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Open Parliaments: The Case of Buenos Aires
Parlamentos Abiertos: el caso de Buenos Aires
Between 2021 and 2023, the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires adopted open government and active transparency standards to promote a Legislative Branch that is closer to citizens. The Legislature, with which I have had the pleasure of…
Entre 2021 y 2023, la Legislatura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires adoptó los estándares de gobierno abierto y transparencia activa para promover un Poder Legislativo más cercano a la ciudadanía. La Legislatura, con la que he tenido el…

Parliaments in OGP – Recommendations
Explore our list of recommendations for actions that parliaments can take to advance open government through legislation, oversight, opening up parliamentary institutions and processes, and fostering dialogue. Legislative action Adopt, or review and amend legislation to strengthen the legal frameworks…

10 Years On, What Does the Evidence Tell Us?
A 10 años de la Alianza, ¿qué nos dice la evidencia?
Join us for this Spanish-only session to discuss data covering nearly 200 OGP action plans submitted between 2012 and 2020.
Acompáñanos en esta sesión solo en español para analizar los datos que cubren casi 200 planes de acción nacionales de OGP presentados entre 2012 y 2020.

Introducing OGP’s Way Forward on Parliamentary Engagement
Over the course of 2021, the OGP Support Unit has conducted a review of its objectives, policy and practice on parliamentary engagement.