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Public Participation in Development Planning (ID0091)



IRM Review

IRM Report: Indonesia End-of-Term Report 2016-2017, Indonesia Mid-Term Report 2016-2017

Early Results: Marginal

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): High

Implementation i



Public Participation in Development Planning; Ministry/Agency: Regional Government Planning Agency (BAPPEDA); Office of Communications, Informatics, and External Relations; Indicators of Success 2016: 1. Online neighborhood association (RW) level meeting is taking place through electronic development planning meeting (eMusrenbang) at all RWs 2. A channel is available for citizens to provide direct input through the electronic development planning meeting (e-Musrenbang) system 3. Publication of development planning during Regional Government Work Plan(RKPD) formulation, General Budget Policies and Provisional Budget Ceiling (KUA-PPAS) presentation, Regional draft budget (RAPBD) and Regional budget (APBD) formulation stages in the e-Budgeting system (; Indicators of Success 2017: 1. Availability of 1500 Datasets in the Open Data Portal ( 2. Verified work units (SKPD 1. Direct monitoring feature is in place for citizens’ proposals in the e-development planning meeting (e-Musrenbang) system; 2. Publication of development planning outcome at every stages, in easily accessible forms for the public.


Open Government Partnership