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Hilary Wardhaugh Corporate

Faces of Open Government: Anooshe Mushtaq

Meet Anooshe Mushtaq, National Account Director at NEXTDC and advocate for inclusive dialogue in Australia's Open Government Forum. Discover her insights on combatting misinformation and the power of open government in driving advocacy and social justice.

Regional Meeting webcard 221006-03

​A Decade of Open Government Reforms in Italy

Italy joined the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in September 2011. The third largest country in the European Union (EU) by population and economy, Italy had one of the highest rates of corruption perception in the EU, while its access to…


Guía para escépticos del gobierno abierto – Edición de 2022

Introducción La evidencia continúa demostrando que el gobierno abierto tiene impactos en la vida de las personas. Pero aún hay personas escépticas que no conocen los beneficios de este enfoque. ¿Te cuesta trabajo convencer a la gente para que aplique…


The Skeptic’s Guide to Open Government – 2022 Edition

Evidence continues to show that open government affects people’s lives. But there are still skeptics who are not aware of all the benefits associated with this approach. Use this guide to convince them to take an open government approach when implementing reforms.

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Open Government Partnership