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Transport Data (BR0104)



Action Plan: Brazil National Action Plan 2018-2021

Action Plan Cycle: 2018



Lead Institution: National Road Transport Agency - ANTT

Support Institution(s): National Road Transport Agency - ANTT Ministry of Transparency and Comptroller General of Brazil – CGU Institute of Social Economic Studies - INESC Brazilian Consumer Defense Institute - IDEC

Policy Areas

Infrastructure & Transport, Public Service Delivery

IRM Review

IRM Report: Brazil Design Report 2018-2020

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: No

Ambition (see definition): Low

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Commitment 5: Define mechanisms for data capturing in order to improve the National Terrestrial Transport Agency’s (ANTT) regulated services and encourage society participation on satisfaction surveys.
Lead government institution National Road Transport Agency - ANTT
Civil servant in charge for implementing at lead government institution Paulo Henrique da Silva Costa
Position - Department Administration Analyst/ Coordinator for Articulation
Executive Superintendence
Telephone (61) 3410-1680
Other involved actors Government National Road Transport Agency - ANTT
Ministry of Transparency and Comptroller General of Brazil – CGU
Civil Society Institute of Social Economic Studies - INESC
Brazilian Consumer Defense Institute - IDEC
Status quo or problem/issue to be addressed Delay over the release of results related to the users’ satisfaction in order to enable a better operation of ANTT and its regulated.
Main objective Optimize the data collecting process about users’ satisfaction with services and effective upgrades over these services.
Commitment short description Develop technology and integrate data from online services operated by road, railroad and interstate busses users in order to involve citizens and add value to regulated activities from ANTT, providing regulation through incentives and with a better observation of the struggles faced by regulated markets.
OGP Challenge addressed by the Commitment Increase the availability of information related to governmental activities.
Support civic participation
Commitment relevance Increase the spontaneous availability of data related to users’ satisfaction
Goal Promote a better comprehension of the services quality in order to improve the decision-making process and control concessions.
Situation Initiated in October 2018.
Results description Not available
Implemented until July/2020

Verifiable and measurable milestones to fulfill the Commitment Start date: End date: Responsible:
1. Internal mapping of necessary data for the evaluation of services
12/31/2018 ANTT *
2. Mapping of options of data collecting tools


03/31/2019 IDEC*
3. Feasibility study to establish search tools
4. Define a strategy to select the tool
01/31/2020 ANTT*
5. Implement the strategy to select the tool.
05/31/2020 ANTT*
6. Tool selection
07/31/2020 ANTT*

IRM Midterm Status Summary

5. Analysis over the User’s Satisfaction and ANTT [33] Regulation Social Impact

Language of the commitment as it appears in the action plan:

“Optimize the data collecting process about users’ satisfaction with services and effective upgrades over these services.”

5.1. Internal mapping of necessary data for the evaluation of services

5.2. Mapping of options of data collecting tools

5.3. Feasibility study to establish search tools

5.4. Define a strategy to select the tool

5.5. Implement the strategy to select the tool

5.6. Tool selection

Start Date: January 2018......                                                                            End Date: July 2020

Editorial note: to see the complete text, visit

Context and Objectives

In 2017, legislation was passed requiring civic participation in the monitoring of public service delivery. [34] However, this legislation has not yet been properly implemented in the transportation system. [35] Responding to this challenge, this commitment seeks to optimize data collection on users’ satisfaction with transportation services, including roads, railroads, and interstate buses.

The commitment proposes identifying data collection tools (Milestones 5.1 and 5.2) and selecting them (5.3−5.6). The commitment is specific enough to be verifiable, but it is not directly relevant to any OGP values. While the commitment could improve data collection about transportation satisfaction, its milestones do not include a public-facing element. The milestones also do not directly engage the public or improve conditions for civic participation or public accountability.

If fully implemented as designed, the commitment will have a minor impact on optimizing the data collection process and encouraging society participation, due to its limitation in scale. The commitment tackles the creation of the tool, but not its implementation or strategies to promote its uptake among transportation users.

Next steps

This commitment is an important precursor for better engaging the public on transportation issues and could be pursued in future action plans. To increase the commitment’s impact, its milestones could clarify how citizen feedback will drive government actions. The suggested criteria for selecting the tool, for instance, could prioritize clear and direct channels for citizen input to reach decision makers. Also, information on how that feedback has been acted on could be made public.

[33] Agência Nacional de Transporte Terrestres, or National Terrestrial Transport Agency.
[34] President of the Republic (Brazil), “Provides for Participation, Protection and Defense of the Rights of Users of Public Services of Public Administration,” Law No. 13,460, (26 June 2017),
[35] Government of Brazil, “User Satisfaction Analysis and Social Impact of ANTT Regulation—1st Co-creation Workshop,”, accessed August 2019,


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