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Four Ways to Strengthen Environmental Rights

Latin America and the Caribbean adopted the Escazu Agreement to guarantee the rights of all people to have a healthy environment, to develop sustainably, and to fight against inequality and discrimination.

Open Government and the Escazú Agreement

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) represents an important platform for advancing the implementation of the Escazú Agreement, which aims to guarantee the rights of access to environmental information, public participation in environmental decision-making, access to justice in environmental affairs, and…


Five Lessons for Civil Society Collaboration

Civil society plays an essential role in democratic societies, leading to more ambition, stronger policies, and better results. See five important insights from a Democratic Freedoms Learning Network webinar on the importance of civic space.

Women Who Migrate for Work – Stories from Singapore and Malaysia

​​Engaging Migrant Communities in Open Government

Migrant populations often face disproportionate obstacles to accessing information and participating in policy-making. Learn how OGP members are working to meaningfully engage migrant communities in their work, and explore recommendations for further impact.

Gender and Artificial Intelligence

Three Recommendations for More Inclusive and Equitable AI in the Public Sector

See how OGP members are working to better understand and address the gender-differentiated impacts of algorithms, reduce human biases, and create artificial intelligence programs that are trustworthy, ethical, and inclusive.

Estonian open gov reformers at OGP event in Tallinn

Four Steps to Build Dialogue Between Government and Civil Society

How can governments build a more constructive relationship with civil society? Get started with four steps outlined by OGP members at a recent Democratic Freedoms Learning Network here.

Zombie portal

Six Questions to Protect Your Transparency Portal from “Zombie” Status

Have you ever searched an online government transparency portal only to find that the vital information you hoped to find is not there or that the portal itself has disappeared? If so, you’re not alone. Over the last decade, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) has reviewed countless commitments that promise to deliver a transparency portal as the antidote to a wide range of governance challenges.


Ingredients for Extractives Sector Reform

Over the last decade, OGP members have made 159 commitments to make the governance of gas, oil, and mineral extraction more open to the public. Extractive sector reforms are notoriously politically and financially fraught. Yet these commitments achieve stronger early…

Open Government Partnership