Latin America
Dominican Republic Action Plan Review 2022-2024
The Dominican Republic fifth Action Plan 2022-2024 has solid political and institutional support. The creation of its first multi-stakeholder forum constitutes a promising milestone for the advancement of the open government agenda in the country. The action plan commitments' renew…
End of Commitment Report – Develop and implement the Contagem Integrity Plan (PIC)
Overview Name of Evaluator Isabella Lígia Moraes Email Member Name Contagem, Brazil Action Plan Title Action plan - Contagem, Brazil, 2022 - 2024 Commitment Develop and implement the Contagem Integrity Plan (PIC) Action The commitment is to develop and…
Inception Report – Action plan – Salcedo, Dominican Republic, 2023 – 2024
Overview Name of Evaluator Roberto José González Viñas Email Member Name Salcedo, Dominican Republic Action Plan Title Action plan - Salcedo, Dominican Republic, 2023 - 2024 Section 1. Compliance with co-creation requirements 1.1 Does a forum exist? Yes Provide…
Colombia Action Plan Review 2023-2025 – For Public Comment
El Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente (IRM, por sus siglas en inglés) publicó la Revisión del Plan de Acción para el quinto plan de acción de Colombia (2023-2025). Este informe es una revisión técnica de las características del plan de acción…
Honduras Action Plan Review 2023-2025
Honduras' Action Plan Review 2023-2025 identified 13 out of 14 commitments with an open government perspective and five promising commitments. The review highlights the extensive consultation process developed for the creation of the plan in the country's 18 departments, as…
Peru Action Plan Review 2023-2025
Peru’s fifth action plan is notable for the participation of the multi-stakeholder forum created in 2020 and the involvement of new civil society actors. The plan includes commitments from all three branches of the state. However, there remains an opportunity…
Panama Action Plan Review 2023-2025 – For Public Comment
El Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente (IRM, por sus siglas en inglés) publicó la Revisión del Plan de Acción para el quinto plan de acción de Panamá (2023-2025). Este informe es una revisión técnica de las características del plan de acción…
Guatemala Action Plan Review 2023-2025 – For Public Comment
El Mecanismo de Revisión Independiente (IRM, por sus siglas en inglés) publicó la Revisión del Plan de Acción para el sexto plan de acción de Guatemala (2023-2025). Este informe es una revisión técnica de las características del plan de acción…
End of Commitment Report – Design and implementation of the comprehensive Accountability strategy for the #CartagenaCuenta 2023 citizenship, with a territorial approach, social inclusion and permanent dialogue, with an emphasis on planning and public finances
Overview Name of Evaluator Camilo Ignacio Gonzalez Becerra Email Member Name Cartagena de Indias, Colombia Action Plan Title Plan de acción - Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 2022 - 2023 Commitment Design and implementation of the comprehensive Accountability strategy for…