e-Propusnica system makes it possible for citizens to submit a request for an e-pass to their employer, general practitioner or civil protection authority. Citizens are able to apply, through the e-građanin (e-Citizen) system, for e-passes and the system will check data availability for all applicants. The purpose of the system is to have a single place where passes would be issued, which would reduce the possibility of abuse and make the system of controlling the issued passes more efficient. It also prevents the issuing of e-passes to persons in mandatory self-isolation because the system connects the ministry of the interior, the tax administration, the pension insurance fund, the health system and the national civil protection authority. The issued e-passes are sent to citizens via e-mail and are possible to print them out if necessary. It is also possible to use them on one’s mobile phone because they contain QR code. The e-propusnice system is available at Although the idea of e-Propusnica is a restrictions of movement of citizens, the system provides transparency and it also shows a quick and highly digitalized response of the government and serves as an example of using technologies and innovations for the improvement of public services. | | |
Croatia | Campaign “Behind the doors” – is a campaign led jointly by the Croatian Ministry of the Interior and Zagreb Child and Youth Protection Center that aims to increase reporting of domestic violence cases that are increasing because of the extraordinary circumstances of social distancing and long-term residence in our homes due to Coronavirus and #stayhome restrictions. | | |
Croatia | “Call for Health” – a project by the Croatian Medical Chamber and the Croatian Red Cross designed to provide pharmacy advice and free drug delivery to immobile patients and chronic patients who have been assigned a measure of self-isolation or treatment in isolation (immobile persons in the social services network and transplanted, oncological and other immunocompromised patients who are important not to leave their homes during an epidemic) through telephone counselling and medication at the home of patients during the COVID-19 epidemic. The aim of the project is to ensure continuity of supply of medicines and pharmacy advice to all those affected by this epidemic in a professional, safe and legal manner, to help the sick and immovable and to contribute to preventing violations of prescribed measures and restrictions on movement. The project is carried out by volunteers – masters of pharmacy, and it takes place in two phases: through the Call Center and through the delivery of medicines to the end user (patient). Through the Call Center, patients will also be able to ask for advice on new therapies they have been prescribed and to check the compatibility of the new therapies with the medications they have been using earlier. The drug delivery process begins with a patient call to the Call Center when volunteer pharmacists through an in-depth conversation with the patient makes an order for the drug to be dispensed and delivered. After creating the order, the pharmacy closest to the patient’s place of residence receives an e-mail order for therapy, and the volunteer pharmacist has 48 hours to come to the pharmacy to receive the prescribed therapy and cover the potential surcharge for the drugs in the supplementary medication list. In addition, Croatian Red Cross has more than 3000 volunteers selflessly helping people who, due to the coronavirus epidemic and in the aftermath of the earthquake in Zagreb, are forced to stay home and are unable to go shopping for basic necessities or medicines themselves. So far, more than 81014 visits have been made to households for vulnerable groups – the elderly and the disabled; call centres have received more than 80000 calls, psycho-social support has been provided 4690 times over the phone; 163 tons of food and 37,550 litres of water, 5702 personal hygiene kits and 509 space hygiene kits were distributed to citizens. | | |
Croatia | With the aim of informing the public about the epidemic of the Coronavirus in the Republic of Croatia by providing accurate, verified and transparent information, Croatian Institute of Public Health and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia are collecting and submitting open (machine-readable) data on the an official Government website on Coronavirus ( The data is refreshed once a day and brings the data in the period of one day, ie 00:00 to 23:59 for the previous day (DoD). In other words, open (machine-readable) data is published with a 24-hour delay. | | |
Ecuador | Como aporte al estado de excepción ecuatoriano debido a los casos de Covid-19 confirmados, así como su declaratoria como pandemia, la sociedad civil desarrolla plataformas de monitoreo a los casos presentes en el país. Permiten visualizar datos sobre el número de pruebas, la evolución de la curva de aprendizaje del contagio, el estado y la localización de los casos, entre otros. La información proviene del portal oficial y de las declaraciones transmitidas en las ruedas de prensa virtuales del Comité de Operaciones de Emergencia. | o | |
Ecuador | Ecuador se unió a la plataforma colaborativa que está siendo implementada ya por 11 países. En Ecuador, la plataforma registra iniciativas ciudadanas frente al Covid-19, formando un repositorio de acceso libre para que la ciudadanía conozca y colabore con los esfuerzos de la sociedad civil ecuatoriana ante la emergencia sanitaria. | | |
Ecuador | Frente al contexto actual y de cara a la situación luego de la emergencia sanitaria, en Ecuador se organiza el “Hackatón Post Crisis COVID-19”, bajo modalidad virtual, con el objetivo de reunir conocimiento abierto y el talento de los ciudadanos para diseñar propuestas y encontrar soluciones desde la colaboración e innovación ciudadana. La idea es coordinar esfuerzos, ideas y destrezas es su diversidad y aprovechar al máximo las capacidades y recursos disponibles, para co-crear propuestas con una visión de sostenibilidad. | | |
Ecuador | is a two-sided platform. It allows the citizens affected by COVID19 to publish their needs to face the emergency. This information enables other citizens in better economic and health conditions to offer their collaboration. The platform has a map in which you can see the exact geographical location of the people who need help. This information will also serve to carry out the location analysis of the most affected and develop other support strategies. | | |
Ecuador | Nacional | El Ministerio de Salud Pública ecuatoriano habilitó un portal web que cuenta con información oficial y acceso a servicios públicos para enfrentar el coronavirus: telemedicina, consulta sobre ubicación de fallecidos en campos santos, datos abiertos sobre el comportamiento del virus, información psicológica y de ayuda social, voluntariado en salud, test en línea de COVID19, recomendaciones para evitar el contagio, canales de consulta ciudadana, agendamiento de citas médicas, protocolos y documentos oficiales, entre otros. | |
Ecuador | Nacional | Con el fin de ayudar a cuidar la salud de los ciudadanos en Ecuador, frente a los posibles síntomas del coronavirus, el Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Información (Mintel), en coordinación con el Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP) desarrolló una aplicación digital (App) gratuita, denominada “SaludEc”. Se encuentra disponible para Android e iOS. Está orientada a cumplir con los siguientes objetivos: • Evaluar los síntomas de ciudadanos para asumir o descartar casos de coronavirus. • Registrar a los ciudadanos para remitir información oficial por medio de canales digitales. • Descongestionar el canal 171 (call center Salud Pública) y entregar información oportuna. • Constituirse como un canal de Telemedicina complementario a los ya establecidos. • Ser un canal de acceso para el agendamiento de citas médicas en los centros de salud de primer nivel del Ministerio de Salud Pública en especialidades no relacionadas con el coronavirus como: Medicina General, Psicología, Obstetricia y Odontología. | |
El Salvador | This is a Tableau web responsive tool that allows users to contrast the number of PCR tests to detect COVID-19 vs. the number of confirmed cases, geographical location of confirmed cases, as well as health containment centers and collection centers for donation of food and household goods for them. | | |
Estonia | Järva Vald | Järva Vald is using their community engagement app to info citizens regarding nation and local level actions, guidelines and order to prevent and stop spreading of the coronavirus in Estonia. Engagement app offers possibility not only publish targeted question cards, feedback, calendar events, rss feed, social media content but also send infocards (incl. picture or video embeding, texts and links) with push notifications to users mobile devices asap which is crucial to ensure that everyone are updated. City officials can also detect how many users have seen the shared info and in what time so you don´t have to relay on your facebook algorithm and homepages. | |
Fiji | Suva | Webmedia South Pacific, a private SME has collaborated with regional NGO, “The Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific International (FSPI)” to develop a website and mobile app platform that gives Pacific Islanders across the region access to information to help navigate this unprecedented crisis. This initiative, named the ‘Pacific Actions Platform’ offers critical information and tools to individuals, small businesses and leaders at every level across the 20 Pacific Island countries and territories. | |
France | Ile de France/Paris region | COVIDOM is a digital plateforme for remote monitoring of patients that have Corona virus, that require a medical follow-up but do not need to be hospitalized. The objective is to avoid overcrowding the emergency services as well as reassuring patients and recommanding behavior to avoid the diffusion of the virus. COVIDOM empowers citizens and patients to be actors of their own medical follow up. COVIDOM was created in March 2021 and up to today it has provided follow-up for more than 400 000 persons. Since the beginnig it mobilized more than 5 000 volonteers that contributed to the project, including citizen with medical training as well as citizens without medical training. information in English :; | |
France | A shared infrastructure developed by Scaleway (private companies) to help teams organize remote calls and meetings | | |
France | A slack community of tech people to foster data initiatives against covid-19 | | |
France | An open source platform for doctors and hospitals to have an app for remote monitoring of suspected or real cases at home | | |
France | Open data platform gathering cases (from official data) but not – yet – run by the government | | |
France | Platform for healthcare people and people who still have to work to find help to take care of kids or do some groceries | | |
France | France | Supplier sourcing (shortlist of suppliers and market analysis) | |
France | National | Over 60 senators of the parliament (députés) open a plateforme to collect citizen opinion on the world post-covid 19 all along the month of April 2020. Themes are Health (what kind of system tomorrow?), Work (Universal income or not, work from home, etc.), Consumption (simple life vs over consumption), solidarity, education, how can we re-humanise the digital world, democracy (how can we share the power), the future of the country side and local initiatives, Europe in the world (what kind of solidarities), how to evaluate the commons, what kind of financing and sharing of resources. | |
France | Global (data portal) | OECD Covid-19 portal “Tackling coronavirus (Covid-19): Contributing to a global effort” includes policy papers & analyses in multiple languages, data visualizations, and an open data portal describing Covid-19 impacts both globally and in the OECD member countries. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an intergovernmental economic organisation with 36 member countries spanning 6 continents, was founded in 1961 and has headquarters in France. | |
France | Global (International audience) | International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) provides a business-community led Covid planning and response document aimed at international audiences titled “Practical steps for business to fight COVID-19.” The focus appears to be on business contingency planning, disaster recovery, and disease containment. The ICC represents over 45 million companies in over 100 countries, and thus represents an international business community response to Covid. The ICC is headquartered in France. In addition to the planning document, the website promises a full-blown Covid web portal shortly. | |
France | Global (Open Letter) | European Green Deal-style open Covid-19 letter penned by Pascal Canfin, and signed by more than 180 prominent officials and NGOs. The author is Pascal Canfin, French member & chair of the EU parliament environmental committee. Among other things, the letter “welcome[s] and strongly support[s] all the actions developed by governments, EU institutions, local authorities, scientists, medical staff, volunteers, citizens and economic actors” in the fight against Covid-19. There are number of such Covid open letters heavily signed by civic leaders that don’t seem well tracked; perhaps a separate category or database is needed to track these. This news article provides more information but does not seem to link the letter: | |
Georgia | Citizen-led Platform for registering as a volunteer in order to provide different types of assistance during the Covid-19 crisis | | |
Georgia | Digital platform which enables the citizens to check the symptoms of COVID-19. It explicitly mentions that results are informative and do not constitute diagnosis. | | |
Georgia | Government led Platform coordinating the prevention activities, and further spread, of Covid-19 | | |
Georgia | small and medium businesses suffer from severe financial loses and are closing down. The platform has been established to share the experiences to help out small and medium businesses to cope with the difficulties. | | |
Georgia | is a website cataloguing all different types of products and services available remotely in Georgia—everything from sportswear to legal advice. Expecting high traffic from stay-at-home customers, the creators of the site saw an opportunity to provide an additional social benefit by including a section debunking fake news about the coronavirus circulating in the country and pointing visitors to confirmed facts and reliable information. | | |
Germany | Virtual hackathon against COVID19, officially supported by the Federal Government and carried and executed by a broad range of civic tech and civil society actors. Launched March 18 | | |
Greece | Greece | Citizens can sign up as volunteers to help the government. | |
Haiti | National | OpenGouv Haiti has launched a national information portal on COVID-19 which offers a space for collaboration and helps to rally the various actors of civil society around a shared strategy to carry the appropriate awareness messages to their target audiences, while being a resource platform for monitoring all the statistics of evolution of the disease. A space for “citizen watch” is also created for better transparency in the management of the crisis. | |
Honduras | Nationwide | Online portal resource | |
Honduras | National | La Secretaría de Finanzas desarrolló este sitio para informar sobre la ejecución del presupuesto COVID-19 respecto a: adquisiciones de instituciones del gobierno directamente involucradas, transferencias a gobiernos locales, aportaciones solidarias y por tipo de gasto, todo ello en formatos descargables. Ello permite la reutilización de la información por los medios de comunicación y sociedad civil, logrando así el objetivo de fortalecer la transparencia y veeduría social del uso de los fondos públicos | |
India | The Government of India has launched Aarogya Setu, a mobile application aimed to connect health services and we the people of India in our combined fight against COVID-19. The App will augment GoI’s initiatives in proactively reaching out to and informing the users about the potential risk of infection, best practices and relevant medical advisories pertaining to the containment of COVID-19 pandemic. The App is privacy-first by design and is currently available in 11 different languages. | | |
India | Automatic thermal screening and sanitisation tunnel along with skin care facilities | | |
Indonesia | Indramayu, West Java | In this difficult time, the Alzaytun Campus with hundreds of thousands of trees has become a safe zone from Coronavirus, because its inhabitants are protected by the coolness of the trees, but also always make this pollution-free area as a place to do regular exercise, so that the Alzaytun residents are physically healthy and mentally intelligent. | |
Indonesia | Jakarta | Health Workforce Online Capacity Building – Ensuring how the health workforce in primary healthcare in rural areas is equipped with the necessary capacity to tackle COVID-19 in communities, CISDI provided several online courses for health workers all across Indonesia, collaborating with health experts to give guidance and tips in handling challenge of cultural, norms, and information about COVID-19. | |
Ireland | Simple application form for unemployment support for workers affected | | |
Ireland | Ireland, Northern Ireland, UK, Netherlands | Highlighting key initiatives and solutions in the worldwide efforts to defeat COVID-19 and minimize its impact.Directing people to initiatives where they can participate (scientists, engineers, others) | |
Israel | COVID-19 SPRINT – Multiple teams working virtually across Israel (and worldwide) to solve challenges associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic | | |
Italy | Dashboard on COVID-19 in Italy from the Presidency of Council of Minister – Department of Civil Protection | (desktop) and (mobile) | |
Italy | LazioDoctor per Covid from Regione Lazio Through the mobile Android application downloaded on the phone and a self-assessment questionnaire, some information will be processed by the system and will be made available to healthcare professionals. In the case of answers indicative of risk of contact or infection, the patient will be contacted for further information and tele-visited; in this way it will be possible to contact your general practitioner in virtual mode, anywhere. The application provides secure bidirectional text-audio communications via smartphone between the citizen and their doctor. The video call is activated, if necessary, by the doctor to investigate the patient’s clinical picture. | | |
Italy | Open data on COVID-19 in Italy from the Presidency of Council of Minister – Department of Civil Protection | | |
Italy | Web app to follow cases and finds digital solutions | | |
Italy | Anpas | According to Melania Caccavo and Alessandro Benini from Anpas, they are using to disseminate information about services their associations and volunteer networks are providing to people stuck in their homes due to health problems/quarantine. Their goal is to contribute to flattening the curve and limit spread of the virus by helping people stay in their homes, avoiding hazardous actions and promoting recommended behavior. | |
Italy | Italy | is a non-profit project, organized and directed entirely by volunteers and volunteers, supported by ActionAid Italy. It was created to share useful and verified information on the Coronavirus event spread in Italy in 2020. The aim is to verify, aggregate and label reports of various kinds, in order to put in contact requests for help and offers of goods and services. It also collects and publishes solidarity and cultural initiatives aimed at promoting and implementing telecommuting and distance education. Finally, we collect regulations, institutional directives and data. Every software components we develop is released under an Open Source license that allows its reuse and promotes its development publicly. The data we collect and produce are published and kept updated as [Open Data]. Where deemed useful, the entire infrastructure is reusable by organizations, associations, informal groups and even public administrations that need a service to inform and respond to the covid19 emergency. | |
Italy | Varese | I would like to contribute a possible strategy. As many of us know, viruses tend to tell the immune and DNA Replication system, that they are a part of it and change it. To be able to tell in which place the Virus attaches to the human DNA or cells and unlocks further processes can be very difficult. I have imagined to transfer this process to the system of Bitcoin mining, in which the goal of the producement of a new piece of a Blockchain is the goal of every single contributor attached to it. If the goal of the decentralized system, in which every computer contributes to fully understand each component or element of the potential threat (Covid-19) or even the attachment component to the human DNA, this would lead to a rather self ongoing process in which every Bitcoin computer with great power could contribute to. Every single gathered information about certain molecules or elements could be fed into the system and a default human DNA could be taken as approach. This is only a theoretical contribution by me to help to solve the crisis. With best regards, Matthias Kohl |; |
Italy | The Ministry of Health for the Covid emergency management has created, on its institutional website, a specific HUB named NEW CORONAVIRUS, dedicated to communication to citizens and healthcare professionals with continuous updates on the situation in Italy and in the world, in relation to the spread of the pandemic and its management. Within this section it is possible to find information that includes: regulatory provisions, updating of the cases’ number, prevention and treatment measures, communication campaigns and social materials, public utility numbers, FAQ. Finally, in the COVID HUB of the Ministry of Health, an english language area, developed by the National Service, reports all the updates concerning of Codiv emergency | | |
Italy | Roma Capitale | RomaAiutaRoma – The new site accessible from the homepage of the institutional portal, created to deal with the emergency linked to the spread of the coronavirus, is configured as a single access point to all information of public interest, ranging from real-time updates on the services of the local government, solidarity initiatives in favor of people in difficult conditions also reported by the citizens themselves, up to the sections dedicated to well-being for families. | |
Italy | Roma Capitale | URP Roma Innova – FAQ section. Rome Municipality – Roma Capitale has just launched, on the Institutional Portal, a new service dedicated to those unfamiliar with the web and approaching digital activities for the first time, in this covid emergency moment, with public counters closed. The new FAQ section is on line with direct reference to the “service sheets” and useful forms: an informative navigation map for everyone. | |
Italy | Milan | The Municipality of Milan has published its official proposal listing the main guidelines and strategies that the City intends to follow during the post-covid phase. A call for feedbacks from citizens on that proposal has been launched in order to collect citizens opinion on each guideline, during on month. A participative approach that consults citizens, as direct target groups of new policies facing pandemic consequences, is appreciable and stimulating. Despite the uncertainty of how the Municipality will take into consideration citizens’ feedbacks, it gives them the opportunity to express their point of view in a moment when they’ve been forced to accept restrictions (not only mobility restrictions but also limits on expressing their position). | |
Jordan | Mafraq (a city in Jordan) | A number of Jordanian citizens from Shdeifat Tribe in Mafraq (a city of Jordan) took the initiative to form voluntary committees and deliver essential food supplies to vulnerable citizens. Furthermore, specialist doctors from the region gave health and medical advice via phone and provided guidance with respect to protecting ourselves and everyone else during this time. | |
Jordan | All Jordan Regions | Al-Hayat Center- RASED launched a campaign to encourage CSOs &individuals to support the Ministry of Health efforts to deal with Coronavirus. The Ministry urged citizens to donate money and facilitated the process through online banking transfer. Hayat set an example and donated 1000 JDs (1400USD) from the organization’s account. Hayat also designed a poster demonstrating a step by step process of using online banking to donate. Many citizens responded to Hayat Facebook stating their donations. | |
Jordan | All Jordan Regions | Hayat-RASED launched an online campaign “#Our country is our responsibility” to motivate local citizens to take responsibility in hindering the dissemination of COVID-19 in Jordan by following the official instructions and staying indoors. The campaign reached more than 250,000 citizens and many locals took part in it, posting messages and videos on their social media accounts with the campaign hashtag. #راصد #وطنا_مسؤوليتنا | |
Jordan | All Jordan Regions | Jordanian Healing & Health Bank launched a social media campaign to support the Ministry of Health’s efforts in dealing with Coronavirus. It was also done to raise awareness about the importance of following the Government’s instructions. They further launched another campaign called “Keeping your home sanitized” to encourage people to disinfect and sterilize their houses in order to curb the spread of the virus | |
Jordan | All Jordan Regions | Ministry of Culture enlisted a number of Jordanian actors and influencers in a bid to launch an awareness campaign video in lieu of combatting Coronavirus. In the videos, the influencers and actors showcased tips and ways to help children use their spare time at home efficiently under the indoor quarantine. They were also featured to urge the people across Jordan to follow key steps for personal hygiene to curb the spread of Covid 19 | |
Jordan | All Jordan Regions | The Government launched a website that enables the public to access information on Jordan’s situation with regard to Coronavirus. It includes the updated numbers of coronavirus cases, recoveries, their conditions, and how to take preventive measures to avoid getting infected. | |
Jordan | All Jordan Regions | The government announced a set of decisions taken to fight against coronavirus, the measures including suspending work hours for the private sector, and all public departments and institutions, except vital sectors, free medical quarantine in five-star hotels, medical care for infected citizens, postponing bank instalments and evacuation of Jordanian citizens and Palestinians from China. | |
Jordan | All Jordan Regions | The private sector in Jordan launched a campaign to financially support the Government’s efforts through donations. The amount reached up to 10 million JODs in the second week of March | |
Jordan | All Jordan Regions | Naua platform, one of the initiatives undertaken by the crown prince foundation launched a campaign to support one of the most vulnerable sectors, the daily wage labourers who wouldn’t be able to fulfil their own basic needs and that of their families due to the government shutdown and indoor quarantine. The campaign will use the donations to distribute food kits that contain essentials for the survival of these families. | |
Jordan | All Jordan Regions | The Jordanian Teachers Association took the initiative to form voluntary committees among teachers across Jordan. The role of the committees is to coordinate with the armed forces and government agencies to deliver essential food supplies to citizens in need. | |
Jordan | All Jordan regions | The Jordan Public Security Directorate launched a campaign “#Stay Home” to curb the dissemination of COVID-19 and to raise awareness about the importance of following the Government’s instructions. People supported the campaign and circulated it widely on their personal social media accounts using creative ideas and photos under the same hashtag or sent it directly to the Jordan Public Security Directorate to publish it on their account. #خليك_بالبيت (Arabic) | |
Jordan | All Jordan | Nahno is the national platform for volunteering and youth engagement in Jordan. In response to the crisis, nahno is offering online engagement and volunteering opportunities for Jordanian citizens to allow them to contribute and have some positive impact on their community in the lockdown. | |
Jordan | Almafraq, manshiat bani hassan | Ebsher ya watan initiative A community initiative from the city of Manshiyyat Bani Hassan in coordination with the municipality, which is the process of delivering bread to all citizens within the city of Manshiyya, on a daily basis for 14 days starting from nine in the morning until five in the evening in an organized and integrated way that guarantees the arrival of bread for all residents of the city due to a curfew for non-proliferation Corona Virus. The initiative is based on a specialized group of the city’s youth, in coordination with government agencies. They work to provide flour material for bakeries, supervise the making of bread, then load it into vehicles designated for that, and then distribute it to the entire population, via an electronic platform link. Payments are estimated at 5,000 dollars. | |
Jordan | Cover all Jordan Regions | The government launched “Darsak” (the Arabic word for your lesson)an online platform to sustain public school education for students from different grades all over Jordan, where all lessons are recorded by teachers. The lessons are also broadcasted on national TV for those who have no internet access. | |
Kenya | Nairobi | It’s really not the Kenyan government. I am just collecting whatever I can find in terms of online tools out there – some are by the government. Check it out. Happy to connect and share insights. | |
Kenya | Nairobi | Smart Village: Positivity and inter-connectedness of local communities | |
Kenya | Nairobi | As part of Transparency International Kenya efforts to enhance transparency and accountability during this period, we have developed a COVID-19 Page, with up-to-date information and tabular presentation on monetary and non-monetary aid from public and private institutions in Kenya, Confirmed COVID-19 cases – country based and Global comparisons. The page also has online surveys focusing on peoples’ experiences on access to information, participation and oversight in the two sectors of Education and Health during the COVID-19 crisis. It also provides for knowledge sharing on useful resources for policy, legal and public information available on COVID-19 | |
Kuwait | Kuwait | COVID-19 Distribution in Kuwait | |
Latvia | Government COVID-19 Helpline 8345 in Latvia The single government helpline on Covid-19 operates 24/7. It is a joint project of the State Chancellery and the Latvian telecommunications enterprise TET. The helpline ensures people in Latvia have the opportunity to receive a cost-free consultation on specific Covid-19 related issues through a single line. The operators are able to connect the person with a COVID-19 line put in place by responsible authority, for instance, consular services, health sector authorities, border guards etc. Mostly calls are on health and travel. In 2 weeks on average 474 calls were incoming and 468 calls answered daily. | | |
Latvia | In Latvia on March 17-19 virtual hackathon HackForce was organised in a fully virtual environment. Organisers were volunteers from the startup community. The goal was to find solutions to the challenges posed by the coronavirus crisis by mobilizing volunteer resources at the community level. During the hackathon, with the help of mentors participants developed ideas, focusing on 4 areas: – medicine and healthcare – digital technology solutions, prototypes, and more; – solutions to the coronavirus crisis (social distance, information flow, volunteering, and other assistance); – education – tools, and ideas for remote learning, online training, and more; – economy and business support projects. HackForce ended on March 19. Learn more | | |
Latvia | The Government launched a website that enables the public to access information on Latvia’s situation with regard to Coronavirus – The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDPC) of Latvia has developed the map, which is updated daily with the latest statistical data on the number of confirmed COVID – 19 cases in Latvia. The interactive map is available on the CDPC website (, where a link to the interactive map is published. | | |
Lithuania | #StiprūsKartu (StrongTogether) – National Volunteer Support Coordination Center coordinates all those who can provide assistance (do the shopping for seniors, support the food for poor, have cars and can be couriers or otherwise help) and those who need assistance during quarantine. | | |
Lithuania | Consult with experts: The Ministry of Economy and Innovation together with Versli Lietuva and various experts organizes special live broadcasts for business on Facebook in order to answer questions that are currently very important for business. | | |
Lithuania | Lithuanian Government has set up an official coronavirus information portal where you can find all the latest statistics, answers to frequently asked questions, information about quarantine, important recommendations. | | |
Lithuania | Statistics Lithuania has developed a set of virtual maps that allow the analysis of various statistical data related to the Covid-19 virus (quarantine places, number of sick and recovered persons, how many medical staff are in each municipality, affected business, etc.) The map set includes 5 virtual tools, 2 of which are integrated maps by other authors. | | |
Lithuania | The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania has established a special fund for mitigating the consequences of COVID-19 in the country. The Fund is used to help those who need it most. All can donate by e-transfer or by calling short numbers. | | |
Lithuania | “HACK THE CRISIS” is a virtual hackathon organised by volunteers from the Lithuanian government, corporates & startup community. No matter your profession, we invite you to join us – we need help from experts in all fields, entrepreneurs and professionals. Please contribute your time and skills & let’s solve the crisis all together. | | |
Malaysia | A one-stop, user-friendly platform for COVID19 mutual aid initiatives — by Malaysian civil society. Essentially, the platform matches people who want to help with people who need help via civil society intiatives. | | |
Mexico | Transparency International integrated a taskforce from 13 countries in Latin American to identify risks in public procurement and mitigate them. The taskforce presented a set of proposals to mitigate the risk of opacity, hidden contracts, overpricing, lack of competition and collusion. The coalition makes a special appeal to the private sector to avoid practices that affect the supply of goods and services necessary to face the health emergency. The initiative is supported by 13 national chapters of Transparency International of Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, México, Panamá, Perú, República Dominicana, Venezuela | | |
Mexico | Atlixco, Puebla | Creating citizen networks BEFORE a massive contagion stage to 1. prevent the spread of misinformation and spread reliable information; 2. Identify at risk populations and create local support networks; 3. organize community responses to diminish public gatherings; 4. promoting local businesses to have a resilient economy | |
Mexico | Latin America | We are serving a digital platform to ease information management to improve governments efficiency towards acting and transparency towards citizen empowerment. This platform includes geospatial analysis and the issuing of digital certificates using blockchain. | |
Mexico | Nuevo Leon | A public microsite that includes information and guidance issued by public institutions in Nuevo Leon that may be relevant and useful, including georeferenced maps through which you can locate hospitals, health centers and public and private laboratories that are testing for COVID-19 developed by Comisión de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información del Estado de Nuevo León (COTAI). | |
Mexico | México | Verification of false information circulating in social networks and digital media, they carry out verification with assistance from a medical team, and generate informative materials that clarify their veracity. It also seeks to amplify good practices in individual behaviors in order to reduce the risk of contagion. | |
Mexico | Nationwide | La UNAM, a través del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de Género (CIEG), puso en funcionamiento el portal COVID-19 y Género, sitio donde se puede consultar información sobre la contingencia mundial de salud vinculada con temas de género. Incluye también recomendaciones y datos para la atención en casos de violencia de género durante la contingencia sanitaria así como reflexiones académicas, notas periodísticas, estadísticas, y, en breve, se iniciará una encuesta para conocer qué ocurre con las mujeres en el aislamiento. | |
Mexico | Nuevo Leon | The Comisión de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información del Estado de Nuevo León (COTAI) developed a public microsite so that the public institutions of Nuevo Leon can make transparent in a focused way, the contracting processes carried out to give attention to the propagation of the virus COVID-19. The information will be organized and visualized in a simple way and with the possibility of downloading it in d open data. | |
Mexico | Nacional | Como parte de su política de Transparencia Proactiva, el Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI), desarrolló un micrositio con información pública de utilidad sobre el COVID-19. Este espacio digital brinda a la población información relevante sobre solicitudes de acceso a la información relacionadas con la pandemia, preguntas más frecuentes de la población, datos abiertos y sitios de interés en una esfuerzo por reducir asimetrías de información, optimizar la toma de decisiones y favorecer un ejercicio de rendición de cuentas. | |
Mexico | National | Datos Personales Seguros COVID-19 es un micrositio desarrollado por el Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI) para brindar información clara y precisa a los titulares sobre el derecho a la protección de sus datos personales que, en su caso, serán tratados en instituciones públicas o privadas a fin de otorgarles el diagnóstico, atención y seguimiento sobre Coronavirus, COVID-19. Así como proporcionar recomendaciones para los responsables y encargados del Sector Público y Privado, sobre el adecuado tratamiento de datos personales que deberán realizar en las diversas actividades requeridas para la atención de casos de COVID-19, de forma que se cumpla con los principios, deberes y obligaciones que el marco legal en materia de protección de datos personales establece. El micrositio compartirá los esfuerzos realizados por las diferentes agencias de protección de datos a nivel internacional para promover medidas, recomendaciones y atención de dudas relacionadas con el tratamiento de datos personales de casos de COVID-19. | |
Mexico | Nacional | Covid-19 México. Portal de datos abiertos y seguimiento de Coronavirus del Gobierno de México | |
Mexico | Reynosa | Irys COVID-19 web application allows users to complete a COVID-19 self-assessment survey, which will help users determine if they may be showing symptoms of COVID-19. Users will receive guidance and resources based on the survey results and will be able to download and print a PDF of the survey results to take to their healthcare provider. | |
Mexico | Mexico City | En Irys hemos desarrollado una aplicación que está apoyando al Gobierno de varias ciudades y organizaciones a recopilar y analizar datos relevantes a la pandemia en curso. Nuestra aplicación móvil web Irys COVID-19, permite a ciudadanos acceder a la información y los recursos relacionados con COVID-19, acceso a una autoevaluación de COVID-19, un módulo para reportar aumento de precios y un módulo para reportar reuniones sociales que exceden el número de personas permitidas. | |
Mexico | Ensenada, Baja California. | Por instrucciones del Sr. Alcalde, Lic. Armando Ayala Robles, Presidente Municipal de Ensenada, hoy las sesiones de Cabildo podrán ser llevadas a través de medios digitales. Sentando las bases de un nuevo paradigma de Gobierno Abierto. | |
Mexico | Querétaro | Brindamos atención integral a Personas con Discapacidad múltiple de los 0 a 65 años, de escasos recursos económicos, bajo un modelo de DDHH. | |
Mexico | Mérida, Yucatán | Participación Ciudadana, Redes Ciudadanas | |
Mexico | León, Guanajuato, México | El Observatorio Universitario de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional del Estado de Guanajuato, A.C. (OUSANEG). El programa tiene el propósito de acompañar a la población en general durante la contigencia con sus diferentes inquietudes en estos ejes principales (Salud, Alimentación, Nutrición, Ambiente y Reestructuración económica), a través de vincular esfuerzos de diferentes investigadores, académicos, organizaciones e instituciones comprometidas en coadyuvar con una sociedad informada. Su alcance durante la contingencia es mitigar la ansiedad y preocupación que vive nuestra población por la saturación de canales de información. Pueden incorporarse a las sesiones en el grupo donde se publican los temas, se quedan grabadas las conferencias. Así mismo toda la difusión actualizada la encuestran en nuestra Red social de OUSANEG. Además de talleres a mujeres de un programa social de los Centros Impulso en el Estado de Guanajuato que forma parte de la SEDESHU. | |
Mexico | Nacional | El OUSANEG lanza el programa SANAR CONCIENCIA con el propósito de acompañar a la población en general a enfrentar a pandemia con acompañamiento en los ejes de Salud, Alimentación, Nutrición, Ambiente y Reestructuración económica. Webinar impartidos por investigadores, académicos, organizaciones e instituciones comprometidas en coadyuvar con una sociedad informada. Su alcance durante la contingencia es mitigar la ansiedad y preocupación que vive nuestra población por la saturación de canales de información. Estamos en Guanajuato pero nuestro impacto es nacional y latinoamericano. Nos encuentran en redes sociales como OUSANEG y en el grupo SANARCONCIENCIA. | |
Mexico | A social project called that consists of two modules: Reports (Incidencias) and Iniciatives (Iniciatives), where citizens can report risky actions or abuses related to Covid-19 measures that they witness, as well as propose ideas or projects that can help the community face and recover faster and better from the current situation. | | |
Mexico | Oaxaca | Coronavirus es el nombre del portal desarrollado por la Dirección General de Tecnologias en conjunto con la Voceria y la Secretaría de la Contraloría y Transparencia Gubernamental. Este portal cuenta con información actualizada del numero de contagios por región, jurisdicción y municipios, se muestra también de manera gráfica y cuenta con información en lenguas indígenas. Además contiene un bot de whatsapp que te ayuda contestando una serie de preguntas para conocer los casos registrados, los centros de salud mas cercanos, las medidas de prevención, comunicados oficiales y lo mas importante es que te ayuda a identificar si probablemente estás contagiado. | |
Mexico | Nacional | Serie de propuestas de política pública que tienen como objetivo proteger los ingresos de las familias, conservar puestos de trabajo, así como evitar el cierre de pequeñas y medianas empresas.Además de ofrecer evidencia sobre medidas funcionales para tomar en cuenta en la reapertura de actividades económicas y sociales. Este esfuerzo es impulsado por el Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad (IMCO), co-coordinador del Núcleo de Organizaciones de Sociedad Civil en México para el Gobierno Abierto. | |
Mexico | BCS | Local and international community led alliance between NGOs (80+), private (100+) and public sectors. Effort aimed towards food safety and supplementing medical equipment for first responders and health institutions throughout the state. | |
Mexico | Jalisco | Sumarte en Casa es un programa de la Secretaría de Cultura de Jalisco que consiste en el apoyo inmediato a 2 mil 500 artistas, agentes y gestores culturales jaliscienses, con un monto de 8 mil pesos mediante un pago único. Además, garantiza una oferta cultural que acompaña de forma cercana a los pobladores de Jalisco, ya que los beneficiarios de este programa proponen piezas creativas en formatos libres, donde los nuevos escenarios son balcones, ventanas, azoteas o medios digitales. De esta forma la cultura la construimos todos. | |
Mexico | Nivel nacional | #SusanaVigilancia es un mecanismo de seguimiento a los planes, programas, acciones, recursos y contratos para enfrentar COVID-19 y sus efectos económicos en las 32 entidades federativas de México y en el Gobierno Federal. Este mecanismo fue instalado por parte de Transparencia Mexicana y Tojil desde marzo de 2020. @sanavigilancia | |
Mongolia | Ulaanbaatar | Government of Mongolia is using Veritech system for COVID-19 information system. System is developed by Interactive llc, local, biggest IT firm. General authority of emergency, The Ministry of Health is also using this system for daily medical analysis data collection and case tracking in Mongolia. I can give you more information if you contact me at | |
Morocco | National initiative | Promote and strengthen Citizens driven initiatives to support Government action on the fight against corona virus. | |
Morocco | Nationwide | Sehatuk is a website and bot that answers questions about prevention, symptoms, and general information from health officials about COVID-19. The service aims to provide answers to the most frequently asked questions, avoid misinformation, and provide tips that will keep people safe and help prevent the spread of this pandemic. | |
Morocco | National level | Tbib24: A citizens’ initiative for 24/7 free medical advice It is an initiative launched by the Moroccan Ministry of Health in collaboration with the national councils of the orders of doctors and dentists. Through this platform, volunteer general practitioners and specialists answer citizens’ questions 24/7, by chat, voice calls and videos, providing them with personalized medical advice, accompanied by relevant recommendations … | |
Morocco | National intiative | Continuity of public service & remote work: As part of the government’s efforts to ensure the continuity of public services, while preserving the health and safety of public servants, employees and users against the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, work in public administrations has been reorganized, developing and diversifying the mechanisms for remote work: methodological guide for remote work, collaborative tools, dematerialization of mail, etc. | |
Morocco | National Initiative | Access to all informations related to the epidemiological situation due to COVID-19 through: • A daily press conference by the Ministry of Health representative broadcast on Moroccan TV channels and social networks; • A portal dedicated to COVID-19 launched by the Ministry of Health on which statistics, advices and all relevant information related to COVID-19 are published. • 1h daily FB live with various experts to answer citizens’ questions & give advises with regard to the pandemy. • Video capsules, guides & tutorials, flyers and other communications materials produced and broadcasted to learn about covid-19; • Dedicated phone numbers to ask for informations, guidlines and get advices about Covid-19 • An effective strategy to fight against fake news related to COVID-19(Twitter : @MAP_Information (#SOSFakeNews)) | |
Morocco | National Initiative | Distance learning: This approach is based on strong mobilization of the department of National and Higher Education (MEN) for the success of distance learning. It aims to protect student & teachers’ health and ensures the learning continuity via two platforms : digital «TelmidTICE» and audiovisual (3 TV channels) providing courses adapted to all levels & specialties. Since the launch of this operation, the number of courses broadcast on the 3 channels reached 56 courses per day, and movie courses arrived at 2,600 courses at central and regional levels. In order to allow teachers to communicate directly with their students and organize distance learning sessions through virtual courses, the MEN also launched “”Microsoft Teams”” service. «The number of virtual classes created on this platform reached 400,000 on April 1st. Besides, teacher’s trainings are also conducted remotely through “e-takwine” platform and the number of beneficiaries reached 23,000 on April 1st. Additionally, in order to guarantee access to distance learning for educational core, free access has been provided to all digital learning platforms for all students and trainees in best conditions. | |
Morocco | National | The Ministry of Solidarity, Social Development, Equality and Family has launched an electronic platform for people with disabilities. This platform allows the dissemination of educational sessions, supervised and led by experts in educational and psychological, to support children with intellectual disabilities. This digital platform also makes it possible to browse a range of educational awareness materials, including capsules and videos in simplified and translated sign language, specifically for this category of citizens, in order to protect them from the pandemic. | |
Morocco | National | Protection of women victims from domestic violence during this health crisis by putting a toll-free number, “8350”, and a platform to alert about violence against women, launched by the National Union of Women of Morocco (UNFM). The UNFM has also a national network of 12 listening and guidance units. | |
Morocco | National | • Financial aid was granted to Moroccan heads of households who stopped working because of this crisis (+800,000 employees affiliated to the CNSS (National Social Security), + 2.3 million households with the RAMED (medical assistance program) card , of which 38% are from the rural community and + 2 million households operating in the informal sector) ; • Food aid for 600,000 poor families, including 459,504 in rural areas, | |
Namibia | Windhoek | A Hackathon comprising a multidisciplinary team took place during the lockdown. Various tech-solutions were developed through crowdsourced ideas. | |
Nepal | The Coronavirus CivActs Campaign (CCC) gathers rumours, concerns and questions from communities across Nepal to eliminate information gaps between the government, media, NGOs and citizens. By providing the public with facts, the CCC ensures a better understanding of needs regarding the coronavirus and debunks rumours before they can do more harm. | | |
Nepal | Dhangadhi, Achham, Dadeldhura, Bajhang, Sindhupalchowk and Lalitpur | COVID-19 Transparency Portal is developed to support local governments ensure transparency and citizen engagement during the pandemic. The portal ensures publication of real time data on aid pledged and received. The portal is updated with data of hotspots like status of the infected in local level, isolation & quarantine centers, health facilities, ambulances, government committees and other relevant materials. Also, the portal provides a mechanism of self-evaluation of symptoms by citizens to which the health unit can respond. | |
Nepal | Nationwide | Debunking rumors, countering fake news and pushing out validated information in daily bulletins and through community radio, in local languages | |
Nigeria | Abuja | There’s an app created by an individual called house party, it’s basically just to keep people connected during this period of isolation and lockdown, the pandemic is overwhelming so i think it’s a good way to keep one’s mind sane. | |
Nigeria | rural areas | Innovate for Africa: is a international formation of social entrepreneurs, doctors, technologists, lawyers, communicators, and makers that jointly are mobilizing the local distribution systems to get masks and sanitizers to the most vulnerable populations across the country. With pilots running now, (started within a week), we hope to mobilize similar efforts across other countries. | |
Nigeria | Nationwide | A fact checking initiative to debunk misinformation, disinformation and curb proliferation of false information about the Coronavirus in Africa using data including news, tables, graph and maps. | |
Nigeria | COVID-19 sensitization animations is an initiative of Capital Power Multimedia Ltd to localize generic data from WHO and Africa CDC on #COVID-19 into local African languages to serve remote and semi urban populations and the most vulnerable who do not have basic education. our aim is to flatten the curve. | | |
Norway | The authorities have, in cooperation with Simula Research Laboratory, developed an app, which will warn citizens if they have had close contact with others who have been infected by Covid-19. In order to assess the effect of the implemented measures against the spread of infection, the app will also provide the authorities with anonymous data on how groups of people are moving around in the society. The app will for testing purposes first be introduced in a few municipalities, before being introduced throughout the country. Downloading the app is optional. If the app is deleted, all personal data will also be deleted. Transparency about usage is necessary in order to motivate as many people as possible to download the app. Citizens will therefore receive clear information about the type of data being collected, the purpose of processing the data, storage time etc. At the same time, the app has been the subject of debate and criticism, i.a. because information about citizens’ movements are being stored centrally and because the source code has not been made public. | | |
Norway | Norwegian Government’s own home page for information about the Corona virus The Government has established a web site about Covid-19. The web site is divided into three sections, one on national measures, one with questions and answers and one directed towards families and children. The web site also has a separate “What’s relevant just now?”-tab where you can follow the transmission of press conferences | | |
Norway | Cash grants for small and medium size enterprises – cocreation in praxis Many small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) had to close down 12th March on only four hours’ notice. Income disappeared but overhead cost did not. Through close cooperation with employees and employers, the Government brought forth a proposal to the Storting (Norwegian Parliament) for cash grants to these SMEs. The result was a simple and digital self-service solution for applying for such cash grants, and the Government can therefore handle the applications for grants without delays. | | |
Norway | Information to and dialogue with children The Government has implemented measures addressing children. The Norwegian Directorate of Health has published a web site for children with information about corona. The Prime Minister, The Minister of Children and Families and The Minister of Education and Integration have arranged two joint press conferences for children where the ministers answered question asked by children about corona. | | |
Norway | People’s question time Prime Minister’s introduction, questions and answers Prime Minister Erna Solberg answered questions at the “People’s Question Time” 22nd March on Facebook. | | |
Norway | Corona act An original proposal put forward by the Government for an emergency act (“The Corona Act”) faced opposition and criticism, especially among lawyers. They claimed the new act would leave too extensive power to the cabinet and that the process had not been sufficiently transparent. The Government did not implement the usual process with an open hearing. On the other hand, the Parliament invited a number of selected experts to a very time-limited hearing. During this hearing, lawyers criticized both the process itself as well as the content in the original proposal. The act was passed, although with extensive amendments and limitations. | | |
Norway | Information from The Norwegian Institute for Public Health in more than 40 languages about Corona virus People with non-Norwegian background could easily miss out on necessary and useful information. The Norwegian Institute for Public Health has therefore published a web site with brief information about COV-19. This is accessible in written text as well as video. | | |
Norway | Local initiative (civil society) – an example Urban District Mothers’ Actions directed toward youth – voluntary work/outreaching action Urban District Mothers” are voluntary females under a duty of confidentiality who people can talk to one the phone. Talking several languages, they can assist people in getting access to important information from the authorities on corona, telling how to avoid being infected and the spreading of infection. They can also assist in translating letters, news, and just being there for people to talk to. They can also give people advice for how to apply for financial support. In addition, they carry out practical jobs like shopping for those unable to leave their home. | | |
Norway | Barometer for confidence The Norwegian Bureau “Opinion” has established “Norsk koronamonitor” which every day measures people’s attitudes, behavior alterations, and experiences together with other effects from the outbreak of the disease. This includes measuring, on daily basis, the degree of confidence in the Government. Opinion will also establish a national panel for studying the consequences and effects of the corona situation in cooperation with scientists, authorities, enterprises, civil society organisations, media etc. | | |
Norway | Transparency about professional disagreement and uncertainty The Norwegian Institute of Public Health is conscious of being transparent about professional uncertainty and disagreement. The Director of the Institute, Mrs. Camilla Stoltenberg, has emphasized this. The institute has been open about this, for example, when the Government has not followed the professional advices given by the institute or when the institute has changed its mind or even when they have had to give advice based on a high degree of uncertainty. The Institute has also showed understanding for the fact that politicians have to consider – in addition to protecting against infection – the totality of the situation. The Minister of Health as well as the Directorate of Health have been honest about their considerations in interviews, speeches etc. | | |
Norway | Guide for access to information High pressure and a lot of other work tasks makes it very demanding to answer all applications for access to information during the corona crisis. The Government has now published some guidelines for the ministries and their subordinated agencies. The corona pandemic causes great interest among people – and hence also from the media. This triggers many applications to the ministries and other agencies. At the same time, those responsible for handling the applications have to deal with other important tasks as well. The Government hopes that the guidelines will be useful especially for those who rarely handle questions concerning access to information. The Government emphasizes that transparency is important for citizens to preserve confidence in how the authorities are dealing with the crisis. This will also help assuring that the citizens will accept and follow the precautions provided by the authorities. These guidelines will not replace the general guide but be a supplement, which is meant to make the practice more consistent and efficient in a time when pressure is extraordinary. The Press Complaint Commission have criticized the guidelines and emphasizes that public agencies should not use the guidelines as a green light for keeping more in the dark. Moreover, the commission is also sceptical about public administrations coordinating themselves when similar demands of transparency are sent to more than one agency. |—utarbeidet-i-forb1178657.pdf | |
Pakistan | Nationwide | Debunking rumors, countering fake news and pushing out validated information in daily bulletins and through community radio, in local languages | |
Pakistan | Islamabad, Karachi | In Pakistan two renowned public sector universities published a well researched forecast on Estimation of the Final Size of the COVID-19 Epidemic in Pakistan. Quaid-a-Azam university, Islamabad, Pakistan and Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, used SIR modeling to predict the magnitude of the COVID-19 epidemic in Pakistan and compared the numbers with the reported cases on the national database.Pakistan. With the start of Ramazan which is marked by congregational prayers and more than usual hustle bustle in market places has a potential for exponential increase of infections. It has been argued that Mathematical models can help define the scale of an epidemic and the rate at which an infection can spread in a community. As per research, corresponding to Muslim religious festival of Eid “Pakistan could hit peak number of infectious cases on May 26th, 2020 and by June 24th, 2020, 90% of the population will have become infected with the virus if policy interventions seeking to curb this infection are not adopted aggressively”. The research was widely disseminated through social media and caught attention of national and subnational governments. Though it was seen as marked by inherent modelers’ bias … “parameterized to amplify priors with data to tell a story” it did send shock waves | |
Panama | Convert our ID into a debit card to provide economic assistance in order to buy groceries, first need implements and medicines. | | |
Panama | Panama | A citizen from the province of Los Santos is elaborating and donating acrylic booths for protect medics who are checking symptoms of covid19 | |
Panama | Panama | Governmental innovation office develop a AI app who inform citizens when to reach health authorities if they’re presenting covid19 symptoms. | |
Panama | Panama | INDICASAT AIP (scientific investigations and high technology services institute of Panama) locally produce a critic reactive used to obtain diagnoses in covid19. Allowing other countries be able to get the chemical/reactive meanwhile in Panama is produced. | |
Paraguay | Nacional | Toda la información relacionada a la pandemia se encuentra disponible en el sitio web | |
Paraguay | Nacional | Participación ciudadana: Directorio georreferenciado de Organizaciones privadas y actores sociales que realizan acciones de donación y voluntariado para la contención de necesidades relaciodas al COVID19 en Paraguay. | |
Paraguay | Nacional | Participación Ciudadana/Transparencia: Todos por Paraguay es una plataforma que tiene como principal evento un programa solidario que será transmitido el sábado 18 de abril, a partir de las 10:00, en cadena nacional, con el fin de recaudar fondos para complementar los esfuerzos del Estado en la lucha contra la pandemia por el COVID-19. Todo lo recaudado irá destinado a equipos biomédicos e insumos de protección personal, tomando en consideración las especificaciones indicadas por el Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social. | |
Paraguay | Nacional | En el contexto de la emergencia sanitaria declarada por Decreto Nº 3456 del 16/03/2020 por el riesgo de expansión del COVID19, el Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social (MSPBS) solicitó a la Fundación Centro de Información y Recursos para el Desarrollo (CIRD), establecer un mecanismo para canalizar recursos financieros provenientes de donaciones del sector privado, destinados a fortalecer la respuesta nacional a la emergencia.Ésta web es una herramienta de rendición de cuentas de donaciones recibidas y adquisiciones realizadas sobre los insumos y/o servicios, podés acceder, filtrar y descargar en formato abierto todos los datos. | |
Paraguay | Nacional | Web Site de rendición de cuentas y transparencia en formato de datos abiertos sobre donaciones del sector privado para la compra de insumos médicos a ser proveídos al Ministerio de Salud Pública. | |
Paraguay | todo el pais | Somos el primer país de América Latina en lanzar una plataforma para que nuestros ciudadanos conozcan cómo estamos usando los recursos para luchar contra el #COVID19 | |
Peru | Comprenhensive website with updated information about the COVID19 crisis in Peru. Regarding sanitary information, it includes the official number of people affected by the virus, number of tests applied so far and easy steps to avoid contamination. Workers can also obtain the special transit permit (Peru in under mandatory quarantine for 15 days) and citizens can access the database of vulnerables families that will be used to grant a one-off cash transfer equivalent to 108 USD. | | |
Peru | LIMA | La Municipalidad de Lima puso a disposición un equipo de 40 profesionales de salud del sistema de salud municipal “Sisol”, entre médicos y enfermeras, para colaborar con el Ministerio de Salud en su labor de atención y monitoreo de pacientes tratados por coronavirus en sus domicilios, también se ha previsto que 16 establecimientos de Sisol, ubicados en el norte, centro, sur y este de la ciudad de Lima, apoyen en la toma de muestras de casos sospechosos de COVID-19. | |
Peru | Lima | El albergue temporal “”Casa de todos”” albergará a 122 personas en estado de abandono, quiénes permanecerán en el lugar durante los días de distanciamiento e inmovilización social obligatoria. El albergue cuenta con ocho grandes habitaciones, cuatro zonas de aislamiento y un espacio recreativo para niños. Además, se ha instalado un centro médico móvil y un tópico de salud, en el que habrá vigilancia permanente (24 horas). Asimismo, más de 60 profesionales brindarán cuidado y atención a los beneficiarios. El servicio de alimentación contará con el apoyo de 30 reconocidos cocineros, quienes prepararán los almuerzos en un restaurante privado; para luego ser trasladados al albergue. Por otro lado, un equipo multidisciplinario conformado por especialistas de la Municipalidad de Lima se están encargando del traslado de las personas y de recibirlas, luego registran sus datos y se lleva a cabo una evaluación integral de cada beneficiario, la cual incluye un triaje y descarte de contagio del COVID-19. | |
Peru | Lima | La Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima ha implementado una Mesa de Partes Virtual para la recepción de documentos de entidades públicas vía online, relacionados al estado de emergencia nacional declarado por el Gobierno del Perú. | |
Peru | Lima | La Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima informa a toda la comuna sobre las acciones que viene realizando para mitigar los efectos del COVID-19, así como, información valiosa respecto a medidas de prevención para evitar el contagio. | |
Peru | Lima | La Municipalidad de Lima logró sumar a 460 dirigentes vecinales inscritos en el Registro Único de Organizaciones Sociales (RUOS) del Cercado a la campaña #YoMeQuedoEnCasa, que busca evitar la propagación del COVID-19. La comunicación también se entabló con los coordinadores generales de las 20 juntas vecinales, para que estos también lleven el mensaje a sus sectores. | |
Peru | Nationwide | Perú en tus manos | |
Peru | Lima | La Municipalidad de Lima a través del Sistema de Salud Municipal presentó su establecimiento virtual SISOL 40, donde se brindarán recomendaciones y asesoramiento médico, mediante llamadas telefónicas, o mensajes de whatsapp; y en caso de pacientes mayores de 60 años con alguna enfermedad crónica, se destina un asesor de salud que se comunica constantemente con el paciente, a través de la plataforma SISOL A TU LADO. | |
Peru | Lima | Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima inaugura Albergue “Casa de la Mujer”, espacio donde se brinda protección, alimentación y atención integral a las mujeres víctimas de violencia y a sus hijos, durante la inmovilización social obligatoria. | |
Peru | Lima | Municipalidad de Lima habilita inscripción para traslados humanitarios, por lo que habilitó en su portal web una opción para los ciudadanos que requieran acceder al traslado humanitario. Esta medida está dirigida a aquellos que se encuentran en la capital y fuera de su domicilio habitual, como consecuencia del aislamiento social obligatorio, decretado por el Gobierno Central para evitar la propagación del COVID-19. | |
Peru | Lima | La Municipalidad de Lima pone a disposición de los ciudadanos el servicio de orientación psicológica en línea Lima te Escucha, con el objetivo de ayudarlos a sobrellevar el impacto que genera el aislamiento social obligatorio en la salud mental. | |
Peru | Lima | La Municipalidad de Lima junto a Fundación Lima, y en coordinación con las organizaciones culturales que forman parte del Programa de Cultura Viva Comunitaria, se logró distribuir víveres a cerca de 1,000 familias afectadas por la inmovilización social obligatoria. Cada familia, que vive en la zona de acción de estas organizaciones culturales, y que fue previamente empadronada por los dirigentes vecinales, recibió bolsas con productos de primera necesidad, como pollo, lácteos, entre otros. | |
Peru | Lima | Para conocer su estado de salud, así como brindarles consejería y mensajes preventivos durante el estado de emergencia sanitaria por el COVID-19, la Municipalidad de Lima realiza un monitoreo telefónico a 2,000 adultos mayores y 952 personas con discapacidad del Cercado de Lima. El objetivo del acompañamiento a este sector de la población es mantener una red de comunicación que permita conocer la situación que enfrentan los vecinos más vulnerables. Se les consulta sobre su salud, su alimentación, si presentan alguna dificultad o requieren algún apoyo u orientación médica, psicológica o legal para derivarla con profesionales especializados. | |
Peru | Lima | La Municipalidad de Lima brinda un curso virtual, dirigido a líderes y dirigentes vecinales, sobre el importante rol que desempeñan en sus respectivas comunidades durante el estado de emergencia, decretado por el Gobierno para evitar la propagación del COVID-19, dicho curso es “Valores democráticos y ciudadanos para la participación vecinal” que será impartido, a través de la página de Facebook Lima Participa, donde habrá un enlace para que los interesados se inscriban. | |
Peru | Lima | La Municipalidad de Lima convoca a todos los coordinadores distritales de la ciudad de Lima de manera virtual en la III Asamblea General de la Coordinadora Metropolitana de Programas Municipales de Juventud. La asamblea tendrá como objetivo el replanteamiento del “Plan de Trabajo 2020” de la coordinadora respecto a las metas, objetivos y actividades, los cuales, debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, deberán estar enfocados en atender las nuevas necesidades de los jóvenes ciudadanos. | |
Peru | Lima | La Municipalidad de Lima, en coordinación con artistas y personas de la sociedad civil convocadas por la Asociación Civil Equilátero, gestionó la desinfección de 238 viviendas de una de las Comunidades más vulnerables de Lima. Esta acción, también fue coordinada con la Dirección General de Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas del Ministerio de Cultura, a fin de organizar a la comunidad según las recomendaciones necesarias para efectuar el trabajo de desinfección. | |
Peru | Lima | La Municipalidad de Lima y la organización Comulía realizarán diferentes mesas de diálogo dirigidas a adolescentes, a fin de fomentar su participación en temas de violencia y educación durante la inmovilización social obligatoria. En estas actividades participarán representantes adolescentes de diversas organizaciones e instituciones que trabajan a favor y en defensa de la equidad e igualdad de género, derechos humanos y educación en Lima Metropolitana, como el Consejo Consultivo de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes (Cconna), Colectivo de Organizaciones Unidos por la Infancia (Connaupi), Ciudades Seguras de Plan Internacional, Capital Humano y Social Alternativo (CHS Alternativo), entre otros. | |
Peru | “«Lupa sobre la transferencia» es un monitoreo ciudadano a las transferencias contempladas en los decretos de urgencia emitidos por el gobierno peruano, en el marco de la atención a la emergencia contra el COVID-19. Este es un ejercicio que busca contribuir a diseminar información y aportar al uso responsable de fondos públicos destinados a hacer frente a la pandemia.” | | |
Peru | ” Seguimiento a la ejecución presupuestal en estado de emergencia”, es una plataforma de monitoreo a la ejecución del gasto destinado a combatir la emergencia sanitaria generada por el Covid-19 en el Perú. En este portal web se actualiza semanalmente la revisión del aplicativo de consulta amigable “Recursos para el Covid-19” del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas y se puede visualizar el comportamiento de los gastos de los ministerios, gobiernos regionales y municipalidades provinciales de las capitales de cada región. | | |
Peru | Lima | La Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima crea plataforma virtual para comunicar a toda la población, las acciones que viene realizando para mitigar los efectos del COVID-19, así como, información valiosa respecto a las medidas de prevención para evitar el contagio. | |
Peru | Lima | La Municipalidad de Lima, a través de la Gerencia de la Mujer e Igualdad, capacitó virtualmente a los más de 300 miembros de la Red Metropolitana de Defensoría Comunitaria, con el fin de fortalecer las acciones para prevenir y atender casos de violencia contra la mujer e integrantes del grupo familiar. A través de una Guía de Acción Comunitaria, las defensoras comunitarias recibieron información acerca de cómo identificar escenarios de diferentes tipos de violencia y cómo ofrecer una orientación adecuada para ayudar a las víctimas. Además, fueron informadas acerca de las principales medidas para evitar la propagación del COVID-19, a fin de que puedan apoyar a reducir el riesgo de contagio en sus comunidades. | |
Peru | Lima | La Municipalidad de Lima, pone a conocimiento el MAPA virtual donde la población podrá reconocer los mercados de abastos móviles que se han instalado para abastecer a familias vulnerables, evitando que asistan a mercados de gran afluencia. | |
Peru | Lima | La Municipalidad de Lima, en coordinación con el Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social, capacitó a más de 300 actores sociales y coordinadores de Amachay, red de soporte para la persona adulta mayor con alto riesgo y la persona con discapacidad severa, quienes iniciarán el monitoreo sanitario por coronavirus a 10,000 vecinos de Lima Cercado, desde este viernes 29 de mayo. | |
Peru | Lima | LIMA TE CUIDA: LA ESTRATEGIA DE ATENCIÓN TERRITORIAL DE LA MML PARA ENFRENTAR EL COVID-19. La estrategia de atención territorial Lima Te Cuida, de la Municipalidad de Lima, ya ha beneficiado a vecinos del Cercado, La Victoria, San Juan de Lurigancho y Comas, llevando ayuda humanitaria, servicios de salud, mercados itinerantes y atención psicológica a las zonas más afectadas por el COVID-19.Asimismo, mediante la campaña Salud en Tu Barrio, se realiza el descarte de COVID-19 y de comorbilidades asociadas a este, así como vacunaciones y otros servicios. Solo esta campaña ya ha beneficiado a 5,000 vecinos de la capital. | |
Philippines | Nationwide | NCoV tracker website provided by the Department of Health https://nch/ It contains information about confirmed cases, including trends and categorized by age groups, as well as geo-location of hospitals that admits patients. In addition, it provides guidelines, answers to frequently asked questions, contact details, public advisories and press briefings, and situational reports. | |
Philippines | Nationwide | The Department of Health (DOH) regularly issues advisories and other health-related reminders on its official website and social media accounts. Among these updates are the total number of COVID-19 cases, the status of laboratory capacities in the country, press releases on procured PPEs, and the Department’s virtual Presser. | |
Philippines | Nationwide | The Department of Finance (DOF) through the Bureau of Customs (BOC) publishes reports on shipments of PPEs and other essential items needed to effectively manage the continuing emergency health situation. You may access their websites through and | |
Philippines | Nationwide | For transparency and accountability, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) publishes the latest issuances and advisories on the release of funds in response to COVID-19. | |
Philippines | Nationwide | The Department of Education (DEPED) regularly publishes latest issuances especially regarding the academic year affected by the quarantine imposed due to COVID-19. | |
Philippines | Nationwide | The global fight against COVID-19 calls for a swift response and immediate action to secure the welfare of our kababayans abroad. This includes the current efforts of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) in tracking and monitoring the status of Overseas Filipinos (OFs) with COVID-19 as well as the repatriation of Filipinos abroad who are affected by the pandemic. The Department also regularly publishes latest advisories on travel restrictions and related concerns. | |
Philippines | Nationwide | The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) regularly publishes information and updates on Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Disadvantaged/Displaced Workers Program (TUPAD) and COVID-19 Adjustments Measures Program (CAMP) to constantly empower the Filipino workers through cash assistance programs, issuances, advisories, and information drives amid the global health situation. | |
Philippines | Nationwide | Through the Disaster Response Operations Monitoring and Information Center (DROMIC),the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) collates data from their field offices on the cost of Assistance Provided to Affected Families/Persons and publishes information and updates on Social Amelioration Program (SAP) as well as Status of relief augmentation to Local Government Units (LGUs). | |
Philippines | Nationwide | The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) continues to inform the people, particularly LGUs, and provides them with up-to-date developments regarding the COVID-19 situation through its Kwentuhang Lokal Program. The Department also publishes latest issuances, advisories, and directives to support the implementation of the Enhanced Community Quarantine the Local Government Units (LGUs). | |
Philippines | Nationwide | The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), in coordination with other government agencies, continues to work to assure the people with enough food and medicines at the right prices as the country battles the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the COVID-19 resources made available are Application for the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF-Approved) ID, Issuances, DTI Assistance and Other Government Initiatives for MSMEs, News and Other Infos, Directory, and FAQs. | |
Philippines | Nationwide | The Department of Transportation (DOTr) has partnered with Google to make it easier for the frontline health workers and hospital staffers to find best routes to take in going to their respective medical facilities through the DOTr Hospital Shuttle Route Map. The Department also publishes latest issuances, news, memoranda pertaining to COVID-19 response efforts. | |
Philippines | Nationwide | In the spirit of Bayanihan among the Filipino People and its foreign donors, the Department of National Defense (DND) through the Office of Civil Defense – National Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), publishes the status of donations received for COVID-19 response. | |
Philippines | Nationwide | The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) regularly updates the public on the status of OFWs repatriated because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes a task force bulletin which provides information on ECQ Assistance to OFWs, OFW Kalinga Program, Hatid-Sundo Program, Tulong Marino Program, and Food-Accomodation-Transportation Program. | |
Philippines | Nationwide | As the lead communications arm of the Government of the Philippines, the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) has developed a web portal ‘Laging Handa PH’ which provides information and updates from different government agencies regarding the COVID-19. | |
Philippines | Nationwide | Through the COVID-19 Response Items Dashboard, the Procurement Service-Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PS-PHILGEPS) publishes its total number of COVID-19 response items sold and updates its list of common-used supplies and equipment items to cover medical items and other essential goods to contribute in the increasing number of cases of COVID-19 in the country. | |
Philippines | Nationwide | The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ensures public safety and protection through public disclosure of the list of COVID-19 approved test kits including public health advisories. This is to warn the public against fraudulent manufacturers and distributors of products being sold in the local market relative to the COVID-19 response. | |
Philippines | Nationwide | The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ensures public safety and protection through public disclosure of the list of COVID-19 approved test kits including public health advisories. This is to warn the public against fraudulent manufacturers and distributors of products being sold in the local market relative to the COVID-19 response. Department of Science and Technology (DOST) recently revamped its existing ‘Science for the People’ mobile app which will give access to COVID-19 related efforts of the Department such as development and production of the COVID-19 Test Kits and the quick response efforts by DOST agencies through the production and distribution of face shields, improvised Personal and Protective Equipment (PPE), disinfecting solutions and food packs, among others. Available on Google Play ‘Science for the People’ | |
Philippines | Tagbilaran City | Stemming the tide of the virus’ transmission along with appropriate social protection measures at the local government level, despite challenges in financial resources | |
Philippines | Philippines | The DOH, in collaboration with technology partners AI4GOV and AIAH AI, developed a system with a web-based digital triage and a chatbot deployed on the official DOH Facebook Messenger and the DOH Viber community. | |
Philippines | South Cotabato | The Bulig Contra COVID 19 (Help Against COVID 19) is an initiative of active and passionate people from all over South Cotabato. Each municipality and city under the province created their own Facebook platforms making it more familiar and accessible to the locals. The initiative was created mainly to facilitate assistance and donations coming from the private sector for our frontliners in the hospitals, checkpoints and barangays. It also serves as a platform for citizens to better understand policies and other initiatives of the local government in relation to the ongoing medical emergency. | |
Philippines | South Cotabato | The provincial government of South Cotabato is developing a mobile application that would help speed up the tracing of people who might be exposed to persons infected with the 2019 coronavirus disease (Covid-19). It will be deployed to all public and private establishments. The system will be complemented later by the rollout of the planned province-wide identification or ID system that will be used logging in to the app when entering a certain establishment. The logs will include the date and time when a person enters a specific business establishment. | |
Philippines | Nationwide | Leaders of civil society organizations and non profit organizations, individual volunteers, and other stakeholders are collaborating on Slack to share best practices, hold webinars, develop innovative solutions, and deliver policy recommendations to the government. Having a shared workspace minimizes the risk of duplicate efforts, fosters inclusiveness, and ultimately gets us to our common goal of stopping the spread of COVID-19. | |
Portugal | Project: Estamos ON (“We are ON”) EstamosON, which means “We are ON” was created and adopted throughout the government. It consists of a website, app and a mass media campaign congregating information on Government action regarding COVID-19. It gathers a wide range of information such as: 1. Rules of the State of Emergency; 2. Government support to companies; 3. Emergency and useful contacts; 4. Documentation and FAQs; 5. List of exceptional rules; 6. Civil society initiatives (e.g. apps, voluntary work); 7. Tools and guides to remote work; 8. Communication materials to help citizens and companies access relevant information; 9. Epidemic status with a graphic visualization option. | | |
Romania | National Emergencies platform, developed with civil society, covering official guidelines on COVID19 response | | |
Romania | Arad | Scut Pentru Spital – Arad | |
Romania | Website, developed by civil society in collaboration with the Government, collecting all public communication from official sources to combat fake news and desinformation | | |
Romania | Experimental statistics produced by INS designed to provide more knowledge on the behavior of the population and economic agents during the pandemia… | | |
Romania | Open governance initiative to provide real-time data collection on disadvantaged communities affected by school closure in COVID times and community support to cover these material needs. The ‘Reaction for Education’ Initiative | | |
Romania | – an example of crowdsourcing for education in the context of COVID-19 to support teachers in creating and delivering online content and activities. | | |
Romania | Innovative strategies to reduce the effects of the crisis caused by COVID-19. Exclusive online and free issuance of the Emergency Situation Certificate, which aims to support economic operators in the COVID-19 crisis. The application dedicated to the issuing of Emergency Certificates is active and can be accessed on the platform and is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment no. 791 / 25.03.2020. | | |
Romania | National Bank of Romania measures in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic. The National Bank of Romania (NBR) adopted monetary policy measures, measures to increase the flexibility of the legislative framework so that banks and NBFIs could help individuals and companies with outstanding loans, measures regarding the bank resolution: to postpone the deadline for collecting the annual contributions to the bank resolution fund for 2020 by 3 months, with the possibility of extension to up to 6 months; to delay the reporting deadlines of some information on resolution planning, and operational measures: to ensure the smooth functioning of payment and settlement systems underlying payments in the domestic currency. |–21313.aspx | |
Romania | Accurate information and administrative simplification through online platforms. Due to the evolution of the state of emergency in Romania, determined by the spread of COVID-19, the Romanian Digitalization Authority (ADR), a public institution coordinated by the Prime Minister, was proactively involved in implementing systems that provide electronic services / benefits to several actors; in this way those actors are able to access certain services without going to headquarters of the institutions that provide such services. At the same time, through express created systems, the institution made available to the Romanians living within the country and abroad, an accurate source of information, obtained by official means. 1. – the official page of the Government regarding the real information in the fight with COVID-19; 2. -Government’s official website with information on how citizens should act if they have symptoms or are ill; 3. – official page of the Government with official data on the situation of the ills, centralized by regions; 4. – the official page of the Government for the payment of taxes and taxes online, which we managed to develop major in the last month; 5. – Government’s official page for online upload of the documents aimed to be registered, addressed to public institutions that do not have their own online registration system. The most important tool is that legal entities can register documents online for applying for technical unemployment; 6. -the official page of the Government for Romanian citizens and support groups from abroad in emergency situations such as the one we face in these months. 7. -the official page of the Government for the non-profit organizations actively involved in limiting the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic to raise much-needed resources. 8. The last measure we have managed to take, with the support of the Government, is to require all public institutions to use and accept the electronic signature | | |
Romania | Supporting employers in the context of the effects of the spread of COVID-19 virus. Under the provisions of Law no. 319/2006 on safety and health at work, the employer has the obligation to ensure the safety and health of workers in all aspects related to work and must take the necessary measures… | | |
Serbia | Nationwide | COVID19 INFO Web site developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Serbian Institute for Public Health. The site publishes newest information relevant for covid-19 pandemic, number of tested, number of cases, and number of hospitalized, deaths, recovered. As well, there are the news and statistics on the topic. The site provides phone numbers for support, support for the elderly and tool for check medical symptoms. Beside data for Serbian site gives basic data for the whole world and most of the countries. | |
Serbia | Nationwide | Be a Volunteer Web site developed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia with the Office for IT and e-Government and UNDP Office in Serbia. The site collects applications for volunteering in helping to vulnerable groups of population during covd19 pandemic. Activities are in providing food and all the other necessities, what elderly, disabled and other vulnerable population. The action covers the whole country. | |
Serbia | Nationwide | ONLINE SCHOOL Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Office for IT and e-Government national TV broadcaster organized online classes. Pupils and students in elementary and secondary schools attend their classes, get homework and test using nationwide official TV station, using internet platforms for online learning and consultation and communication with teachers. Mobile application has been developed for online learning, providing possibility to shape the online learning time. | |
Serbia | Nationwide | OPEN DATA Open data portal with the machine readable sets was enriched with the new open data sets related to the covid-19 pandemic, as Register of institutions of primary health care dedicated to covid-19. | |
Serbia | Nationwide | The Office for IT and eGovernment opened the data to the public and made available statistics on the number of people infected by COVID-19 | |
Serbia | Nationwide | At the Open data portal data are available for the total number of persons in self-isolation, as well as visualization of these data by municipalities and cities from the moment when the first case of COVID-19 was officially recorded in Serbia. | |
Serbia | Nationwide | At Open data portal open data sets related to the covid-19 pandemic, as well as visualization of these data, are available, such as: statistics on total cases, daily new cases, total hospitalized, total on respirators, total recovered, total tested, daily tested, total deaths, daily deaths. | |
Serbia | Nationwide | Service for approval to free move Office for IT and e-Government implemented service on the national e-Government Portal, for all the individuals who take care on persons in need. These people need approval to free move during restricted hours. The service can be used fully electronic. It includes electronic identity, electronic application as well as electronic delivery of the approval. Service providers are local administrations and Ministry of Interior. | |
Serbia | Nationwide | Digital Solidarity Office for IT and e-Government in collaboration with the British Embassy in Belgrade and UNDP office developed web site Digital Solidarity. This site provides free access to different platforms and services, provided by companies in IT, telecommunication, cultural institutions, education institutions, different associations, markets, innovation hubs, and many more. All the service offered have been shaped to use in limited moving and social contact circumstances. | |
Serbia | Nationwide | Viber Chatbot COVID-19 Info Serbia It is and official service of the Serbian Government, used now by 270 000 citizens, provides all necessary information regarding the epidemic of COVID-19 virus in Serbia on Viber. The Virtual Assistant answers all potential citizen questions regarding the COVID-19 virus. It gives a service for symptoms assessment, contact info, statistics, measures of prevention, and all the decisions and ordinances of the Government related to pandemic. The aim of the platform, in addition to being accessible to a large number of citizens during the 24 hours, is to obtain official information without waiting, as well as to relieve contact centers and experts, so that their focus will be on the most important topics. | |
Singapore | Open data platform on cases using government data but run by civil society | | |
Singapore | TraceTogether is a mobile application developed to support existing nationwide efforts to combat COVID-19, by enabling community-driven contact tracing. | | |
Singapore | Singapore | Government what’s app to circulate daily information about state measures to combat Covid-19, case numbers and detailed case data. | |
Singapore | Residents may log on to find information about government-issued masks distribution, including the availability of masks in the vending machines. | | |
Slovakia | The Institute of Health Policies of the Slovak Republic (IHPSR) has been providing inputs for policymakers and responders handling the COVID-19 crisis. Their epidemiological research reports are being updated and are available online under the gold standard open license (Creative Commons Attribution). The source code for the mathematical models has been published on GitHub under a permissive license. The IHPSR representatives welcome feedback, collaborate with outside experts and communicate on Facebook. | | |
Slovakia | New official website of the state, which provides important, centralized and up-to-date information about COVID-19 disease and measures taken by the government of the Slovak republic to limit the spread of the disease, available also in English language. The website is built according to a design manual inspired from open UK gov’t design manual, and it is a product of effective participation of various state institutions and departments, members of the civil society, especially the IT-community and volunteers through online coordination which has been taking place on various on-line platforms. | | |
Slovakia | Official website of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport which has been created in a participatory manner with CSOs. The aim of the website is to assist teachers, school management, parents and students alike with up-to date information on matters related to education during the period of close schools. Besides measures taken by the government related to the functioning of schools and educational process, it also contains various educational resources created by the state as well as other civil society actors including teachers and NGOs, which are publicly available. | | |
Somalia | Consolidated platform for Pandemic & Epidemic (COVID19) citizen reporting (calls and mobile app), AI enabled managing, contact tracing, contact monitoring, coordination of ambulance, coordination of laboratory tests and consolidated therapy/treatments module for doctors and dashboard for reporting enabling a single source (database) of all related information. | | |
Somalia | Global | Consolidated platform for Pandemic & Epidemic (COVID19) citizen reporting (calls and mobile app), AI enabled managing, contact tracing, contact monitoring, coordination of ambulance, coordination of laboratory tests and consolidated therapy/treatments module for doctors and dashboard for reporting enabling a single source (database) of all related information. | |
South Africa | National | A South African resource portal on the Covid—19 Corona Virus | |
South Africa | National Treasury has set up an email address where members of the public can send suggestions on how best National Treasury can deal with the COVID-19 virus. This is in support of efforts by the rest of government to ensure interaction with members of the public on the virus | | |
South Africa | WhatsApp channel to share official information on Covid-19 | | |
South Africa | Cape Town | Community-driven response to help out small businesses, elderly residents etc |–BDDKdXGyCUw/viewform |
South Africa | Global (Open Letter) | Civicus open letter signed by more than 600 NGOs and other organizations, many prominent: “”We are in this together, don’t violate human rights while responding to COVID-19″” among many other calls, including a request that Covid government responses be evidence-based, and calls for international unity. Civicus is based in South Africa. There are a number of these Covid-19 open letters signed by 100s of civic orgs that don’t seem to be tracked elsewhere; perhaps these should go into a separate category or database. | |
South Korea | Application called Corona 100 Plus is out for alerts when approached to places where those diagnosed with coronavirus have been | | |
South Korea | COVID-19 platform is recently open to update stats related to coronavirus. We can check out the numbers, geographical tracking, etc. | | |
South Korea | Ministry of Food and Drug Safety provides information on face masks and sanitizer as we have a new measure being implemented for citizens to purchase masks in five groups to manage its supply | | |
South Korea | Ministry of Health and Welfare updates the list of hospitals that have separate rooms for respiratory patients | | |
South Korea | Open Data Platform collects data on COVID including the list of hospitals, drive-through testing places | | |
Spain | Coronavirus Data API. Aggregation of datasets around the world. | | |
Spain | plataforma colaborativa . España Colombia y México | | |
Spain | Catalunya | Información básica para ciudadanos y empresas con las orientaciones oportunas durante la pandemia Covid-19 | |
Spain | Basque Country | Network “among all” – “Guztion Artean” promoted by the Basque Government to channel volunteering Supporting organized solidarity initiatives to perform basic tasks for asymptomatic people who cannot leave home to guarantee their protection, offering strictly necessary services. Specifically, to people over 70 years of age and / or dependents, or people in other vulnerable situations (the latter derived by the administration), who reside in their homes, live alone or with a partner and lack family support. | |
Spain | Basque Country | OPEN DATA Completing the coronavirus website with transparency information to make it a coronavirus transparency portal. The Basque Government Health Department publishes daily the Reports on the evolution of the new coronavirus COVID-19. This dataset offers the same data in reusable formats. Heat maps, identifying cases, day by day. | |
Spain | Basque Country | APP for tracking health data and monitoring contacts. It is a social app so we will need inputs from many citizens to be effective. Establish maps around these relational circles of people. Anonymously studies the mobility of doubtful people. It allows self-monitoring of the health status of isolated or quarantined people for being doubtful cases. 55000 downloads. | |
Spain | Basque Country | Public Vocational Training Centers: Given the shortage, join in the production of medical equipment with their 3D printers. Tknika, a time trial investigation has been conducted into which design might be useful for later use in hospitals to protect staff. And in this specific case it is a protective screen that is attached to a base that is placed on the head. All of this is being created through additive manufacturing. | |
Spain | Basque Country | Maker community in the Basque Country supported by the Hirikilabs laboratory. They are dedicating themselves to printing sanitary protection screens, through open prototypes and a collection network throughout the Basque country. 800 volunteers. | |
Spain | Basque Country | Digital Emergency Volunteers of the Basque Country An association of Digital Emergency Volunteers from the Basque Country collects and offers information about emergencies through its social channels and APP. Since the crisis of the Coronavirus began in #VOSTEuskadi, they have been active in order to offer the citizens truthful information in an agile way. | |
Spain | Basque Country | HEALTH DEPARTMENT- PHARMACIES- VOLUNTEERS The elderly, with chronic diseases and who live alone will not have to go to the pharmacy The Minister of Health, Nekane Murga, explained that this home distribution will be possible thanks to a network of volunteers and a distribution network of the pharmacies themselves that will allow these “most vulnerable” people to the pandemic to stay at home and thus avoid exposing yourself to the coronavirus. | |
Spain | Basque Country | Volunteering network in diferent provinces “Bizkaia Gara” in Biscay, Virtual hugs” in Gipuzkoa, “Culture house to house” in Araba. | |
Spain | Basque Country | Volunteering network in diferent provinces “Bizkaia Gara” in Biscay, Virtual hugs” in Gipuzkoa, “Culture house to house” in Araba. | |
Spain | Basque Country | Volunteering network in diferent provinces “Bizkaia Gara” in Biscay, Virtual hugs” in Gipuzkoa, “Culture house to house” in Araba. | |
Spain | Basque Country | KZGUNEA formation centres network offers a telecare service to overcome the digital divide in times of confinement. People interested in be guided through their doubts & questions about Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can make their inquiry by phone or by email from KZgunea centers. | |
Spain | Madrid | MADRID SALE AL BALCÓN es un espacio de iniciativas ciudadanas para mejorar la calidad de vida de la sociedad madrileña en la situación de estado de alarma derivada de la pandemia del virus COVID-19. A través de este espacio, el Ayuntamiento de Madrid quiere fomentar la participación de la ciudadanía madrileña en la generación de ideas y propuestas novedosas y viables. Igualmente pretende poner en valor la cooperación cívica y la inteligencia colectiva. | |
Spain | Madrid | COMPARTIMOS BARRIO es una iniciativa para visibilizar el comercio y los servicios esenciales durante el COVID-19 operativos en cada distrito. También a las asociaciones vecinales que están prestando su apoyo y solidaridad a muchos madrileños. Su objetivo es convertirse en un ecosistema de proximidad que sirva para acercar asociaciones y empresas, y abastecer así a la población que no puede salir o no puede hacer frente por sí sola a la situación de confinamiento. | |
Spain | Madrid | CONECTADOS es un espacio de encuentro digital entre la ciudadanía y técnicos del Ayuntamiento de Madrid para generar puentes de comunicación durante el confinamiento por coronavirus COVID-19. Se ofrece un programa de sesiones en directo con expertos municipales, que contarán cómo prestan sus servicios en esta situación y responderán a las dudas de los ciudadanos en directo. | |
Spain | Basque Country | Haurren Hirien Sarea. The Network of Cities of the boys and girls of the Basque Country, HaurrenHirienSarea (Red UmHerri) Change your gaze or look down to the height of a child, so as not to lose sight of anyone | |
Spain | Catalunya | Publicación dentro del catálogo de datos abiertos de la Generalitat de Catalunya, de conjuntos de datos para el seguimiento sanitario, econòmico, social y medioambiental de los efectos de la pandemia coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 covid-19. Se incluyen visores y otros enlaces relacionados. (web en Catalán, Occitano, Español e Inglés) | |
Spain | Catalonia | Real-time tracking of COVID19 open data of Catalonia | |
Spain | Spain, France, Italy | Escovid19data: Capturing data by provinces in Spain | |
Spain | Castilla y León | Junta de Castilla y León has developed an “”Epidemological situation of coronavirus in Castile and León Region”” dashboard. This web portal includes multiple COVID-19 datasets and comprehensive tables and visualizations combining transparency and open data. Daily update and geographically disaggregated data including historical series. General public can undestand the situation and journalits, researchers and any other reuser can download the datasets and use the APIs provided. | |
Spain | A social project called that consists of two modules: Reports (Incidencias) and Iniciatives (Iniciatives), where citizens can report risky actions or abuses related to Covid-19 measures that they witness, as well as propose ideas or projects that can help the community face and recover faster and better from the current situation. | | |
Spain | Castilla y León | Junta de Castilla y León has developed an “”Epidemological situation of coronavirus in Castile and León Region”” dashboard. This web portal includes multiple COVID-19 datasets and comprehensive tables and visualizations combining transparency and open data. Daily update and geographically disaggregated data including historical series. General public can undestand the situation and journalits, researchers and any other reuser can download the datasets and use the APIs provided. | |
Sri Lanka | South East Asia | Comprehensive vigilance, contact tracing and isolation of at-risk groups even before confirmation by PCR testing has been a success with only 0.4 deaths and 40 cases per million population with a test positivity rate of 2.5%. Developing high-quality quarantine centers was the priority. Over 5000 quarantined and another 5000 undergoing quarantine, self-quarantine, isolation of identified 32 clusters, and curfew has prevented community spread. Social welfare was looked after by the government as well as volunteer organizations. Professional bodies support the government bodies in the recovery phase | |
Switzerland | Global (WHO/UN) | Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic response page at the World Health Organization (WHO), HQ’d in Switzerland. No database on open government responses to Covid would be complete without the WHO Covid page. Although technically part of the United Nations (see entry on the UN’s Covid extensive portal page, including volunteer ops), the WHO pages offers anti-disinformation links, opportunities to donate, mobile apps, advice to the public, open data, media outreach, and numerous external links including technical Covid resources for member countries. | |
Switzerland | Switzerland and Principality of Liechtenstein | We are providing COVID-19 case numbers in machine-readable form (CSV) as OGD resources (Open Government Data), that have been published online by official sources (26 Swiss cantons and Principality of Liechtenstein). Our aim is to create a common official OGD dataset of COVID-19 cases of the Swiss Authorities as a complement to the data being published by the Federal Office of Public Health. | |
Switzerland | Global (Action Platform including Knowledge Portal) | COVID Action Platform by World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. WEF’s Platform “act[s] as Partner to the [United Nations] WHO” “as the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation” to “mobiliz[e] all stakeholders” for “coordinated action.” Platform includes a number of resources (see on-site video): a funded business accelerator, a 3D printing project, a supply chain project, and a financial services response. Arguably it’s most notable feature is a large, curated knowledge database of Covid strategy articles from international experts and publications. This DB is the “Covid-19 transformational map”, now freely available to embed on websites for the duration of the crisis. | |
Taiwan | Taiwan | Taiwan government has been working with the private sector to implement an online ordering mechanism at for all residents, with delivery and pick-up at convenience stores. The mechanism allows people to order at the website using their NHI cards or Citizen Digital Certificates or through the NHI app. It is to better ensure even distribution and make it more convenient to obtain face masks for whom lacks time for going to pharmacies under the current name-based rationing system. | |
Taiwan | Taiwan | The Taiwanese government worked with the private sector digital community through public National Health Insurance data collected and released as open data by the government to develop an online “mask supply and demand information platform” (口罩供需資訊平台) that contains over a hundred Apps and other digital tools from civil society, providing real-time information to help citizens search for face mask inventory levels and then purchase masks at drugstores through the name-based rationing system across Taiwan. | |
Thailand | Bangkok | Open Government Data of Thailand | |
Tunisia | Platform : CrowdTangle COVID-19 To allow you to easily see the content that talks about the Coronavirus on our Facebook and Instagram platforms, we have created a set of live dashboards on CrowdTangle and have made them public so that everyone can have access to them. Use them to follow some of the most important content on coronaviruses on Facebook and Instagram from local media, regional pages of the World Health Organization, government agencies, local politicians, etc. PS: CrowdTangle is a content discovery and social analysis tool. Facebook is the owner of CrowdTangle. | | |
Tunisia | Tunisia | is the website of the ministry of Health to share all the update related to the COVID in Tunisia | |
Uganda | Kampala | Digital platforms or apps to keep citizens informed, enable public participation and/or offer open data; Digital tools to enable public participation. | |
Uganda | National | In an bid to strengthen trust between citizens and government, Twaweza is collecting data on citizens’ knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) related to COVID-19. This is done through a series of mobile phone surveys of a representative sample of the country’s adult population. | |
Ukraine | Open contracting approach to regulate and monitor emergency COVID-19 procurement in Ukraine (ProZorro). Emergency procurement is excluded from the procurement law. A structured list of goods that could be procured is adopted. Structured reporting for all signed and concluded contracts is mandatory (generating OCDS data). A separate reporting dashboard in a business intelligence tool has been developed to display all the data. The government is collaborating with businesses and CSOs to establish real-time procurement monitoring. | | |
Ukraine | Ministry of Health of Ukraine has created an official telegram channel with information on the situation with the spread of COVID-19 – @COVID19_Ukraine and Telegram-bot with answers to the most common questions about COVID-19 – @COVID19_Ukraine_Bot. The Ministry also provides the opportunity to print and share information materials for educational and medical institutions, business owners, etc. | | |
Ukraine | The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has created an official website containing all information about the COVID-19 extension. Answers to the basic questions about COVID-19, current situation in Ukraine, information about the restrictions imposed, official recommendations are presented on this site | | |
Ukraine | The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has created a special system of voluntary registration of Ukrainian citizens who are abroad – the FRIEND. The system is used to communicate with such citizens and assist them, in particular in their return home during travel restrictions caused by COVID-19. | | |
Ukraine | The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has attracted the Ukrainian stars in a large-scale information campaign against the spread of COVID-19. Famous singers, athletes, TV presenters have appeared in special videos. For example, the stars call for simple rules that help reduce the risk of infection. | | |
Ukraine | The Ministry of Health of Ukraine, together with the Red Cross of Ukraine and the children’s TV channel “Plus Plus”, is launching an information campaign for kids on the prevention of COVID-19 “Learn about your superpower”. A video and posters adapted for children are distributed as part of the campaign. Simple rules are demonstrated: wash your hands, don’t touch your face, don’t approach other people, don’t eat raw food. | | |
Ukraine | The Ministry of Health has created an online platform “”Treatments for COVID-19″”. The purpose of the resource is to inform citizens and doctors about the drugs used in the treatment of coronavirus disease. | | |
Ukraine | The Government, together with international organizations, held a National Competition for IT Projects to Help People and Business in Ukraine Resist the COVID-19 Pandemic – #HackCorona in Ukraine 2020 | | |
United Arab Emirates | UAE | The UAE government has showed its readiness to identify and provide vital services for all citizens and residents so that they can obtain their government services around the clock through using smart channels without the need of any physical visit to its centers. This is to enable customers to complete their transactions remotely, in a way that ensures their safety and supports the UAE’s efforts towards facing the challenges of the novel coronavirus, (COVID-19), and reduce its impact on all sectors. All these vital services have been shown on a single page and also disseminated through a digital booklet. | |
United Arab Emirates | Nationwide | “The National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority serve as the centralized platform to communicate COVID-19 information and statistics to citizens and civil society. The official partners are the Ministry of Health and Prevention, Abu Dhabi Department of Health, Dubai Health Authority, Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre and, Weqaya (a website specifically designed to raise public health awareness on the coronavirus). “ | |
United Arab Emirates | Nationwide | The Ministry of Education has launched the “Sanadcom” initiative, which targets students who are children of the medical, administrative, and nursing staff working in the country, and who are the first line of defense against the COVID-19 virus. The initiative aims to promote academic progress in this category and meeting all their technical and psychological requirements, as their parents are busy fighting this pandemic. This initiative is in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Prevention | |
United Arab Emirates | Nationwide | The UAE government has showed its readiness to identify and provide vital services for all citizens and residents so that they can obtain their government services around the clock through using smart channels without the need of any physical visit to its centers. This is to enable customers to complete their transactions remotely, in a way that ensures their safety and supports the UAE’s efforts towards facing the challenges of the novel Coronavirus, (COVID-19), and reduce its impact on all sectors. All these vital services have been shown on a single page and also disseminated through a digital booklet. | |
United Arab Emirates | Nationwide | Ministry of Health and Prevention spreads awareness around the novel COVID-19. The awareness center provides in-depth information about COVID-19 including what it is, how it spreads, hotlines, treatments, and so forth. | |
United Arab Emirates | Nationwide | The Department of Health Abu Dhabi, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Prevention and Dubai Health Authority, has launched a remote health app to provide various services and features to the society. The app’s services include preliminary medical diagnosis, information and guidelines, as too necessary medical support and examination of symptoms. It further provide online booking services to medical facilities and remote consultations via voice, video, calls or text. | |
United Arab Emirates | Nationwide | Malaffi (Arabic for ‘my file’) provides the DOH with a centralized database of real-time COVID-19 test results from all COVID-19 testing sites in Abu Dhabi. Under on the direction of the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi (DOH), providers at the front-line of the COVID 19 fight are granted urgent extended access to patients’ COVID-19 test results and their medical history | |
United Arab Emirates | Nationwide | The Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority (FCSA) launched the UAE Health Locator. The Health Locator support the community to search for medical facilities country wide, with the option to search for the nearest medical facility to their residences. | |
United Arab Emirates | Nationwide | provides all citizens and residents with the opportunity to a joint community response to COVID-19. Volunteers can choose from a comprehensive list of high-impact COVID-19 relief initiatives across the UAE, and find the right fit for their skills. The list include (not limited to) ‘field volunteering’ to support immediate efforts on the ground to stop the spread of COVID-19, ‘Virtual Volunteering’ whilst staying home to protect your community and get involved remotely, and ‘Knowledge Hub’ where volunteers can support in building a virtual knowledge hub with their expertise. | |
United Arab Emirates | Nationwide | An official website to keep the public informed about the coronavirus outbreak has been launched by Department of Health – Abu Dhabi and Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre. The new platform includes interactive features, updates from official sources, and answers in English and Arabic to queries related to the coronavirus through an AI chat-bot. | |
United Kingdom | has been replicated in a number of countires | | |
United Kingdom | Community-led mutual aid groups across the country mobilizing and coordinating online, following up with neighbourhood support. | | |
United Kingdom | Scotland | Covid-19 Data Dashboard for Scotland, devised by Ian Watt, civil society lead for commitment 3 on the current OGP action plan (Improving how information and data is shared – This dashboard is based data from daily updates from the Scottish Government but created manually. It provides historical perspectives rather than day-to-day snapshots. | |
United Kingdom | Scotland | The First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has published “A Framework for Decision Making”, outlining how Government will determine the steps required to constrain the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) while minimising overall harm to health, society and the economy. This reaffirms that the guiding values for all decisions will be kindness, compassion, openness and transparency, and sets out clearly the principles, aims, and evidence guiding decision making in Scotland. | |
United Kingdom | Scotland | A Third Sector Resilience Fund of £20m has been released by the Scottish Government to support organisations in the Third Sector who are at risk of closure or who are unable to deliver their services as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. The fund is delivered by Firstport, Social Investment Scotland and Corra Foundation and offers charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises grants of £5000 – £100,000. In addition there is up to a further £5m available in fully flexible, 0% interest loans starting at £50,000. The fund is complemented by specialist business advice from Just Enterprise to help grant recipients maximise the impact of the financial support. | |
United Kingdom | Global (data portal) | EU COVID-19 Data Portal is a bioinformatics and research literature open data portal jointly created by the European Union Commission, the European Bioinformatics Institute of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL-EBI)” working with EU member states and “other partners.” The website includes a tool to allow external users to share appropriate data with the curators for publication on the site. Despite leaving the EU, the UK remains part of the EMBL-EBI, which is headquartered near Cambridge, UK. | |
United Kingdom | London | Sourceful – open data and crowd sourced collaboration on documents and spreadsheets | |
United States | National | A website to help people who are struggling financially. They go on our website, use a registration code we provide and paste a link to an online gift registry requesting basic supplies like food. Donors can buy essential items for them. | |
United States | (New Jersey + Federation of American Scientists + NYU) A platform to get answers or make questions using the National Science Policy Network and the community of the Federation of American Scientists | | |
United States | Global coverage | Numerous initiatives of Data Collaboratives to address COVID19 | |
United States | Minnesota | Precautions to combat COVID-19 | |
United States | US, Latin America and Spain | Volunteers are translating articles from English to Spanish from credible sources that contain valuable information about COVID-19 for the Spanish-speaking public in the United States, Latin America and Spain. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, just behind Chinese, with 450 million Spanish speakers in the world. In the United States, an estimated 41 million people, or 13.5% of the total population, speak Spanish at home. | |
United States | North American region – Canada, USA and Mexico | Created by epidemiologists and software developers at Harvard, Boston Children’s Hospital and a group of volunteers from across the technology industry. Covid Near You uses crowdsourced data to visualize maps to help citizens and public health agencies identify current and potential hotspots for the recent pandemic coronavirus, COVID-19. The website is a sister tool of Flu Near You, created by Ending Pandemics and Boston Children’s Hospital in 2012 and maintained by the Boston Children’s Hospital team. Covid Near You relies on voluntary participation from the general public, asking you to take a few seconds to report if you or your family members have been healthy or sick. We analyze thousands of reports and map them to generate local and national views of covid-like-illness, providing public health officials and researchers with real-time, anonymous information that could help end the COVID-19 pandemic, and prevent the next one from happening. |!/ |
United States | Global, initially US and South Africa | Pandemic Action: Large notable organizations including the UN Foundation, CDC Foundation, Global Citizen, Moore Foundation, Gates Foundation, Global Citizen, J&J and many others launched Pandemic Action “Advocacy and Communications Effort” that individuals & orgs can join to encourage “united action” against Covid | |
United States | Global (United Nations) | The United Nations Development Programme and partners have launched a global design challenge to create open-source technology that developing countries can leverage to tackle coronavirus. | |
United States | North and South America (Organization of American States) | The Organization of American States, or OAS, is the regional government association for governments in the Americas, HQ’d in Washington DC. It has a commitment to open government and open data, accountability and civil society. It coordinates with UN, PAHO/WHO & member states on Covid in the Americas. For Covid response it has a number of open government resources including an app and live-streamed open meetings. It communicates in multiple languages via its Twitter and FB feeds as well as its website. | |
United States | Global (Internet platform) | The US National Academy of Engineering (an institution chartered by the US Congress to advise Congress on engineering matters) has created a public Covid response platform. They write: “We need your help to address the COVID-19 crisis. Through a grassroots effort ranging from students to senior engineering leaders, we have created a platform to share potential solutions, collaborate and inspire. | |
United States | Global (United Nations) | The United Nations called for creatives to help craft better Covid response messaging. They responded by creating the a first-of-its-kind open platform resource for ideas to be shared. | |
United States | United States | Current official US government (CDC) guide for volunteer, nonprofit, faith-based and community organizations responding to Covid-19, revised March 21,2020. The US gov’t refers to these community organizations by the acronym CFBO. “Interim Guidance for Administrators and Leaders of Community- and Faith-Based Organizations to Plan, Prepare, and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)” it is intended to “help CFBOs prevent the transmission of COVID-19 within their facilities and communities.” It includes response flowcharts and links to contact information for coordinating gov’t agencies (primarily local health departments). | |
United States | United States | Official US Gov’t (FEMA) Covid response site, including a “How To Help” link for individuals wishing to help (volunteer opps, blood donation, critical supplies, and business contracting are suggested). The page also has links for healthcare workers/volunteers (including a database coordinating with US state databases on where healthcare personnel are needed, licensed & unlicensed), media, “anti-rumor”, state & local gov’t resources, economic resources, and data resources. | |
United States | Global (United Nations) | Official United Nations Covid-19 response page, including links to UN Volunteers (online and offline, including a database of over 600,000 online volunteers that can deploy remotely), Covid-19 solidarity fund, links to the WHO Covid page, and a lengthy list of activities by all the UN agencies involved in the Covid-19 response. | |
United States | Global (Open Research Database) | COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19), “a free resource of over 52,000 scholarly articles, including over 41,000 with full text, about COVID-19 and the coronavirus family of viruses for use by the global research community. This dataset is intended to mobilize researchers to apply recent advances in natural language processing to generate new insights in support of the fight against this infectious disease. The corpus will be updated weekly as new research is published in peer-reviewed publications and archival services like bioRxiv, medRxiv, and others”. It includes tools for searching and visualizing the database, and is linked to other repositories including at WHO, PubMed, and Semantic Scholar. The database was created by “a coalition” of public and private entities, including the US Government National Library of Medicine at NIH, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Microsoft Research, Allen Institute for AI, Georgetown University. | |
United States | Global (ISO standards) | ANSI (ISO) COVID-19 EFFORTS: STANDARDIZATION COMMUNITY MAKING A DIFFERENCE is a standards community-led response to Covid. ANSI, US affiliate of ISO, the International Standards Organization, works with individuals, organizations, and gov’t entities like US Gov’t NIST to promulgate international standards. ANSI has made freely-available various ISO standards that relate to Covid (e.g., medical, safety, and PPE equipment, and standards related to computer and organizational security), although free registration is required. Among the ISO standards made available are ones that deal with organizational continuity and disaster planning guidelines, including crisis communications capabilities. | |
United States | Global (database of software tools) | Fighting Disinformation Online: A Database of Web Tools is a searchable directory of software and web tools are part of RAND Corporation’s Truth Decay anti-disinformation project. RAND is a highly influential think-tank with ties to the US Gov’t, so this project is a policy wonk community-led initiative. RAND also has published a number of white papers on Covid strategy under different URLs on the same site. | |
United States | Global (database) | The Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center maintains a database of other prominent organizations fighting disinformation internationally. Many of the organizations have extensive Covid anti-disinformation resources. (The Atlantic Council’s own extensive anti-disinfo project,, seems last updated in 2019, so does not yet cover Covid at this writing. However, the Atlantic Council has itself published extensive whitepapers on Covid-19 response strategy on its main website, The Atlantic Council is a highly respected think tank, so this is a policy wonk community-led response to Covid and disinformation. | |
United States | United States | Covid-19: A Frontline Guide for Local Decision Makers by pandemic experts from NTI, Georgetown University, US Gov’t Naval Postgraduate School, other US gov’t staff, Johns Hopkins, Yale, Harvard, CGD, and others. It provides a web tool, guide and checklist for local officials around the globe seeking a response plan for Covid in their local communities (although some action items and external resources mention coordinating with US state & federal officials, suggesting a US focus). Objectives include expanding risk and crisis communication, dispelling disinformation, expanding community engagement as well as limiting health, economic and social consequences. Links to external resources are provided at every step and feedback is sought. | |
United States | United States | US Chamber of Commerce’s “Combating the Coronavirus” web portal represent a US business community-led response to Covid-19. It includes detailed resources, guides, and webinars aimed at guiding US businesses’ response to Covid, including applying for government grants, disaster mitigation, recovery, and safety guides, as well as an ongoing series of “Town Hall” virtual meetings for businesses. Links to related external resources are included. Further sections focus on issues surrounding eventually economic re-opening of the country, including related health and legal considerations. | |
United States | Global and US (statistics) | COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) tracks global Covid-19 statistics, with US statistics tracked at the individual state level and beyond. No dataset of Covid-19 resources would be complete without this website. After the US gov’t CDC controversially stopped tracking US Covid-19 cases on its website circa March 2020 (ostensibly because they had allowed county and state health departments to test), Johns Hopkins CSSE became the de-facto authoritative US case counting source, whose numbers were used by all major media internationally (and eventually the US gov’t CDC itself). Thus this resource represents a scientific community-led response to Covid (when a national gov’t claims they lack resources to track case counts). The Covid-19 Dashboard and Case Tracker is part of a larger Covid “resource center” at JHU that seeks to brief policymakers and the general public on the virus. | |
United States | United States | COVID-19: Local Action Tracker is dataset created by Bloomberg Philantropies that tracks Covid-19 responses and policies by city and other local-level governments in the United States. | |
United States | Global (Online Event) | One World: Together At Home, free live-streamed 2020 rock concert by prominent orgs supporting WHO. Arguably a “rock-star-community-led” response to Covid, it successfully replaced lost WHO funding then-unexpectedly held up by WHO-criticizing US Trump Administration (although planned before?). Musicians performed via home videoconference due to Covid-19. Website visitors who come for partial streams of tracks are asked to engage in various participatory democracy online petitions. Essentially, famous musicians donated their talents to encourage participatory democracy themes in response to Covid while raising significant WHO money. Main sponsor Global Citizen is HQ’d in the US. | |
United States | Global (Open Letter) |’s Open Letter on Covid: “Principles for a #JustRecovery from COVID-19” that has been signed by 100s of NGOs and other prominent organizations. It calls for a “united global response” to Covid, a “Just Recovery” and many other requests. This is one of a number of Covid open letters signed by hundreds of prominent civic organizations that don’t seemed to be tracked elsewhere; perhaps a separate category or database is needed for these. is based in the United States. | |
United States | U.S./Global | A guide to identify relevant data to track: 1) emergency spending to prevent, detect, control, treat, and contain the virus, 2) stimulus packages for countercyclical actions to reactivate the economy and support affected people and sectors, and 3) revenue sources to ensure the financial requirements of a government during the emergency and for the stimulus measures. | |
United States | San Antonio, Texas | En Irys hemos desarrollado una aplicación que está apoyando al Gobierno de varias ciudades y organizaciones a recopilar y analizar datos relevantes a la pandemia en curso. Nuestra aplicación móvil web Irys COVID-19, permite a ciudadanos acceder a la información y los recursos relacionados con COVID-19, acceso a una autoevaluación de COVID-19, un módulo para reportar aumento de precios y un módulo para reportar reuniones sociales que exceden el número de personas permitidas. | |
United States | Global | Creative Commons offers the Open COVID Pledge, supporting the development of diagnostics, vaccines, therapeutics, medical equipment and other scientific discoveries related to COVID-19 for the duration of the pandemic. The Open COVID Pledge grants the public free, temporary access to specific patents and copyrights. Companies like Amazon, Facebook, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Sandia National Laboratories, have opened hundreds of thousands of patents for free use by researchers, scientists, and others working to end the COVID-19 pandemic. | |
United States | San Antonio | The City of San Antonio published a CoVID-19 Open Data Portal. The portal includes links to CoVID-19 statistics, dashboards and the data used to create them, published in raw, machine-readable formats. These applications and dashboards provide HIPAA-compliant, county-wide information about testing, hospital capacity, and case data, in addition to key health and capacity metrics the City and local health authority are tracking as Texas begins to reopen. In one week, over 3 million hits were recorded on the public CoVID-19 dashboards, with an average number of 450,920.86 visits per day. The Open Data Hub Site received nearly 20,000 visits two weeks after deployment, averaging over 1.5K visits daily. | |
Uruguay | Detalle de medidas adoptadas que se elaboraron para atender a las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas en el marco de la emergencia sanitaria e información para acceder a ellas. | | |
Uruguay | Detalle de medidas adoptadas que se elaboraron para atender a la ciudadanía en el marco de la emergencia sanitaria e información para acceder a ellas, incluido el apoyo económico y social. | | |
Uruguay | Visualizador (mapa) de casos coronavirus COVID-19 en Uruguay | | |
Uruguay | Publicación de protocolo para personas en riesgo en lengua de señas y audio. | | |
Uruguay | Publicación de protocolos para el momento de entradar a casa en lengua de señas y audio. | | |
Uruguay | Publicación de protocolos para el momenot de salir de casa en lengua de señas y audio. | | |
Uruguay | Campaña de sensibilización y creación de un espacio de información oficial del Ministerio de Salud Pública en coordinación con la OMS. | | |
Uruguay | Listado de medidas del Gobierno para atender la emergencia sanitaria por coronavirus (COVID-19), clasificadas por temática y fecha. | | |
Uruguay | “Creación de Aplicación móvil Android /IOS. Esta aplicación permite ingresar los datos personales y de salud a fin de determinar si es necesario realizar un análisis por el Coronavirus COVID-19. Luego de registrado se podrá hacer seguimiento del caso y los siguientes pasos que deberá realizar.” | | |
Uruguay | “Creación e instrumentación de diversas herramientas y vías de contacto para informar acerca del coronavirus y/o evacuar consultas 0800 1919 Whatsapp 098 99 99 99 Chatbot ¿Dudas sobre Coronavirus? Messenger @MSPUruguay” | | |
Uruguay | Generación de un programa específico para que funcionarios públicos se desempeñen como voluntarios en distintas acciones que coordina el Ministerio de Salud Pública. El plan, elaborado por la Oficina Nacional de Servicio Civil (ONSC) y la Agencia de Gobierno Electrónico y Sociedad de la Información y del Conocimiento (Agesic), permite que los trabajadores colaboren en llevar los medicamentos a personas mayores que viven solas o que no lo pueden hacer por sus propios medios. | | |
Uruguay | Habilitación de la plataforma del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura para niños, jóvenes y adultos, gratis y con actualización diaria. El objetivo es promover el acceso a propuestas culturales nacionales en tiempos de emergencia sanitaria, en que se recomienda quedarse en casa. Incluye artes visuales y escénicas, cine y audiovisual, letras, música, sección infantil, ciencia y eventos especiales. | | |
Uruguay | Comunicación de medidas para prevenir la violencia de género en contexto de aislamiento. | | |
Uruguay | Teletrabajo: Se disponibilizaron herramientas tecnológicas, equipamiento, accesos remotos y un conjunto de herramientas digitales para desarrollar el trabajo colaborativo, reuniones virtuales, capacitaciones, asi como el acceso a los sistema de gestión utilizados normalmente. (ej: VPN, Nextcloud, acceso a REdUy, ZOOM , entre otras) Se acompañó el proceso con Recomendación, guías y buenas prácticas que se publicaron para apoyar y facilitar el proceso de cada uno de los organismos públicos. Dichas recomendaciones contemplan desde aspectos técnicos con recomendaciones vinculadas con el acceso remoto, dispositivos y herramientas, los aspectos legales y de seguridad, de forma de dar las garantías respecto al acceso a los datos , la identidad y firma de los funcionarios, y desde el punto de vista socioemocional de los trabajadores. | | |
Uruguay | Dado que en Uruguay el 100% de los trámites pueden iniciarse en línea se reforzó la exhortación a la población a mantenerse en sus hogares promocionando la comunicación en línea de todo el vínculo del ciudadano con el Estado. | | |
Viet Nam | Government Mobile app to intervene the spreading of Covid-19 | | |
Viet Nam | Official website to share all information to the public | |
Read OGP’s Message to the Community on Coronavirus here.