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Papua New Guinea

Storage of Open Government Info (PNG0003)



Action Plan: Papua New Guinea Action Plan 2018-2020

Action Plan Cycle: 2018



Lead Institution: DNPM

Support Institution(s): DCIT, National Statistical Office, Department of Provincial & Local Level Government, other agencies with existing and planned data portals, DIRD (DIMS), NICTA, INA, CIMC, TIPNG, CELCOR, PNG Media Council, Church Partnership Programme, PNGICT Cluster

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Capacity Building, Open Data, Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Papua New Guinea Hybrid Report 2018-2021

Early Results: Did Not Change

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): Low

Implementation i



Problem/lssue to be addressed: Centralisation of publicly accessible datasets is necessary for public participation in public service delivery; its absence is detrimental to the integrity of government.; Main Objective: Centralise public datasets into an open data portal accessible to the public by a web browser.; Brief Description of Commitment: There needs to be a mechanism for access to public data (vertically between the Government and citizens) similar to the IGIS access platform (laterally between the Government Departments). It is envisioned that the DNPM could give access to its data sets to the public and also facilitate relevant government bodies doing likewise. The data can be simply Comma Separated Values (CSV) files which are uploaded and housed by the Government Open Data Portal; OGP Challenge address by the Commitment: Freedom of Information, Open Data, Fiscal Transparency, Public Service Delivery, Public Participation; Relevance Briefly describe the way in which this commitment is relevant to further advancing OGP values of access to information, public accountability, civic participation and technology and innovation for openness and accountability.: Once a central publically accessible repository of government datasets is established, this will enable greater engagement of the citizenry for service delivery monitoring. This engagement will in turn increase trust in Government and improve the integrity of public service delivery.; Ambition Briefly describe the intended results of the commitment and how it will either make government open or improve government through more openness: With an open shared platform agencies will be encouraged to share information and engage constructively with the public they serve.; Variable and Measurable milestones to fulfil the commitment: Conduct Open Data Readiness Assessment (ODRA) to evaluate status of public document access.; CSO and wider partner Open Data Workshop to encourage data requests using current models; Workshop to review current proactive disclosure practices amongst government departments which comprise the National Statistical System (NSS) under the National Statistics Office and in line with the PNG National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (PNG SDS).; From review workshop participants, create working committee to implement PNG SDS for data sharing amongst their own agencies.; Establishement of the PNG SDS Statistical Coordination Unit Staff within Macro planning Division; Agree to open data standard for trial roll out amongst select government agencies; Review of MIS within DNPM to create National Data Centre; Re-launch PNG Open Data portal; Training with representatives from media agencies in country in how to access and interpret data from Portal.;

IRM Midterm Status Summary

3. Government Open Data Portal

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to Open Government: Yes

Potential impact: Minor

Completion: Not Started

Aim of the commitment

The commitment intended to align an existing portal with open government principles, encouraging government agencies to voluntarily upload data for public access. Preceding this commitment, there was no centralized public access to government information and limited proactive disclosure by government agencies. [12] Citizen access to government information required in-person visits to individual agencies in Port Moresby. [13] CLRC noted that this lack of online information was an obstacle for rural citizens, given the challenges of travel. [14]

This commitment had minor potential to improve citizen access to government-held information. If fully implemented, an online data portal could have facilitated opportunities to monitor government decisions and service delivery. However, the scope of the commitment was limited by a low level of national internet penetration, standing at 15.2% in January 2021. [15]

Did it open government?

Did not change

This commitment did not result in an open data portal, and none of its intended milestones were started. According to the Department of Information Communication Technology, the plan for an open data portal was shelved. Under the new government that took office in 2019, priorities shifted to focus on development of a cloud-based system for vertical information sharing between government agencies and citizens. [16] Moving forward, the IRM recommends that open data initiatives incorporate efforts to ensure that government agencies proactively manage record keeping in their own agencies as well. It would also be valuable to consider additional, non-internet access-to-information efforts, through radio, in-person meetings, and other mechanisms.

[12] Transparency International PNG, interview by IRM researcher, 3 Aug. 2019.
[13] Transparency International PNG, “Our right to know, their duty to tell.”
[14] Constitutional and Law Reform Commission, interview by IRM researcher, 3 Aug. 2019.
[15] Simon Kemp, “Digital 2021: Papua New Guinea” Datareportal (12 Feb. 2021),
[16] Jessy Sekere (Dept. of Information Communication Technology), interview by IRM researcher, 6 Dec. 2021.


Open Government Partnership