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Estonia Design Report 2018-2020 – For Public Comment

In 2019, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Design Report for Estonia’s fourth action plan (2018-2020). The report covers the development of the action plan and the design of its commitments.

In Estonia, the IRM researcher Maarja Toots’ findings are summarized below:

“Estonia’s fourth action plan continues the priorities of previous action plans such as fostering transparent and inclusive policy making and developing democratic participation skills. Overall, the fourth action plan is more strategic in its focus compared to previous plans and thus has a higher potential to change government practices. Moving forward, Estonia can further improve the ambition of its commitments by including activities that can last through several action plans and aligning the OGP process with other long-term strategic processes.”

And in Estonian:

“Eesti neljas tegevuskava jätkab eelmiste tegevuskavade prioriteetidega, nagu näiteks läbipaistva ja kaasava poliitikakujundamise edendamine ja demokraatliku osalemise oskuste arendamine. Neljas tegevuskava on varasematest strateegilisema fookusega, mistõttu sel on suurem potentsiaal valitsemistava muuta. Edaspidi saaks Eesti tegevuste ambitsioonikust veelgi tõsta, kavandades üle mitme tegevuskava ulatuvaid tegevusi ning lõimides AVP protsessi riigi teiste pikaajaliste strateegiaprotsessidega.”

The version of the report for public comment is available in English and in Estonian below. The two-week public comment period closed 8 October 2019.


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