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Case Studies and Stories


The Private Sector and Open Government

Private sector actors—including corporations, financial institutions, investors, government contractors—have a clear stake in opening government. Open governments can prevent corruption, increase efficiency, reduce transaction costs, and cultivate a better business environment. Though business has always been a critical part of…

OGP Summit For Democracy Resources

  In December 2021, the United States government convened the first Summit for Democracy (S4D), where more than 50 governments – including 43 member countries of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) – made more than 800 commitments to strengthen democracy,…


Canada’s Open Government Strategy

Canada is currently drafting our first, whole-of-government Open Government Strategy. This follows the launch of the new global Open Government Partnership Strategy, which Canada helped develop as a Steering Committee member.


Faces of Open Government: Isabel Moya Pérez

Isabel Moya Pérez is the Deputy Director General of Open Government of Spain and shares what her country did during their own OGW and how the new OGP strategy can help foster more open and accountable democracies.

Open Government Partnership