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Small Steps towards a More Open Government: A Story from Indragiri Hulu

Madé Harimbawa|

About 850 km away from Jakarta, a small regency in Riau Province, in the island of Sumatra, is making big step forward implementing Indonesia Public Information Disclosure Act (UU KIP). Indragiri Hulu regency is home to about 363 thousand of people mainly living from plantation and mining. Indragiri Hulu  is one of the Open Government Indonesia pilot projects which aims to introduce and promote open government practice to sub-national level.  Further the pilot project initiatives hope to set example for other regencies that transparency in public policy and service will benefit their people. Despite the “dark past”  with mass corruption during the previous local administration, Indragiri Hulu is now committed to do few quantum leaps towards more transparent and accountable government.

Working side by side with OGI and two Civic Society Organisations (CSO): PATTIRO and FITRA Riau, Indragiri Hulu local government now not only has their own Information and Documentation Managers (PPID) as prescribed by UU KIP, but also PPID Standard Operating Procedures Public Information System. 

Inhu (19/06) Economic and Development Assistant of Inhu Regent (Mr. Isdjawardi) hands over appreciation token to an expert on FOI who speaks at a local event to discuss about UU KIP. From left to right: two representatives of information, communication and transportation local agency; Bejo Untung from Pattiro; Triono from Fitra Riau and Mahyudin Yusdar from Information Commission of the Riau Province.

On their website ( also, Indragiri Hulu local government has uploaded their 2014 budget and work plan for public to peruse. People now can also request public information through the website.


People in Indragiri Hulu, like many other part of Indonesia, value their children education highly. However, due to limited quality school, the competition to get a seat is often used by some officials for some financial benefit. The recruitment process is therefore often kept under the table.

To improve the situation, this year student enrolment process in Indragiri Hulu is now done online (via All applicants will be able to submit their application through the website and the result will then be openly published online or through the mobile apps.

This is part of Open School program. At this stage there are 14 schools joining the program: 9 high schools and 5 junior high schools. This program is welcomed by parents and students alike.

Health and Other Public Services

On top of Open Budget and Open School program, Indragiri Hulu local government is targeting to improve health service. Now, Puskesmas (Community Health Clinics) in Indragiri Hulu has 24 hours call centre to increase accessibility of health service.

Indragiri Hulu also has joined many other areas in Indonesia to utilise ‘LAPOR!’ or Public Online Aspiration and Complaint Services. Through this, public can report any issues regarding public services directly to the government. The report will be passed on to the relevant government department and is able to be tracked.

Open Government Partnership