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Webinar: Learning From the IRM Reports – The Cases of UK & Norway

Joseph Foti, Program Manager, Independent Reporting Mechanism.
Kevin Dunion, IRM Researcher for the United Kingdom and Executive
Director of the Centre for Freedom of Information at the University of
Christopher Wilson, IRM Researcher for Norway and Knowledge Lead and
Co-Founder, the Engine Room.

To become a member of OGP, participating countries must endorse a high-level Open Government Declaration, deliver a country action plan developed with public consultation, and commit to independent reporting on their progress going forward. – See more at:

In the coming 6 months, over 40 countries will develop new OGP action plans and 35 will receive independent progress reports. 8 reports from founding countries have been released for public comment. The goal of this webinar is to share lessons learned from the first progress reports, common trends and the process for future IRM reports. Issues to be addressed during the session will include:

• How is the report carried out?
• How can you participate in the reporting process?
• How does the report feed into national action planning processes?
• How can you use the report to improve implementation of OGP in your country?

As the founding 8 countries have gone through the IRM process, this webinar aims to leverage their experience by targeting both civil society and governments from the next round of countries that will start their IRM process so they can draw lessons from this experience.


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Open Government Partnership