Bringing the French Cour des Comptes Closer to Citizens
Rapprocher la Cour des Comptes aux Citoyens
In its 2021-2023 OGP action plan, the French government committed the Cour des Comptes (Court of Accounts) to further mobilize citizen expertise in the service of the Court's missions. In the French system, the Cour des Comptes ensures transparency in…
Dans le plan d’action du PGO de 2021-2023, le gouvernement français engageait la Cour des Comptes à mobiliser davantage l’expertise citoyenne au service des missions de la Cour. Dans le système français, la Cour des Comptes assure la transparence des…
End of Commitment Report – Accountability and transparency
Overview Name of Evaluator Asociación GIGAPP Email Member Name Aragón, España Action Plan Title Action plan - Aragón, Spain, 2021 - 2023 Commitment Accountability and transparency Action The aim is to progress in terms of clear communication and easy…
End of Commitment Report – Integration of under-represented groups
Overview Name of Evaluator Asociación GIGAPP Email Member Name Aragón, España Action Plan Title Action plan - Aragón, Spain, 2021 - 2023 Commitment Integration of under-represented groups Action Launching projects that promote the empowerment of groups that have greater…
End of Commitment Report – Innovation eco-systems and new alliance models
Overview Name of Evaluator Asociación GIGAPP Email Member Name Aragón, España Action Plan Title Action plan - Aragón, Spain, 2021 - 2023 Commitment Innovation eco-systems and new alliance models Action To drive Aragonese public, private and social organisations towards…
End of Commitment Report – “Transparency and the right to understand”: improving the usability and communication of the administration for real and effective accountability
Overview Name of Evaluator Daniel Catalá Pérez, Aida Vizcaíno Estevan y Borja Colón de Carvajal (Spanish Society for the Evaluation of Public Policies SEE) Email Member Name Valencian Community, Spain Action Plan Title Action plan - Valencian Community,…
End of Commitment Report – “Open government innovation and culture”: train, educate and build up a participative culture from the education community, strengthening the network and the links present between the Civil Society and the public administration.
Overview Name of Evaluator Daniel Catalá Pérez, Aida Vizcaíno Estevan y Borja Colón de Carvajal (Spanish Society for the Evaluation of Public Policies SEE) Email Member Name Valencian Community, Spain Action Plan Title Action plan - Valencian Community, Spain,…