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Malta Action Plan Review 2023-2025

Malta’s fourth action plan addresses the justice sector and youth participation. The adoption of the action plan revitalized Malta’s OGP process after prolonged inactivity, though the commitments came from government institutions with limited input from civil society. The Ministry of…

Australia Action Plan Review 2023–2025

Australia’s third action plan includes promising commitments to introduce new legislation on automated decision-making by government, political donation transparency, and whistleblower protection. The action plan renewed Australia’s engagement in OGP following a period of inactivity and re-engaged the Open Government…

Germany Action Plan Review 2023-2025

Germany’s fourth action plan features commitments on a range of topics, mainly in the fields of transparency and open data. The most promising commitments come from the coalition agreement and include the introduction of a Federal Transparency Act and transparency…

Senegal Results Report 2021-2023

Senegal's first OGP action plan brought together the Senegalese open government community around concrete reforms. However, the action plan achieved limited completion and no notable results. The OGP host institution had limited ability to convene and fund OGP activities and…

End of Commitment Report – Standardise SDG-linked datasets and provide high-quality open data for the territory as a whole, thereby facilitating the reuse of said data and boosting its impact

Overview Name of Evaluator Núria Pérez Milán Email Member Name Cataluña (España) Action Plan Title Action plan - Catalonia, Spain, 2021 - 2023 Commitment Standardise SDG-linked datasets and provide high-quality open data for the territory as a whole, thereby…

Open Government Partnership