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Mukelani Dimba

Mukelani Dimba is the Head of Development at the International School for Transparency. Mukelani has experience in accountability and transparency issues in South Africa, Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Egypt.

He served as a civil society member on the OGP Steering Committee from 2015-2018. He also was civil society Co-Chair from 2017-2018, and is the current Chair of the Board of Directors.

You can follow him on Twitter @MukelaniSD.

Authored Content

OGP in Africa: Another sharp tool in the governance toolbox

The recent Open Government Partnership (OGP) High Level Event on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly brought sad tidings for OGP in Africa. It was announced that the government of Tanzania has opted to withdraw its membership of…

OGP Steering Committee approves legislative engagement policy

Last week, the OGP Steering Committee formally approved a new parliamentary engagement policy, which more clearly outlines rules for parliamentary participation in the initiative and recognizes the value of legislative engagement in open government reform efforts. A draft version of…

OGP: A cinco años, lo que podemos esperar en el futuro

Al margen de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas (AGNU) de la semana pasada, junto con jefes de Estado y cientos de miembros de la sociedad civil que se reunieron en Manhattan, celebramos el quinto aniversario de la Alianza…

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Open Government Partnership