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OGP Support Unit

Strategy Phase 3 Report Hero Image

Creating OGP’s Future Together: Phase 3 Report

Check out the full Phase 2 Report here or in Google Docs here. OGP announced the process to co-create a new strategy for the Partnership for the period of 2023-2028 in May 2022. Following a year of consultations, a draft…


Estrategia de OGP 2023-2028

Introducción y contexto La Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (OGP por sus siglas en inglés) fue fundada en 2011 por un grupo de gobiernos y organizaciones de la sociedad civil que buscaban la manera de trabajar en unión para atender…

Stratégie du PGO 2023–2028

Historique et contexte Le Partenariat pour un gouvernement ouvert (PGO) a été créé en 2011 par des gouvernements et des organisations de la société civile à la recherche de nouvelles façons de travailler ensemble pour relever des défis de taille.…


OGP’s 2023-2028 Strategy

OGP’s 2023-2028 strategy is now available. With over 1,000 contributions, the open government community helped to identify emerging strategic directions.


OGP Strategy

Explore OGP’s 2023-2028 Strategy, how it was developed and how the open government community can help implement it.

Response Policy Case: Georgia

Date Filed: April 13, 2023 Filer(s): The Open Government Interagency Coordination Council of Georgia (and Forum) member civil society organizations: Civil Society Institute, Economic Policy Research Center, Georgian Democracy Initiative, Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association, Green Alternative, Institute for Development of…

Open Government Partnership