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Citizenship and Immigration


Women Who Migrate for Work – Stories from Singapore and Malaysia

​​Engaging Migrant Communities in Open Government

Migrant populations often face disproportionate obstacles to accessing information and participating in policy-making. Learn how OGP members are working to meaningfully engage migrant communities in their work, and explore recommendations for further impact.

Vaccines with pink cap

8 Reasons Why Vaccine Procurement Should Be Open

The COVID-19 vaccine rollout has, once again, put public contracts back in the spotlight. In the urgency to vaccinate the world’s population as quickly as possible, the OGP community must advocate for open contracting approaches to be implemented as part of governments’ open response to the pandemic.

The Impact of Open Government: Assessing the Evidence

Open government has in recent years emerged as an area of intense activity and fervent hope for some of our largest societal aspirations. This paper asks the question, does open government work? That is to say, do open government interventions…

What’s in the New National Action Plans? (Dec 2016)

What's in the New OGP National Action Plans? December 2016 The biennial development and implementation of NAPs is at the core of the OGP model. Since the start of 2015, 49 countries submitted new plans containing over 800 commitments. Given…

Star Commitments in OGP

Each OGP government partners with civil society to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to improve governance. OGP has become a global movement of reformers working to make government more effective and responsive to its citizens.…

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Open Government Partnership