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Whistleblower Employee

Open Government Reforms Need to Protect Whistleblowers

At its heart, whistleblowing is about speaking up against wrongdoing and corruption. See what OGP members have done to protect whistleblowers.

OGP Local IRM Blog – Unsplash

Closer to the People: OGP Local Results

See the progress OGP Local members have made over the years and explore lessons learned as we head into a new season of co-creation.

Open Response Teal

A Guide to Open Government and the Coronavirus: Vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines are indispensable in the race to save lives and livelihoods during the pandemic. However, the unprecedented global need for vaccines presents a series of challenges, including corruption, inefficiency, and inequity...

A magnifying glass hovering over a button on Facebook that says

Five Ways to Embed Open Gov Values in Online Political Advertising Regulation

In today’s digital age, elections are won, lost and called into question over social media. With little to no system of checks and balances in place for political parties, candidates, online actors and platforms, tech companies can spell out their own rules for political advertising...

SARS Protests

Defending Civic Space: How OGP Can Step Up

There is a major opportunity in 2021 to advance civic space reforms in OGP that go to the heart of some of the democratic backsliding the world has seen in recent years, and to showcase them at the 10th anniversary Global Summit in December of 2021.

Extractives Indonesia –

Four Ways Beneficial Ownership Transparency Can Benefit the Extractive Industries and Beyond

See how OGP members are making progress on beneficial ownership transparency, a key tool for combating tax evasion and stopping illicit financial flows.

Open Government Partnership