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El Salvador End-of-Term Report 2014-2016 – For Public Comment

In 2017, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the progress report for El Salvador’s second action plan. The report covers the development and first year of implementation of the action plan 1 July 2014 through 30 July 2016.

In El Salvador, findings from IRM researcher, Jaime Ayala, are summarized below:

“With the implementation of El Salvador’s 2014-2016 Action Plan, the Open Government Observatory (OGA) was created as a space for dialogue, feedback and monitoring of commitments, that consisted of different civil society organizations. After finalizing this action plan, the OGA was active in designing the new action plan, and participated in a local consultation with citizens. Future action plans should improve the quality of commitments and include the legislative and judiciary branches of government.”

And in Spanish:

“La implementación del plan de acción 2014-2016 incluyó el establecimiento del Observatorio de Gobierno Abierto (OGA), un espacio de diálogo, retroalimentación y seguimiento a los compromisos del plan, e integrado por organizaciones de la sociedad civil. Tras la finalización del plan, el Observatorio participó activamente en el diseño de un nuevo plan, incluyendo una consulta territorial a la ciudadanía. Uno de los principales retos es mejorar la calidad de los compromisos planteados e incluir al Órgano judicial y Legislativo en un futuro plan de acción. “

The version of the report for public comment is available below. The two-week public comment period closed Friday 7 July 2017.


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