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Honduras End-of-Term Report 2016-2018

The Government of Honduras created a multi-stakeholder forum with representatives from civil society, academia, government, and the private sector to design and follow up on the action plan. The most significant challenge was to provide continuity to the plan results and to improve completion levels. The IRM researcher recommends broadening the scope and level of participation of civil society sectors in the multi-stakeholder forum.

Table 1: At a glance
Midterm End of term
Number of commitments 13
Level of completion
Complete 0 0
Substantial 1 4
Limited 12 9
Not started 0 0
Number of commitments that have:
Clear relevance to OGP values 13
Potential transformative impact 1
Substantial or complete implementation 1 5
All three (✪) 0 0
Did it open government?
Major 1
Outstanding 0
Moving forward
Number of commitments carried over to the next action plan 6

Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a voluntary initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance. The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) conducts yearly assessments of each OGP member’s activities to ensure that governments comply with their commitments. This report assesses the results of the period between June of 2016 and June 2018.

The Secretariat for General Coordination of Government (SCGG) coordinates the OGP process in Honduras. During the design and implementation of action plans, SCGG convened the Interinstitutional Council and Technical Committee (CTS), formed by 11 members: three representatives from the public sector, three from civil society, two from the private sector and three from the academia. During the first year, the organization Pastoral Social Caritas of Honduras took on the role of general coordination; during the second year, Universidad Jose Cecilio del Valle took on this role.

By the end of the action plan cycle, the implementation of commitments was low. The implementation of only four of thirteen commitments was higher during the second year of implementation, as compared with the first year. Despite funding from multiple international cooperation sources, no commitments were fully implemented.

The Government of Honduras published its self-assessment report on time[1]. The report included a summary and systematization of comments received during the socialization phase, and identified successes and challenges for the future. The Government of Honduras created the System for Monitoring of the Open Government Partnership in Honduras (SIMAGAH)[2]  to publish information related to commitment completion. The IRM researcher was given access to the system by the SCGG.

At the moment of writing this report, Honduras was in the second year of implementation of the action plan. Similar versions of six of the 13 commitments were incorporated in the 2018-2020 action plan.

Consultation with civil society during implementation

OGP member countries are expected to consult with civil society during the development and implementation of their action plans.

The Interinstitutional Council and Technical Committee (CTS) led the consultation process during the implementation phase. This multi-stakeholder entity is charged with securing the efficiency and effectiveness of planned activities for the development and implementation of the action plan. During this action plan cycle, CTS included 11 members: three from the public sector, three from civil society, two from the private sector and three from academia. During the implementation phase, recommendations and adjustments for commitment implementation were channeled through this space. Since the outset of the action plan, the CTS formed working groups with technical officers of the responsible agencies.

Table 2: Consultation process during implementation

Multi-stakeholder forum Midterm End of term
1. Was there a forum? Yes Yes
2. Did it meet regularly? Yes Yes

Table 3: Level of public influence

The IRM adapted the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) “Spectrum of Participation” to apply to OGP. The table below shows the public influence in the action plan. The stages shown in the table are cumulative, from bottom to top. In the spirit of OGP, most countries should aspire for “collaborate”.

Following the first year of implementation, the CTS hosted 19 socialization events in seven cities across the country to disclose progress and preliminary results of the 2016-2018 action plan. As reported in the Government’s self-assessment, nearly 600 people participated in these events. CSO representatives interviewed for this report confirmed the development of these sessions, although were cautious to state that these events constitute a validation of commitments included in the plan. In the IRM researcher’s opinion, there was no evidence – in the SIMAGAH, OGP web portal or in the self-assessment report – of feedback or response from Government about public comments submitted during the socialization phase[3].

Level of Public Influence During Implementation of Action Plan Midterm End of Term
Empower The Government handed decision-making power to members of the public.
Collaborate There was iterative dialogue AND the public helped set the agenda.
Involve The Government gave feedback on how public inputs were considered.
Consult The public could give inputs.
Inform The Government provided the public with information on the action plan.
No consultation No consultation



[1] Government of Honduras (2018). “End of term self-assessment report”. Available at:

[2] Available at:

[3] Government of Honduras (2018). “Socialization of the third open government action plan”. Available at:



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