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Žilina (Region), Slovak Republic

Develop a network of civil society actors to strengthen partnerships (SKZI0001)



Action Plan: Action plan – Žilina (Region), Slovak Republic, 2022 – 2026

Inception Report Summary: Inception Report – Action plan – Žilina (Region), Slovak Republic, 2022 – 2026

Commitment Start: Jan 2023
Commitment End: Nov 2023

Institutions involved:

  • Zilina Self-governing region
  • N/A
  • Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for the Development of Civil Society
  • Not in Our Town

Primary Policy Area:

Primary Sector:

OGP Value:

  • Civic Participation

Inception Report Summary

Verifiable: Yes

Relevance to OGP Values: Yes

The commitment is a continuation of ongoing practice in line with existing legislation, policies or requirements.

The commitment activities is a positive change to a process, practice or policy but will not generate a binding or institutionalized change across government or specific institution(s).


Commitment ID


Commitment Title

Develop a network of civil society actors – mapping civil society organizations and initiatives in the region and strengthening existing partnerships and building new partnerships with ŽSGR


The participation of various civil society actors in the processes and agendas of ZSGR is relatively low.

There is lack of systematic institutional support of these actors. If there are existing lists of partners from civil society, these are not complete and absent information on their status.

Status quo

There are good partnerships among civil society actors and public institution that have potential to expand.

This commitment has strong support in the strategic document Economic Development and Social Development Program ŽSK 2021+ (PHSR ŽSK 2021+) and its specific goal nr. 5.3, which aims to “develop active communities and strengthen the territorial cooperation.” This commitment is going to build on this specific goal under the strategic aim „Identity and sustainability“ and support it´s effective implementation.


Our aim is to map civil society actors, build strong and stable partnerships with them, enhance participation processes and enhance cooperation, firstly in priority areas: non-governmental organizations and groups active in culture, environmental protection and education.

1. Strengthening existing regional cooperation

2. Mapping civil society actors active in the region

3. Create new partnerships with the civil sector

4. Improve institutional support for public involvement and increase public participation in decision-making on regional development

5. Expand opportunities for public involvement in the creation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies

How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem described above?

ZSGR would like to enhance active involvement of individuals or groups of civil society in individual phases of the project cycle and phases of the policy-making cycle - through creation, implementation and evaluation of the project or policy – in order to support the trust and ownership of the regional office policies in the civil society. We would like to engage public and civil society organizations to the development of our region.

What long-term goal as identified in your Open Government Strategy does this commitment relate to?

Our long-term goal is to enhance participation of civil society actors in policies and agendas of ZSGR and to cooperation of ZSGR and civil society actors. We aim to promote systematic building of partnerships and innovative communication tools with external actors from various sectors, with special focus on civil society actors – organizations, initiatives and groups across our region.

Primary Policy Area

Civic Space, Inclusion

Primary Sector

Cross-sectoral, Other/NA

What OGP value is this commitment relevant to?

Civic Participation We would like to support public participation and inclusion and building partnerships


4 Milestones

Map of CSA Partners in the region

Start Date01/2023
End Date06/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Parthership Forum

Start Date03/2023
End Date10/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Increased internal capacities for participation through trough seminars/workshops /2

Start Date03/2023
End Date11/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Institutional Measures for participation to support participatory processes at ZSGR

Start Date06/2023
End Date11/2023
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete


Open Government Partnership