Recommendations by Policy Area
The guide is a one-stop shop for concrete recommendations, examples of reforms, and international standards and guidance.
It is a resource to help reformers, whether they are working on an OGP action plan, trying to meet the Open Gov Challenge, or working outside of OGP processes. The Open Gov Guide draws on the work of reformers and advocates around the world, who shaped the guide through their expertise and experience. The full guide can be downloaded here.

A free and active civil society is key to ensuring that institutions are open, accountable, and responsive. OGP members are working to promote and protect basic democratic freedoms, such as freedom of expression, assembly, and association, as well as media freedom, while tackling the new opportunities and challenges offered by their implementation online.
Civic Space

Climate change is an incredibly complex challenge affecting everyone. Open government practices enable governments and citizens to see the true costs of pollution, discuss and co-create alternative approaches for national socio-economic development, and ensure that there is adequate public oversight of climate change and environmental policies and spending.
Climate and Environment

As new and emerging technologies present opportunities for governments and citizens to advance openness, accountability, and participatory practices, OGP members are working to create policies to maximize the benefits of such advancements while safeguarding against harms caused by, for example, online misinformation and disinformation or the malicious use of AI applications.
Digital Governance

Making budgets open to public input ensures that government planning and spending align with public priorities and enables societal scrutiny. This includes publishing fiscal information in plain language and accessible formats and increasing participation and oversight in budgeting.
Fiscal Openness

Inclusion is fundamental to achieving more equitable, representative, and accountable policies that truly serve all people. OGP members are advancing gender and inclusion throughout open government initiatives, whether in championing innovative gender-specific reforms, engaging youth communities in co-creation, or integrating inclusion as a priority across themes and commitments.
Gender & Inclusion

OGP members use open government approaches to address barriers that prevent people from having their justice needs met, empower them to understand their legal problems, and seek help through fair and impartial processes in formal and informal institutions. This includes creating alternative dispute mechanisms, opening justice data, and increasing avenues for public feedback.

Transparency and access to information, participation, and public accountability are core open government principles and serve as OGP’s principal values. The chapters under this theme focus on cross-cutting policy areas that enable and amplify the benefits of all open government initiatives.
Open Government Foundations