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Amend EETT regulation (GR0082)



Action Plan: Greece Action Plan 2019-2022

Action Plan Cycle: 2019



Lead Institution: National Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) Telecommunications Directorate / Telecommunications Monitoring and Supervision Department

Support Institution(s):

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Democratizing Decision-Making, Open Data, Regulatory Governance

IRM Review

IRM Report: Pending IRM Review

Early Results: No early results to report yet

Design i

Verifiable: Pending IRM Review

Relevant to OGP Values: Pending IRM Review

Ambition (see definition): Pending IRM Review

Implementation i



Short description Since 2008, EETT has been publishing results of Quality Indicators (QI) of electronic communications services provided to the public. The QI Regulation (EETT Decision No. 480/017/13-05-2008, as amended by EETT Decision No. 621/011/27-09-2011, Government Gazette 2417/Β/ 2011) determines the content and the form of the information to be published as well as the means and frequency of publication. The results of the QIs are produced by the providers on a semi-annual basis in the form of excel files, based on templates for each category of indicators issued by EETT. The current EETT initiative concerns the amendment of the QI regulation and the publication of open datasets.

Public issues addressed EETT’s QI Regulation needs to be amended to take into account the relevant changes in the rest of the regulatory framework, the relevant technological developments, as well as the experience from its application so far. The main objectives are to provide detailed information on the level of customer service (initial connection, failures, telephone support), as well as the publication of the results in the form of open datasets for their further use by citizens or other interested parties.

Implementing body National Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) Telecommunications Directorate / Telecommunications Monitoring and Supervision Department

Key milestones - Schedule – Deliverables Milestone Completion Relevant Deliverable 1) Preparation of a draft of the new Regulation for public consultation End of November 2020 P1: Public consultation document 2) Public Consultation 1/12/2020 – 15/1/2021 Ν/Α 3) Processing of the answers to the public consultation and By the end of October 2021 P2: Report of the public consultation 44 preparation of the final regulation P3: Final QI regulation 4) Entry into force of the new Regulation 1/1/2022 Ν/Α 5) Publication of the first open data sets in the new format End of September 2022 P4: Open datasets in electronic format OGP values Access to information, accountability

IRM End of Term Status Summary

Commitment A7. Amendment of Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission’s (EETT’s) Regulation about Quality Indicators of Electronic Communications Services and publication of open datasets

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant: Yes, access to information, civic participation

Potential impact: Minor

Completion: Limited

Did it open government? No evidence of early results yet

This commitment was added to the amended action plan. The commitment sought to modify the EETT’s outdated regulation on the quality indicators for electronic communications services provided to citizens and the EETT’s publication of open datasets about these services’ level of customer service. [77] The regulation update was necessary given technological developments (such as telecommunications over the internet) and experience from its implementation so far. The update was expected to be carried out in consultation with citizens, but as this is not a new practice for EETT, the commitment was rated as having minor potential impact. [78]

Four out of five milestones related to the public consultation were completed. A public consultation was held from 1 December 2022 to 15 January 2021 on the draft decision on the amendment of the existing regulation of quality indicators. [79] The results of the consultation and the new regulation (Decision of EETT AP. 991/7B/17-5-2021), [80] regarding the quality indicators of fixed telephony, fixed broadband and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services, end-user services and directory information services, are publicly available. [81] However, the intended new datasets were not published during the implementation period despite being the most important milestone of the commitment. The 47 existing EETT datasets remained on the old open data portal. [82] The new open data portal includes one dataset concerning telecommunications indicators and statistics, which was last updated in 2017. [83] There is no evidence of early results yet, since EETT did not publish new information.

[77] Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission, accessed 6 April 2023, https :// .
[78] “Public Consultations,” Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission, accessed 6 April 2023, https :// .
[79] Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission, “Draft Decision of EETT on the Amendment of the Existing Regulation of Quality Indicators,” November 2020,; “Press Releases/Announcements,” Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission, accessed 6 April 2023, .
[80] Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission, DECISION, “Amendment and Codification of the EETT AP Decision. 621/011/27-09-2011 (Regulation of Quality Indicators) Regarding the Quality Indicators of Fixed Telephony, Fixed Broadband and VoIP Services, End-User Services and Directory Information Services,” 17 May 2021, .
[81] Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission, DECISION, “Results of Public Consultation on the Amendment of EETT Decision 621/011/27-9-2011,” 17 May 2021, .
[82] Search results for “National Telecommunications & Post Commission,”, accessed 6 April 2023, .
[83] “Τelecommunications Indicators & Statistics,”, updated 31 December 2017, https :// .


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