Designing the 2023 OGP Global Summit
On September 6 and 7, the Government of Estonia and Anabel Cruz, co-chairs of the Open Government Partnership, will co-host the 2023 OGP Global Summit. The Summit will bring together high level representatives of governments, civil society leaders, and policy-makers from around the world, in Tallinn, Estonia to exchange experiences, best practices, and progress on open government initiatives and implementation on key issues. This will be our first in-person Global Summit since 2019 and a critical opportunity to engage the broader community in advancing the new OGP strategy for 2023-2028.
The process of designing the 2023 OGP Global Summit program will look different from previous OGP events, with a range of opportunities for community input. By learning from more than a decade of regional and global events and building off of the last year of extensive consultations around the strategy, we aim to design an engaging program that advances the new strategy and responds to the needs and expectations of the global OGP community. The program will feature the themes identified in the strategy – anti-corruption, digital governanceAs evolving technologies present new opportunities for governments and citizens to advance openness and accountability, OGP participating governments are working to create policies that deal with the ..., climate and environment, open justiceAn open, independent, and impartial justice system serves as a foundation for better access to justice by fulfilling all people’s civil liberties and allowing individuals to more effectively protect..., and public participationGiving citizens opportunities to provide input into government decision-making leads to more effective governance, improved public service delivery, and more equitable outcomes. Technical specificatio... and civic space, as well as other emerging issues, such as national security, and opportunities to broadly advance the strategy.
Beyond the OGP staff and Summit hosts, a Summit Advisory Board – composed of OGP Steering Committee members and other open government leaders representing a variety of sectors and backgrounds – will help shape the overall agenda. Community Content Leads – with expertise in the topics and reflecting a variety of perspectives, regions, and levels – will be selected from the community to develop a first draft of the program for each theme. And the wider community will have opportunities to review the proposed content, input ideas, and host unconference discussions. We will also encourage partners to hold side events – workshops, consultations, and other gatherings during the week of the Summit. More information about the agenda design process is here.
Here is a list of key planning moments for the 2023 OGP Global Summit to keep in mind:
- March – April | Early program design by the Summit Advisory Board and Community Content Leads
- April 23 | Registration launches
- May 1 | Preliminary program will be released for community feedback, as well as a call for speaker nominations and form for submitting side events
- May – August | Session details will be refined with organizers and speakers identified and invited; program updates, including side events, will be published
Further information on the program design and more will be published on the OGP Global Summit website in the coming months. Please direct any questions to We hope to see you in Tallinn!
Comments (3)
Gladys Estela Riveros Rojas Reply
El programa presentará los temas: anticorrupción,gobernanza digital, clima y medio ambiente,justicia abierta, y participación pública y espacio cívico, así como otros temas emergentes, como la seguridad nacional, y oportunidades para avanzar ampliamente en la estrategia.
Todo son importantes los temas a desarrollar y acceder a una estrategia la mas importante es anticorrupción y justicia abierta en el marco legislativo, reglamentario e institucional, además de diferenciar los valores de transparencia y principios legales.
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George Jobe Reply
Are there scholarships to local CSOs?
Jessica Monaco Reply
Thanks for your interest. Participants are generally expected to self-fund or source funding for their travel. The Government of Estonia and OGP Support Unit will have limited funds available to support the travel and/or accommodation of a small number of participants, primarily speakers from civil society, which will be linked to roles in the agenda. Until May 19, the community can nominate speakers for the preliminary agenda on Discuto.