OGP Educational Resources
This page is a curated list of OGP resources that educators use to teach about open government or that may be useful for open government.
This page is a curated list of OGP resources that educators use to teach about open government or that may be useful for open government.
Grand corruption often crosses boundaries, relies on complex legal structures to achieve secrecy, and thrives in undemocratic spaces. However, those committing grand corruption would not be able to thrive if they did not have access to the markets of world’s democracies. This is where OGP can help.
Utilize new commitment tags to analyze thematic content, monitor adoption trends, and identify notable reforms.
Explore global progress and member-level examples of open government work in each of the selected policy areas and various regions.
In December 2021, the United States government convened the first Summit for Democracy (S4D), where more than 50 governments – including 43 member countries of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) – made more than 800 commitments to strengthen democracy,…
Introducing the OGP Data Dashboard - a powerful tool for unlocking evidence and examples in data.
Presentación del panel de datos de OGP: una potente herramienta para descubrir pruebas y ejemplos en los datos.
Access data on OGP commitments. Filter commitments by location, policy area, and year. Search by keyword.
Explore findings from the 23 action plans submitted by OGP member countries during the 2021 submission period.
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