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Morocco Design Report 2018-2020

Morocco’s first action plan seeks to further realize the country’s 2011 constitutional reforms. Ambitious open government commitments include implementing the access to information law and facilitating civic participation through petitions and motions. Moving forward, the Steering Committee should prioritize broad consultations across regions and civil society sectors during the development of Morocco’s next action plan.

Table 1. At a glance

Participating since: 2018

Action plan under review: First

Report type: Design

Number of commitments: 18

Action plan development

Is there a Multi-stakeholder Forum: Yes

Level of public influence:  Consult

Acted contrary to OGP process:  Yes

Action plan design

Commitments relevant to OGP values: 17

Transformative commitments: 0

Potentially starred: 0

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a global partnership that brings together government reformers and civil society leaders to create action plans that make governments more inclusive, responsive, and accountable. The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) monitors all action plans to ensure governments follow through on commitments. Morocco joined OGP in 2018. This report evaluates the design of Morocco’s first action plan.

Since Morocco’s 2011 constitutional reforms, the country has seen significant open government developments. These include the passage of the Access to Information Law in 2018, making Morocco eligible to join OGP. The most ambitious open government reforms in Morocco’s first OGP action plan seek to implement the legal and regulatory framework established over the last decade. These include commitments that increase access to information (commitments 1 to 3) and strengthen civic participation mechanisms (commitments 13 to 17).

Limited opportunity for civil society input resulted in an action plan that largely reflects government priorities. The IRM did not find evidence that the government incorporated civil society or public input into the action plan. The IRM therefore found Morocco to be acting contrary to OGP process.

However, the government established a new Steering Committee with equal government and civil society representation following the action plan’s submission. The government also created a comprehensive repository where meeting minutes and implementation progress is regularly updated. Therefore, Morocco has indicated its dedication to following OGP’s Participation and Co-creation Standards moving forward.

During the next co-creation process, the Steering Committee should aim to act as a coordinating body that collects and integrates input from a broad range of civil society actors. The Steering Committee also should pay particular attention to explaining how civil society and public input were incorporated into the action plan.

This action plan addresses open government areas of national importance such as access to information, civic participation in policymaking, strengthening civic space and public service provision. Morocco should consider building on these efforts in future action plans by expanding the legal and regulatory framework for citizens to submit petitions and motions. Morocco could also build on Commitment 17 to strengthen legal protections for civil society members and journalists participating in national policy dialogues through the media.

 Table 2. Noteworthy commitments

Commitment description Moving forward Status at the end of implementation cycle
Commitment 14: National and Regional Consultation Bodies: Establish regional consultation bodies through guidance, training, and direct support to a pilot site The local and regional councils should publicly respond to input collected through such bodies. Implementors should actively seek out and include representatives from marginalized communities, such as rural youth and women, in consultation bodies. Note: this will be assessed at the end of action plan cycle.
Commitment 15: Online Citizen Participation Platform: Create a website for citizens to collect signatures and submit motions and petitions to the national and local governments. This ambitious commitment will have a greater open government impact if the government partners with civil society to review the laws and procedures to address barriers to submission. In particular, the signature threshold for petitions should be reconsidered and a timeline for a public government response established. Note: this will be assessed at the end of action plan cycle.
Commitment 17: Civil Society Access to Audio-visual Media: Increase civil society’s understanding of the legal landscape and ability to participate in television and radio broadcasts. HACA should establish a permanent multi-stakeholder forum with civil society to address obstacles to media pluralism. HACA should also consider providing materials and training in various languages and formats to encourage inclusive media participation from across the civil society spectrum, with a particular emphasis on regional diversity. Note: this will be assessed at the end of action plan cycle.


The IRM recommendations aim to inform the development of the next action plan and guide implementation of the current action plan.

Table 3. Five KEY IRM Recommendations

Strengthen the OGP institutional and strategic framework in the country and enhance the role of the Steering Committee (MSF).
During co-creation of future action plans, report back to participants with information on how the MSF or government considered public and civil society inputs.
Continue towards the implementation of the access to information law.
Strengthen the process of establishing a public problem during co-creation to raise commitments’ level of ambition.
Develop commitment areas to encourage public accountability.



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