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Imanol Argüeso Epelde

Web Manager at the Directorate for Citizen and Digital Services of the Basque Government

Imanol Argüeso Epelde has been working for more than 12 years to open public data, coordinating the open data initiative of the Basque Government – Open Data Euskadi – since 2010. He has also worked in the Web Service of the Basque Government, in the field of online presence and digital services.

Previously, he worked in various sectors (industry, insurance, IT) and private companies in positions and projects related to information and communication technologies.

Authored Content

magic hand

Open Data Euskadi: Five Lessons in 12 Years Opening Data

In April 2010, the Government of Euskadi (Basque Country) Spain launched an open data initiative called Open Data Euskadi. It soon became a reference for many public administrations that were beginning to consider opening their data. Since then a lot…

Open Government Partnership