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Policy Areas

OGP participating governments advance a variety of policy areas through their action plans. The OGP Support Unit reviews and tags every commitment for its relevant policy areas and sectors. The policy areas listed below are not exhaustive of all potential areas for open government reforms. Rather, these policy areas are selected for analysis based on a number of factors, including popular topics addressed across action plans and OGP strategic documents. The Support Unit conducts an annual review of the list of policy areas used for tagging and analysis purposes. We welcome feedback or suggestions, which can be sent to

Health and Nutrition

Publishing health-related data and involving citizens in the creation of policy are key to increasing health outcomes and building strong, effective health systems. Technical specifications: Cover public and private health and nutrition.

Human Rights

An essential part of open government includes protecting the sacred freedoms and rights of all citizens, including the most vulnerable groups, and holding those who violate human rights accountable. Technical specifications: Commitments that use open government reforms to protect human…

Infrastructure and Transport

Governments are working to make infrastructure projects more open and less corrupt, and the public plays an essential role in monitoring contracts and the fulfillment of investments. Technical specifications: Cover the infrastructure and construction sectors (i.e. transport. e.g. road, rail,…

International Environmental Agreements

International environmental agreements, such as the Escazú Agreement, are laying the foundation for greater transparency and citizen participation in environmental decision-making.  Technical specifications: Covers the design or implementation of any regional or global environmental agreement. Must refer to the agreement…


While a majority of open government reforms occur within the executive branch, OGP members are increasingly taking on commitments to increase the openness of the judicial branch. Technical specifications: Commitments specifically affect the formal Judicial branch, i.e. the network of…


Transparent workforce data and increased representation of workers in labor policy-making lead to policies that better protect workers’ rights and remove barriers for underrepresented groups in the workforce. Technical specifications: Cover national labor standards, labor dispute mechanisms, employment, workforce participation,…

Land and Spatial Planning

Formalized, transparent, and accountable land tenure empowers citizens to invest in their own communities and protect their natural resources, as well as interact peacefully with each other, private companies, and the government by reducing threats of land grabs. Technical specifications:…


Creating and passing legislation is one of the most effective ways of ensuring open government reforms have long-lasting effects on government practices. Technical specifications: Act of creating or reforming legislation to further open government reforms. Does not include reviews of…

Legislative Oversight

Effective parliamentary oversight of the executive branch is key to the integrity of democratic systems and, by extension, to the open government agenda. Technical specifications: Commitments that involve parliamentary monitoring of action plans and COVID expenditures, among other oversight activities.…


Increasing opportunities for participation and creating accountability mechanisms for the LGBTQIA+ community in policy-making and service delivery can ensure that their voices are heard and changes are more likely to effectively reflect their needs. Technical specifications: Commitments that open LGBTQIA+…

Open Government Partnership