Online Applications to Achieve Minimum Service Standards for Pregnant Women (IDBNG0004)
Action Plan: Action plan – Banggai, Indonesia, 2021 – 2024
Inception Report Summary: Inception Report – Action plan – Banggai, Indonesia, 2021 – 2024
Commitment Start: Jul 2021
Commitment End: May 2024
Institutions involved:
- Health Office
- Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency
- Population and Civil Registry Office
- Communication and Information Office
- Luwuk Nursing Study Program of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
- Organization Section in Local Government Secretariat
- International NGO Forum on Indonesia (INFID)
- Media Link
- Draiv (Local Online Service Application Provider)
- Family Welfare Empowerment Team (TP.PKK) Banggai
- Aisyiah in Banggai Regency
Primary Policy Area:
Primary Sector:
OGP Value:
- Technology and Innovation for Transparency and Accountability
Inception Report Summary
Verifiable: Yes
Relevance to OGP Values: Yes
The commitment is a continuation of ongoing practice in line with existing legislation, policies or requirements.
The commitment activities will result in a change of the rules, practices or policies that govern a policy area, public sector and/or relationship between citizens and is binding or institutionalized across government or specific institution(s).
Commitment ID
Commitment Title
Online Applications to Achieve Minimum Service Standards for Pregnant Women
- After being successfully declined in 2019 (from 364 to 71 per 100000 live birth), the maternal mortality rate in Banggai Regency shows an escalation in 2020 from 71 to 263 per 100000 live birth.
- The escalation of MMR in 2020 might have been caused by the restriction in community activity due to covid 19 pandemic, so the routine health service for pregnant women that usually taken place at POSYANDU and home visits cannot be done.
- Difficultness in digitalized data management. Data of pregnant women in Banggai Regency are still not being digitalized recorded, so it is difficult for health service officers or midwives to monitor and assess the degree of risk in real-time.
- Provide online services to maximized the communication between pregnant women and midwives in the term of health consultation (self-assessment data, sign and symptoms) therefore pregnant women can be monitored real-time by midwives.
- Provide online-based health service to increase the scope of minimum health service standard for pregnant women.
- Mobile apps (online-based health services) is needed to monitoring pregnant women who are at high risk and also as a prevention management system of maternal death
Status quo
- In 2020, the percentage of pregnant women who received the minimum health services standard fall from 94,2% (2019) to 86,9%. Due to covid-19 pandemic, a mass gathering is restricted and so the Posyandu and other community-based health services. Furthermore, being infected by health officer during home visiting became a concern for pregnant women and their family.
- Development of mobile apps (online-based) for pregnant women is expected to overcome those difficulties.
- There is a local start-up in Banggai Regency called DRAIV, that enable to provide online-based monitoring health services for pregnant women.
- DRAIV, a start-up that already has 20 thousand costumers, has agreed to add the minimum health service standard for pregnant women as its new feature
Create an application that allows health workers (village midwives, community health centre midwives and district coordinators) to monitor the condition of pregnant women in real-time.
How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem described above?
- This mobile app is is designed to be able to comprehensively record pregnant women, monitor the progress of their pregnancies so that early treatment efforts can be made if problems occur that threaten the safety of pregnant women in the Banggai Regency.
- Monitor whether the 10 Minimum Service Standards for pregnant women are Weight and Height, Blood Pressure, Assess nutritional status, Peak height of the uterus/uterine fundus, Determine fetal presentation, Screening for immunization status, Tetanus and give TT immunization, Giving Blood Add Tablets at least 90 tablets during pregnancy. Lab tests, pregnancy tests, and case management have been achieved by the mother.
- This mobile app will give notification to users if there is a pregnant woman that has anemia, malnutrition, or preeclampsia, so early treatment/action could be performed.
- Emergency monitoring system as one of its feature will enable pregnant women to get emergency services quickly and accurately according to particular procedure (ring ambulance).
What long-term goal as identified in your Open Government Strategy does this commitment relate to?
This commitment is in line with the OGP principles, where 1) Services can cover all pregnant women (inclusive) 2) Health workers can access data in villages, puskesmas, and districts (open) 3) Pregnant women can report if there are problems in their pregnancy (participatory) and 4) Service results can be well documented and reported (accountably) with the use of adequate information technology and systems.
Primary Policy Area
Digital Governance, Inclusion
Primary Sector
Health & Nutrition, Media and Telecommunications, Public Services (general)
What OGP value is this commitment relevant to?
Technology and Innovation for Transparency and Accountability | Efforts to use the latest technology, innovation in public services and increasing participation of pregnant women to get services according to standards. Efforts to use the latest technology, innovation in public services and increasing participation of pregnant women to get services according to standards. |