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Portrait of Arjan El Fassed

Arjan El Fassed

Arjan El Fassed is director of Open State Foundation, a digital transparency organization based in The Netherlands. He is an advisor to, a former Member of Parliament and worked at international development and human rights organizations.

Authored Content

La transparencia en la lucha contra las noticias falsas

En los Países Bajos, las próximas elecciones municipales se llevarán a cabo el 21 de marzo del 2018. Ese mismo día, habrá un referéndum no obligatorio en el que los votantes opinarán sobre la Ley de Servicios de Inteligencia y…

Tackle fake news with transparency

In the Netherlands, the next municipal elections will be held on 21 March 2018. On the same day, voters will also be asked their opinion in a non-binding referendum on the Intelligence and Security Services Act. This advisory referendum will…

Open Government Partnership