Creating OGP’s Future Together: Draft Strategy

The public consultation period for OGP’s strategy is now closed. View the submissions made on Discuto: (English | Español | Français) |
In May, we reached out to the community to help us develop a new five-year strategy. One of the key aims of the strategy is crafting a vision and strategic direction that resonates with and has roles for the entire Partnership.
We thank everyone who contributed to the open feedback phase of OGP’s 2023-2028 strategy, which closed on February 15. We will now turn towards finalizing the strategy, based on feedback received, presenting it to the OGP Steering Committee for final deliberation and approvals by end of March 2023. Once the new strategy is launched in April, the first year to follow will be a transition year to move from current programs and ways of working to new ones. The final strategy will be published along with our reasoned response to the feedback received after approval by the Steering Committee.
The development and implementation of OGP action plans in 2023 will follow rules and processes that are currently in place. Changes to the latter resulting from the new strategy will be rolled out from 2024 onwards.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at Thanks again to all of you for contributing your time, energy, and insights throughout this year-long process to help co-create OGP’s future. To learn more about how this draft has been shaped by consultations to date, please see the Phase 1 and Phase 2 reports.
Comments (4)
Carolina Rojas Reply
Me parecen válidos los objetivos y todas las actividades que se plantean. se felicita el trabajo realizado y cuenten con Fundación Esquel para lo que se requiera.
Krishna Pathak Reply
Dear OGP Secretariat,
Thank you very much for sharing the OGP strategy for comments. It is an immense opportunity for the OGP community and practitioners around the globe, more importantly in the remote areas of developing countries, to participate in their strategy preparation. It is a very empowering process itself. My comments are not that much material, and many others might have already given similar comments. However, it has created a sense of ownership and belongingness over the OGP strategy and movement.
Following are my few comments:
1. You have mentioned incentives in the document. Let us make it explicit how we incentivize; i) the governments who have yet to join OGP; those performing well and those not performing encouraging reforms; ii) the private sector; and iii) civil society and community people.
2. My country Nepal still needs to join the OGP. I am one of the persons passionately pursuing the OGP concept in the government and parliament. However, the government still needs to be ready. It has some political reasons. My government is looking at the geopolitical environment. The strategy may articulate how to make the OGP a comfortable platform (not being politically sensitive) to the governments. I wonder whether there is a possibility of linking tying up with SDG 16 or getting endorsed by the UN mechanism, making the standing condition of donor support (IMF, WB, ADB, bilateral assistance), among several others.
3. We have achieved excellent results over the period. It would be good to highlight a few outcomes/impacts of our work in the last 11 years in this strategy and figure out some impact/outcome targets during the strategy period. It may encourage many practitioners and newcomers.
4. I would expect some thoughts on the strategy in managing the current knowledge gained from our work and strategic thinking of generating and managing the knowledge more effectively benefiting the governments (including parliament and judiciary), private sector, civil society, and, more importantly, the poor and marginalized group of people.
La debil o falta de Integridad publica y verdadera predisposicion en la lucha contra la corrupcion, estan ocasionando demasiado daño a las incipiente Democrcacia en Perú y LATAM y un mecanismo que podra ayudar a disminuir y ojala eliminar la Corrupcion e Impunidad es el Gobierno Abierto (canal permanente de Rendicion de Cuentas), y por elllo apoyamos y nos suscribiumios con esa iniciativa. Muchas gracias.
Abdallh Reply