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United Kingdom

Use a Single Domain for Government Services (UK0033)



Action Plan: United Kingdom – First National Action Plan 2011-2013

Action Plan Cycle: 2011



Lead Institution: Cabinet Office Digital Team

Support Institution(s): Relevant agencies

Policy Areas

Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: United Kingdom Progress Report 2011–2013

Early Results: No IRM Data

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i



Use a single domain for government services. Access to data offers key benefits by enabling access to online transactional services, which makes life simpler and more convenient for citizens and businesses (for instance in accessing and applying for student loans or jobseeker’s allowance) and offers channels to collaborate and share information with citizens and business. This in turn enables the innovation of new online tools and services. For these reasons the government will work to make citizen-focused transactional services “digital by default.” Where appropriate, this will be done by using Directgov as the single domain for citizens to access public services and government information. is the UK Government’s digital service for all citizens, providing a single point of access to public sector information and services. The site receives more than 15 million visits a month, from around 8 million unique users. For those for whom digital channels are less accessible (for example, some older or disadvantaged people) the government will enable a network of “assisted digital” service providers, such as post offices, UK online centres, and other local service providers.


Open Government Partnership