Welcome to the 2021 Open Government Awards! As part of our 10th anniversary, OGP is celebrating the hard work of open government reformers worldwide to bring together governments and civil society to jointly improve the transparency, accountability, participatory nature, and impact of open government work.
We launched two award tracks – the OGP Impact Awards and the OGP Local Innovation Awards. The Impact Awards highlight commitments that have demonstrably improved people’s lives or the quality of democracy. The Innovation Awards put a spotlight on innovative commitments in OGP Local action plans.
Thank you to all who applied to the 2021 OGP Impact and Local Innovation Awards! This was a competitive process which generated 45 applications for the Impact Awards and 60 for the Local Innovation Awards. Over 8,000 members of the OGP community voted in the Impact Awards, and 11,000 in the Local Innovation Awards. Explore the results below.

OGP Impact Awards
Thanks to all who participated in the 2021 OGP Impact Awards, and congratulations to our winners!
Africa and the Middle East
- 1st place: Nigeria – Beneficial Ownership Transparency
- 2nd place: Tunisia – Right to Information
- 3rd place: Ghana – Open Data Initiative
- 1st place: Panama – Hotline 311
- 2nd place: Brazil – Innovations in Basic Education
- 3rd place: Argentina – Active Transparency Index
Asia and the Pacific
- 1st place: Philippines – Citizen Participatory Audit
- 2nd place: Indonesia – Open E-Procurement
- 3rd place: Republic of Korea – National Core Data Release Program
- 1st place: Ukraine – Transparent Sale of Public Assets
- 2nd place: Serbia – Public Services on ePAPER
- 3rd place: Ireland – Citizens’ Assembly
- 3rd place: North Macedonia – Transparent & Accountable Local Government
Explore all entries submitted here.

OGP Local Innovation Awards
Thanks to all who participated in the 2021 OGP Local Innovation Awards, and congratulations to our winners!
Africa and the Middle East
- 1st place: Plateau, Nigeria | Increasing Transparency and Accountability in Extractives
- 2nd place: Nandi, Kenya | Public Participation and Civic Engagement
- 3rd place: Tangier – Tetouan – Al-Hoceima, Morocco | MEL Platform for Regional Development
- 1st place: Bogota, Colombia | Innovation and Participation in Health
- 2nd place: Bogota, Colombia | Gender Parity in Open Government
- 2nd place: São Paulo, Brazil | Citizen Monitoring of the Municipal Agenda 2030
- 3rd place: Córdoba Province, Argentina | Localizing the 2030 Agenda
Asia and the Pacific
- 1st place: West Sumbawa, Indonesia | Forum for Consultation, Complaints, and Problem Solving
- 2nd place: West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia | Community Complaint Resolution
- 3rd place: Semarang, Indonesia | Complaint Portal for Vulnerable Communities
- 1st place: Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine | Formation of the Green Course Action Plan
- 2nd place: Tirana, Albania | WhatsApp Counselor
- 3rd place: Vinnytsia, Ukraine | Liason Offices for Citizen Participation
Explore all entries submitted here.
OGP Impact Awards: This year, the OGP Support Unit asked the government point of contact (PoC) from OGP member countries and locals to consult with their multi-stakeholder forum and identify one commitment to be considered for the Impact Award. To facilitate this exercise, the Support Unit shared a list of commitments that were assessed by the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) to either have a ‘Star’ or a ‘Major’ or ‘Outstanding’ effect on opening government. These are commitments that are included in action plans made from 2012 to 2018, and have shown promising early results. Countries and locals could nominate a commitment from this list, or choose an OGP commitment outside of the list, and make the case that the selected commitment went on to demonstrably improve people’s lives or the quality of democracy.
OGP Local Innovation Awards: All OGP Local members were invited to select up to two innovative commitments to submit for the ‘Spotlight Award’. We define innovations in open government as a service, platform, rule or system that is:
- New – it has not been done before in the context,
- Relevant – it addresses a current problem,
- Feasible – it can be done within the context and resources, and
- Creates value – to people and government.
Voting has now closed. Top winners in each region will be recognized at the OGP Global Summit in December.