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Bosnia and Herzegovina Design Report 2019-2021 – For Public Comment

In 2020, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Design Report for BiH’s first action plan (2019-2021). The report covers the development of the action plan and the design of its commitments.

In BiH, the IRM researcher’s, Elma Demir, findings are summarized below:

“Bosnia and Herzegovina’s complex institutional set up and political system has affected its engagement in OGP since 2014. This first action plan was developed with civil society input and published in 2019. Commitments are related to ongoing projects rather than new initiatives, and include access to open data, public procurement transparency, public consultations and integrity plans in public institutions. Feedback on commitment proposals and greater collaboration between civil society and government in drafting commitments could improve the ambition of the action plan.”

And in the local language:

“Kompleksna institucionalna struktura i politički sistem Bosne i Hercegovine odrazili su se na njene inicijative u okviru Partnerstva za otvorenu vlast (POV) od 2014. godine. Prvi Akcioni plan BiH pripremljen je uz doprinos civilnog društva i objavljen je 2019. godine. Obaveze u Akcionom planu su proistekle iz tekućih projekata, a manje kao nove inicijative, i uključuju: pristup otvorenim podacima, transparentnost javnih nabavki, javne konsultacije i planove integriteta u javnim institucijama. Dostavljanje povratnih informacija o prijedlozima obaveza i šira saradnja između civilnog društva i institucija vlasti u izradi obaveza mogle bi poboljšati rezultate Akcionog plana.”

In 2020, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Design Report for BiH’s first action plan (2019-2021). The report covers the development of the action plan and the design of its commitments. The report is available in English and in the local language here . The two-week public comment period closed Tuesday 30 November.


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