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Inception Report – Action plan – Maipú, Chile, 2023 – 2024


Name of Evaluator

Felipe Paredes


Member Name

Maipú, Chile

Action Plan Title

Action plan – Maipú, Chile, 2023 – 2024

Section 1.
Compliance with
co-creation requirements

1.1 Does a forum exist?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

There is a forum. The starting point of the process dates back to an instance named “Consejos Barriales I” (Neighbourhood Advisory Meetings I), which aimed the City Council to carry out a participatory diagnosis in conjunction with social organizations to define participatory public policies to improve the quality of life in the neighborhoods of the commune. The general results of this participatory process showed that different demands and needs of citizens were framed in areas such as public space, security, environment, mobility, and infrastructure, among others.

Subsequently, three forums were held (OGP Forum 1, OGP Forum 2, and OGP Forum 3). The first of these was held on 12 October 2022 and aimed at validating the thematic areas identified in Neighbourhood Councils I and linking this participatory process with the objectives of OGP. After Forum 1, Forum 2 was held to determine and co-create specific commitments in the areas validated during the participatory process of the two previous instances. This meeting was held on 03 November 2022. Finally, OGP Forum 3 took place on 25 November 2022.

Provide evidence for your answer:

1.2 Is the forum multi-stakeholder?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

In all these instances, a broad invitation was extended to the community. In all of them, there was a large and diverse participation of the different relevant stakeholders to the local government. OGP Forum 1 was attended by 40 people, including representatives of the neighborhood councils and representatives of civil society organizations linked to the four defined areas of the Action Plan. Approximately 150 people attended OGP Forum 2 and 35 OGP Forum 3, the two with a similar composition of attendees to the first forum.

Provide evidence for your answer:

1.3 Does the forum hold at least one meeting with civil society and non-governmental stakeholders during the co-creation of the action plan?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The forum held three meetings involving civil society actors and non-governmental stakeholders. In general, the composition of the meetings was diverse, and the community was adequately represented, with particular emphasis on the following groups: representatives of the neighborhood councils, representatives of civil society organizations linked to the prioritized areas, neighbors with an interest in participating, observers of the process and public officers representing the City Council.

Provide evidence for your answer:

1.4 Has the action plan been endorsed by the stakeholders of the forum or steering committee/group?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The Action Plan’s co-creation process was supported by combining the forces of government and civil society, working together in the different forums in which it was developed. Additionally, the Action Plan was elaborated with the participation of the entire citizenry. Indeed, the City Council of Maipú decided to submit the Action Plan to a citizen consultation held between December 3 and 13, 2022, where citizens could vote online for the commitments. Even to increase the chances that everyone in the commune could participate, on December 12 and 13, 2022, an in-person point was installed in an easily accessible area within the commune. In total, 1,910 people participated.

Provide evidence for your answer:

Section 2.
Recommended practices
in co-creation

2.1 Does the government maintain a Local OGP website or webpage on a government website where information on the OGP Local process (co-creation and implementation) is proactively published?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The City Council maintains a local OGP website on which all relevant information is published and updated promptly when new information becomes available.

Provide references here (e.g. interviews):

Maipú, Chile

2.2 Did the government provide information to stakeholders in advance to facilitate informed and prepared participation in the co-creation process?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

Through the different participation instances (forums, website, citizen consultation), citizens were adequately and timely informed during the co-creation of the Action Plan. The information was duly disseminated, allowing citizens to participate in these events, and said participation was decisive for the final result, given that the input from the various participation instances was vital to writing the Action Plan.

Provide evidence for your answer:

2.3 Did the government ensure that any interested member of the public could make inputs into the action plan and observe or have access to decision-making documentation?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

Yes. The City Council of Maipú established a series of instances that allow all interested people to participate. In this sense, it is remarkable that for the preparation of the OGP 2 Forum, an online form was opened so that all interested people could raise problems and concerns, which operated as inputs for co-creating the commitments.

Provide evidence for your answer:

2.4 Did the government proactively report back or provide written feedback to stakeholders on how their contributions were considered during the creation of the action plan?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The forums themselves can be considered responses to citizens’ concerns. In this sense, the municipality systematized the opinions expressed in detail to make this information legible for decision-making. This input was relevant for the co-construction of the commitments, observing continuity between the minutes of the meetings and the local Action Plan.

Provide evidence for your answer:

2.5 Was there an iterative dialogue and shared ownership between government and non-governmental stakeholders during the decision-making process, including setting the agenda?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

Iterative dialogue existed, but it needs to be clarified that all entities belonging to the local community appropriated the process. Evidence shows that the City Council drove most of the work, prioritizing certain areas. The above reveals some indication that the values and culture of participation promoted by an entity like OGP are new for the local community.

2.6 Would you consider the forum to be inclusive and diverse?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

As explained before, various forums were held during the co-creation of the Action Plan, which provided an inclusive and diverse space for deliberation and democratic participation. The composition of these forums included neighborhood associations, community organizations, NGOs, academic institutions, municipal officials, and international organizations. This structure proved to be ideal for fostering collaboration and ensuring that all voices were heard.

Section 3.
Initial evaluation
of commitments

1 Commitment :

More and Better Public Security Deployment

1.1 Is the commitment verifiable?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

Yes. It is verifiable since the commitment has clear and precise compliance indicators regarding acquiring new vehicles (cars and motorcycles) and hiring the human resources necessary to operate said fleet. On the other hand, the development of the patrol strategy is verifiable by simply verifying the existence of said plan. Regarding the increase in coverage, although the Action Plan lacks a specific indicator, it is possible to project an increase in operational capabilities based on the vehicles and human resources assigned to this task.

Provide evidence for your answer:

1.2 Does the commitment language/activities clearly justify relevance to OGP values?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The design of a public space security strategy in partnership between the authority and those who benefit is a result that can be justified under the values promoted by OGP, such as transparency, accountability, public participation, technological development, and innovation.

Provide evidence for your answer:

1.3 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:

A continuation of ongoing practice in line with existing legislation, policies, or requirements.

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The commitment is a continuation of an existing practice. In effect, the commitment consists of improving and promoting a public policy the municipality had already developed. This conclusion follows from the commitment configuration, which consists of increasing the scope and effects of an existing public policy.

Provide evidence for your answer:

1.4 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:

is a positive change to a process, practice or policy but will not generate a binding or institutionalized change across government or specific institution(s).

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The commitment made by the municipality strengthens the legitimacy of its public security policy. This will improve the levels of participation, transparency, and accountability in implementing actions towards the same goal as in the past. As a result, it is expected to bring about a positive change in the relationship between the local government and citizens, especially in sensitive areas such as security in public spaces within the commune.

Provide evidence for your answer:

1.5 Are there any recommended changes to the design of the commitment to help improve its implementation?

The commitment could have better highlighted public involvement through participation, transparency, and accountability in designing the public space security strategy. This could have been achieved by involving neighborhood associations, especially those who report the most incidents in the matter, and adopting a collaborative approach from the design to the execution of the plan. To ensure accountability in the acquisition of vehicles, it is advisable to establish technical quality indicators, such as selecting suitable models for the job and easy to maintain, taking into consideration the City Council budget.

2 Commitment :

Together We Tackle Littering in Open Spaces

2.1 Is the commitment verifiable?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The commitment focuses on developing a collaborative work plan between the municipality, external agents, and the inhabitants of the commune. This can be verified with the existence of the said plan and from the constitution of the aforementioned participatory instance.

Provide evidence for your answer:

2.2 Does the commitment language/activities clearly justify relevance to OGP values?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

Mainly because the commitment encourages citizen participation and access to information. The above is evident in the three key points of the work plan: the programming of services, the participatory roundtable, and the community training and awareness plan. All those goals imply the participation of the inhabitants of the commune, creating a space for constant interaction between the municipality and the different local actors.

2.3 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:

A continuation of ongoing practice in line with existing legislation, policies, or requirements.

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The municipality of Maipú has implemented a range of recycling and waste removal services, with a focus on selective waste collection and eliminating illegal dumping. There are currently eleven local recycling centers and eight disposal points for unwanted or unusable items, such as old mattresses, furniture, or electrical items. The municipality has established alliances with various territorial managers to improve waste management. They have also introduced the “Recycling Plan in my Neighbourhood” initiative, which involves working with neighborhood associations and social organizations. Despite previous efforts, the available waste management mechanisms have proven insufficient. To address this, the municipality is committed to increasing participation, training, and awareness among residents to modify their behavioral habits around recycling and waste usage.

Provide evidence for your answer:

2.4 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:

Is a positive change to a process, practice, or policy but will not generate a binding or institutionalized change across government or specific institution(s).

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The work plan of the commitment needs to show that it is formally institutionalized in the interaction base of the municipality. For this reason, it is expected that, at least, the participatory roundtable will become a permanent instance to identify and plan the actions to be taken regarding recycling and reducing illegal dumping in the future.

2.5 Are there any recommended changes to the design of the commitment to help improve its implementation?

As mentioned earlier, it is crucial to establish a compliance period for the commitment and include it in the municipality’s measures permanently. Additionally, it is necessary to specify the dates of the commitment milestones, their progress indicators, and the responsible or contact person. It is recommended to involve an autonomous municipality unit in implementing this commitment. This unit can be an effective tool to bring about future binding changes in environmental matters. It can leverage the existing capacities in the area and those expected to be incorporated through this Action Plan.

3 Commitment :

Maipú, a Commune for Children and Adolescents.

3.1 Is the commitment verifiable?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

Although it is a commitment formulated in general terms, its fulfillment requires actions that are easy to execute and can be materially verified. Some examples of such actions that the Municipality has already begun to implement are the following:

  • In September 2023, the first pilot of participatory mapping of public spaces was implemented with the participation of children and adolescents.
  • On August 12, 2023, Las Diademas Square was inaugurated over a vacant place as a revamped recreational space intended primarily for children and adolescents.
  • On December 12, 2022, the Municipality of Maipú was awarded funds for more than $700,000,000 from the Ministry of Education to improve the school infrastructure of eleven educational establishments in the commune.
  • From December 11, 2022, an activity called CicloRecreoVía is scheduled every Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The activity consists of closing Pajaritos Avenue, the main road artery of the commune, to vehicular traffic, aiming for the entire family to use it for sports or different leisure activities.

3.2 Does the commitment language/activities clearly justify relevance to OGP values?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The commitment improves the quality of life of children and adolescents, promoting their training and education for democracy, sports, and community life.

3.3 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:

A new regulation, policy, practice, or requirement.

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The commitment is a new practice in the commune, with no evidence of any similar initiative previously found.

Provide evidence for your answer:

3.4 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:

Is a positive change to a process, practice, or policy but will not generate a binding or institutionalized change across government or specific institution(s).

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

Such actions that involve creating new public spaces, closing streets to vehicular traffic for outdoor activities, and establishing a roundtable for children and adolescents to develop democratic skills set a positive change for the community. However, this effort could have been more effective if it was associated with the municipality’s permanent public policy. There is no guarantee that this initiative will continue to be implemented under the following administrations. A more robust commitment is needed to ensure that the protection of children and adolescents is prioritized and their opinions heard in the public sphere. In any case, actions like the ones involved in this commitment are more than welcome since they have a vital role in underpinning the legitimacy of decisions related to protecting children and adolescents, ultimately improving their quality of life and development as citizens and community members.

Provide evidence for your answer:

3.5 Are there any recommended changes to the design of the commitment to help improve its implementation?

There are no additional recommendations.

4 Commitment :

Neighbourhood Plans: Community participation and decision making

4.1 Is the commitment verifiable?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The commitment is verifiable since, in the first stage, it consists of the implementation of participatory processes aimed at the co-creation of instances of diagnosis and prioritization of problems with the community itself and its organizations, which, by its mere implementation allows us to understand that the commitment has been fulfilled in this first part. Additionally, the commitment states that, as a result of the implementation of the first part, a project will be selected for each neighborhood, in whose selection the incorporation of the gender perspective will be essential. The wording of the commitment implies that the municipality will support the neighborhood in the design and implementation of said project.

4.2 Does the commitment language/activities clearly justify relevance to OGP values?


Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

The language with which the commitment and activities are described is imbued with values and framed within the spirit of OGP. In this case, it is a commitment to co-create projects directly impacting the neighborhoods between the beneficiaries and the municipality as the entity responsible for financing and ensuring the implementation of the project. This improves transparency and citizen advocacy channels by involving the community in decisions in a participatory manner.

4.3 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:

A continuation of ongoing practice in line with existing legislation, policies, or requirements.

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

This strategy continues an existing practice related to similar previous initiatives like the so-called “Consejos Barriales” (Neighbourhood Advisory Meetings I) and other participatory instances, such as the citizen council for water and the safety roundtables for neighbors.

Provide evidence for your answer:

4.4 Please select one option that best describes the commitment:

Is a positive change to a process, practice or policy but will not generate a binding or institutionalized change across government or specific institution(s).

Provide a brief explanation of your answer:

Arguably, committing to this initiative will result in a positive change in increasing community involvement levels and enhancing the problem-solving prioritization process. This positive change could be further strengthened by providing a detailed schedule with more precise deadlines and objectives and listing the specific neighborhoods that will benefit and the percentage they constitute of the total neighborhoods in the commune. Assuming this commitment is made, it will improve neighborhood information channels, opening up decision-making spaces and prioritizing common problems when working as a community.

4.5 Are there any recommended changes to the design of the commitment to help improve its implementation?

In addition to the aspects listed in the previous point, the design of the commitment could be improved by specifying how the gender perspective will be relevant when selecting projects.

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