Recent Trends in Local Governance Reforms
A review about some of the emerging trends in local open government reforms from all 25 local action plans submitted between April 2023 and January 2025.
A review about some of the emerging trends in local open government reforms from all 25 local action plans submitted between April 2023 and January 2025.
Interim CEO of OGP Paul Maassen shares a message of solidarity with the open government community.
Open civic space is foundational to open government. This guide provides some strategies and resources for civil society actors and their allies on what can be done to remain safe and to defend civic space when it comes under attack.
In the decades-long discussion of the value of participatory and deliberative democracy, there have regularly been such criticisms of processes not being adequately empowered or connected to decision-making. This blog seeks to explore what a mainstreaming approach to public participation might mean.
Date Filed: November 5, 2024 Filer(s): Centro de Información y Recursos para el Desarrollo - Fundación CIRD, Federación de Entidades Vecinalistas del Paraguay - FEDEM Py, Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay - SPP, Organización Alma Cívica, Hábitat para la Humanidad,…
The Governments of Maldives and Zambia have formally declared their intention to join the Open Government Partnership (OGP).
Learn how the Challenge can advance digital governance reforms and what members are doing to raise ambition.
Learn how the Challenge can advance climate and environment reforms and what members are doing to raise ambition.
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