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Portugal Design Report 2018–2020 – For Public Comment

In 2019, the Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) published the Design Report for Portugal’s first action plan (2018-2020). The report covers the development of the action plan and the design of its commitments.

In Portugal, the IRM researcher Miguel Pereira’s findings are summarized below:

“Portugal’s first OGP action plan joins a series of government-led efforts to promote transparency and civic engagement in the political process. Participating civil society and government representatives in the multi-stakeholder forum praised the co-creation process to develop the plan as a major milestone achievement for consultations in Portugal. Two commitments could potentially transform the areas of public consultations and access to public procurement information, while others are limited in scope. Moving forward, promoting more channels for public inputs in the co-creation process could be prioritized.”

And in Portuguese:

“O primeiro plano de ação da OGP em Portugal junta-se a um conjunto de iniciativas lideradas pelo governo para promover transparência e envolvimento público no processo político. Representantes da sociedade civil e do governo no fórum multilateral reconheceram que o processo de co-criação do plano de ação representa um marco importante para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas em Portugal. Dois compromissos têm um potencial transformativo na área de consultas públicas e contratação pública. Outros compromissos têm um alcance mais limitado. No futuro, deveria ser dada prioridade à criação de mais canais para a participação pública no processo de co-criação.”

The version of the report for public comment is available in English and in Portuguese below. The two-week public comment period closed 11 October 2019.


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