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Panama Results Report 2021-2023 – For Public Comment

En 2024, el Mecanismo de Reporte Independiente (IRM) publicó el Informe de Resultados para el cuarto plan de acción de Panamá. El informe examina el nivel de cumplimiento y los resultados tempranos de gobierno abierto de los compromisos del plan…

End of Commitment Report – Spread the social participation through the territory for citizens participated at the formulation process of budget and its monitoring, occupying the spaces, strengthening the transparency by a citizen language

Overview Name of Evaluator Gabriela de Brelàz Email Member Name Osasco, Brazil Action Plan Title Action plan - Osasco, Brazil, 2021 - 2024 Commitment Spread the social participation through the territory for citizens participated at the formulation process of…

Ghana Action Plan Review 2023-2027

Ghana’s first four-year action plan prioritizes institutionalizing open government through the passage of laws and regulations. Commitments to further open parliament and combat mis- and disinformation show substantial potential for results. Ghana can continue leveraging its robust open government community by strengthening government-civil society coalitions around priority aims. Reformers can plan for continuity through the December 2024 national elections and the opportunity to refresh the action plan midway through the implementation period.

Open Government Partnership