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Lithuania Results Report 2021-2023

Lithuania’s fifth action plan resulted in the launch of a public beneficial ownership register, allowing civil society and journalists to access this information for the first time. However, data on public procurement was not published in open format. Early Results:…

Ukraine Action Plan Review 2023-2025

Ukraine’s sixth action plan includes commitments addressing the transparency of and participation in restoration processes, harmonization with European Union (EU) legislation, and restoring access to information. Most commitments will be embedded in legislation to ensure their sustainability beyond donor support.…

Italy Results Report 2021-2023

Italy’s fifth action plan made progress opening public spending data on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and institutionalizing civil society-public administration cooperation on the national anti-corruption framework. Co-creation and participation practices greatly improved compared to previous action plan cycles,…

Malta Action Plan Review 2023-2025

Malta’s fourth action plan addresses the justice sector and youth participation. The adoption of the action plan revitalized Malta’s OGP process after prolonged inactivity, though the commitments came from government institutions with limited input from civil society. The Ministry of…

Germany Action Plan Review 2023-2025

Germany’s fourth action plan features commitments on a range of topics, mainly in the fields of transparency and open data. The most promising commitments come from the coalition agreement and include the introduction of a Federal Transparency Act and transparency…

End of Commitment Report – Standardise SDG-linked datasets and provide high-quality open data for the territory as a whole, thereby facilitating the reuse of said data and boosting its impact

Overview Name of Evaluator Núria Pérez Milán Email Member Name Cataluña (España) Action Plan Title Action plan - Catalonia, Spain, 2021 - 2023 Commitment Standardise SDG-linked datasets and provide high-quality open data for the territory as a whole, thereby…

End of Commitment Report – Generate open data that is up to date, comparable, accessible and enables the comprehensive analysis of the socio-economic inequality of women and the feminisation of poverty, and ensuring the accessibility and usability of this data

Overview Name of Evaluator Núria Pérez Milán Email Member Name Cataluña (España) Action Plan Title Action plan - Catalonia, Spain, 2021 - 2023 Commitment Generate open data that is up to date, comparable, and accessible and enables the comprehensive…

Open Government Partnership