Latin America
End of Commitment Report – Territorialize the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals in four municipalities of the province with a meaningful open government perspective, emphasizing collaboration between actors.
Overview Name of Evaluator Melisa Gorondy Novak Email Member Name Córdoba (Province), Argentina Action Plan Title Action plan - Córdoba (Province), Argentina, 2021 - 2023 Commitment Territorialize the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals in four municipalities of…
End of Commitment Report – Partner municipalities and social organizations participating in the Local OGP Program in the incorporation of gender perspective and a youth approach in the process of territorialization of SDGs.
Overview Name of Evaluator Melisa Gorondy Novak Email Member Name Córdoba (Province), Argentina Action Plan Title Action plan - Córdoba (Province), Argentina, 2021 - 2023 Commitment Partner municipalities and social organizations participating in the Local OGP Program in the…
End of Commitment Report – Make visible the actions and processes developed within the framework of Local OGP Program by local governments and civil society organizations.
Overview Name of Evaluator Melisa Gorondy Novak Email Member Name Córdoba (Province), Argentina Action Plan Title Action plan - Córdoba (Province), Argentina, 2021 - 2023 Commitment Make visible the actions and processes developed within the framework of the Local…
Inception Report – Action plan – Maipú, Chile, 2023 – 2024
Overview Name of Evaluator Felipe Paredes Email Member Name Maipú, Chile Action Plan Title Action plan - Maipú, Chile, 2023 - 2024 Section 1. Compliance with co-creation requirements 1.1 Does a forum exist? Yes Provide a brief explanation of…

Ecuador Says No to Violence and Yes to Transparency
Ecuador le dice no a la violencia y sí a la transparencia
Violence and corruption are two concepts that have been separated for a long time. According to the 2022 Corruption Perception Index, Ecuador ranked 101 out of 180 countries in terms of corruption. Dialogo Diverso (an organization that promotes the…
Violencia y corrupción son dos conceptos que por mucho tiempo han estado separados. Según el Índice de la Percepción de la Corrupción, hasta 2022, Ecuador ocupaba el lugar 101 de 180 países en nivel de corrupción. Diálogo Diverso (una organización…
Argentina Action Plan Review 2022-2024
El Quinto Plan de Acción Nacional de Gobierno 2022-2024 se compone de seis compromisos que abordan áreas clave de políticas públicas, como género, medio ambiente, obras públicas y salud. Se destaca la innovación en la federalización del plan, con colaboraciones…

Reform Space to Watch: Anti-corruption and Infrastructure Data in Brazil
As one of OGP’s founders, Brazil has always had civil servants and civil society actors truly committed to the cause of reform and, with some exceptions, has often been at the vanguard of the Partnership. With a new government in charge, committed to change, can meaningful progress be made on fighting corruption?
Brazil Action Plan Review 2021-2023 – For Public Comment
In 2023, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Action Plan Review for Brazil's 2021-2023 action plan. The report provides a technical review of the action plan’s characteristics and the strengths and challenges the IRM identifies to inform a stronger…
Ecuador Action Plan Review 2022-2024 – For Public Comment
El Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente (IRM, por sus siglas en inglés) publicó la Revisión del Plan de Acción para el segundo plan de acción de Ecuador (2022-2024). Este informe es una revisión técnica de las características del plan de acción…