Innovations in Democratic Oversight of Surveillance from OGP Members
Safeguards to protect privacy, democracy, and free expression need to keep up with evolving technologies, including surveillance technologies...
Safeguards to protect privacy, democracy, and free expression need to keep up with evolving technologies, including surveillance technologies...
At its heart, whistleblowing is about speaking up against wrongdoing and corruption. See what OGP members have done to protect whistleblowers.
Denunciar irregularidades es alzar la voz en contra de actos indebidos y casos de corrupción. Explora recomendaciones para asegurar reformas ambiciosas para proteger a los denunciantes. Recommendations for ensuring ambitious reforms that protect whistleblowers
See the progress OGP Local members have made over the years and explore lessons learned as we head into a new season of co-creation.
En los últimos 10 años, los miembros de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP por sus siglas en inglés) han implementado reformas ambiciosas de gobierno abierto a diferentes niveles de gobierno, desde el nivel nacional hasta el local. Las…
Over the last few years, the use of automated decision-making tools by governments has grown significantly. Learn how France is working to make these tools transparent and keep governments accountable.
COVID-19 vaccines are indispensable in the race to save lives and livelihoods during the pandemic. However, the unprecedented global need for vaccines presents a series of challenges, including corruption, inefficiency, and inequity...
Open and equitable access to vaccines will protect lives, livelihoods and ensure African economies recover quickly, which are the pillars of the global response to COVID-19. To achieve that...
Join us Tuesday, April 27 for a discussion on how an open government approach to vaccines can help governments to deliver vaccines effectively, efficiently, and equitably.
In today’s digital age, elections are won, lost and called into question over social media. With little to no system of checks and balances in place for political parties, candidates, online actors and platforms, tech companies can spell out their own rules for political advertising...
Hoy, en la era digital, las elecciones se ganan, pierden y cuestionan en las redes sociales. Existen pocos controles para los partidos políticos, candidatos y plataformas digitales, por lo que las empresas tecnológicas definen sus propias reglas sobre la publicidad…
There is a major opportunity in 2021 to advance civic space reforms in OGP that go to the heart of some of the democratic backsliding the world has seen in recent years, and to showcase them at the 10th anniversary Global Summit in December of 2021.
En 2021, tenemos la gran oportunidad de impulsar las reformas del espacio cívico como parte del proceso de OGP y así atender la caída democrática que el mundo ha registrado en los últimos años. Podemos exponer estas reformas durante la Cumbre Global de OGP en diciembre de 2021.
See how OGP members are making progress on beneficial ownership transparency, a key tool for combating tax evasion and stopping illicit financial flows.
En todo el mundo, las empresas anónimas son utilizadas como herramientas para ocultar actos corruptos. Con el fin de luchar contra la evasión de impuestos y detener los flujos de dinero ilícito, reformadores de gobierno abierto están promoviendo la creación…
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