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Search results for ‘data portal’

9 results for ‘data portal’

People 9 results

Nadiia Babynska

Nadiia Babynska (Virna) is an expert of Civil Network OPORA (Ukraine), journalist. Nadiia is a project manager of the Open Data Portal of Ukrainian Parliament project. She іs one of initiators and developers of The Open Parliament Action Plan for Ukraine. OPORA…

Annabelle Wenas

Annabelle Wenas is currently volunteering at Open Government Indonesia secretariat where she is in charge for Model Open Government Partnership campaign, and launching of Indonesia’s Open Data Portal ( She recently graduated Cum Laude from Faculty of Psychology University of…

Irina Tișacova

Irina Tisacova has been leading the e-Government Center’s Open Government agenda since August 2011 and is the program manager for, Moldova’s Open Government Data Portal. Irina holds a Bachelor degree from The George Washington University. @IrinaTisacova

Inés Selvood

Inés Selvood es licenciada en Comunicación Social egresada de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Magister en Derechos Humanos por la Universidad de Catalunya (UOC). Desde 1998 trabaja como especialista en comunicación para el tercer sector y transparencia en la…

Jason Hare

18 years experience analyzing user behavior interacting with web applications. Experience includes developing user interfaces using rapid prototyping and an iterative project management style to create award winning, user-centered information portals. Primary interests include open data, service oriented architecture, data…

Etalab Task Force

The Etalab Task Force is the Prime Minister’s Office in charge of open data and open government. Within the General Secretariat for Modernization of Public Action, Etalab coordinates government action on open data, develops and administers the portal, and…

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Open Government Partnership