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Slovakia´s Cabinet Approves Action Plan to Boost Open Government

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According to a recent news article posted by Sita on February 22, openness and transparency of government institutions in Slovakia will be regularly evaluated as part of the OGP Action Plan. The first assessment based on an Openness Barometer will take place in October of this year. This stems from an action plan of the for open government initiative, which the Cabinet approved on Wednesday. Based on the action plan, the Government Council for Transparency and Open Government will be established in February to assess the openness of relevant institutions based on yet-to-be-defined criteria. In line with the material, members of the council should represent the Chamber for Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations, the Council for Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations, members of the interdepartmental working group (responsible for the action plan), selected watchdogs and other personalities with a high moral credit in the society.

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