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Brazil Mid-Term Report 2016-2018

The third action plan involved greater collaboration with a broader diversity of actors, both during the development and implementation of the plan. The main challenge going forward is making more ambitious OGP commitments that achieve significant changes in government practices.


Commitment Overview
Digital Educational Resources Work with researchers, managers, teachers, and entrepreneurs to establish a new model for digital educational resources that includes an online platform with free resources.
Penitentiary Data Prevent torture and cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatments in the penitentiary system by working with civil society to implement and manage a national database with prison inspection data.
Neutral Access to Information Policy Safeguard the personal information and identity of access to information requesters to avoid biased government responses and discriminatory treatment.




The government and civil society organizations co-led the development of the action plan through a collaborative process. The public was able to prioritize themes through online polling and discuss proposals directly with government at co-creation workshops. During the plan’s implementation, the government hosted monitoring meetings that included discussions with the Civil Society Working Group on each commitment.


Who was involved?


Civil society Narrow/ little governmental consultations Primarily agencies that serve other agencies Significant involvement of line ministries and agencies
Beyond “governance” civil society    
Mostly “governance” civil society      
No/little civil society involvement


The Judiciary and Legislature are implementing OGP commitments for the first time. A variety of federal ministries, independent agencies, and subnational governments also participated in the OGP process. There were new actors on the civil society side as well, most notably private companies.


Level of input by stakeholders


Level of Input During Development During Implementation
Collaborate: There was iterative dialogue AND the public helped set the agenda.
Involve: The government gave feedback on how public inputs were considered.
Consult: The public could give input.
Inform: The government provided the public with information on the action plan.
No Consultation


OGP co-creation requirements


Availability of Timeline and Process


Timeline and process available online prior to consultation

Advance notice


Advance notice of consultation

Awareness Raising


Government carried out awareness-raising activities

Multiple Channels


Online and in-person consultations were carried out

Documentation and Feedback


A summary of comments by government was provided

Regular Multi-stakeholder Forum


Did a forum exist and did it meet regularly?

Government Self-Assessment Report


Was a self-assessment report published?

Total 7 of 7


Acting contrary to OGP process?

A country is considered to have acted contrary to process if one or more of the following occurs:

·        The National Action Plan was developed with neither online or offline engagements with citizens and civil society

·        The government fails to engage with the IRM researchers in charge of the country’s Year 1 and Year 2 reports

·        The IRM report establishes that there was no progress made on implementing any of the commitments in the country’s action plan






At the midterm, most of the commitments in the third plan were at a preliminary stage of implementation. While two of the commitments are potentially transformative, most commitments (10) have a more minor potential impact.


Current Action Plan Implementation


2016-2018 Action Plan
Completed Commitments by the end of Year 1 0 of 16 (0%)
OGP Global Average Completion Rate by the end of Year 1 18%


Previous Action Plan Implementation


2013-2016 Action Plan
Completed Commitments by the end of Year 1 31 of 52 (60%)
Completed Commitments by the end of the Plan 34 of 52 (65%)
2012-2013 Action Plan
Completed Commitments by the end of Year 1 25 of 32 (78%)
Completed Commitments by the end of the Plan N/A


Potential Impact


2016-2018 Action Plan
Transformative Commitments 2 of 16 (13%)
OGP Global Average for Transformative Commitments 16%
2013-2016 Action Plan Transformative Commitments 3 of 52 (6%)
2011-2012 Action Plan Transformative Commitments  N/A


Starred commitments


2016-2018 Action Plan
Starred Commitments by the end of Year 1 1 of 16 (6%)
Highest Number of Starred Commitments (All OGP Action Plans) 5
2013-2016 Starred Commitments 1 of 52 (2%)
2012-2013 Starred Commitments N/A




1.     Redesign the consultation methodology to incentivize government and civil society to reach more ambitious commitments.
2.     Address key public agenda topics, such as political party financing and anti-corruption efforts.
3.     Further engage the private sector in the implementation of commitments, to expand open business models and private sector interest in promoting open government principles.
4.     Involve other areas of the government, such as the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the subnational government of São Paulo, and legislative houses that have institutionalized open government mechanisms.
5.     Establish a transition plan for OGP to ensure the sustainability of activities after the general elections.








(Year 1)*

Complete (Year 1) Overview
1. Open federal government data No No This commitment aims to better align government-provided data with citizen-demanded data through two pilot experiments, which were pending at the midterm.
2. Public resource transparency No No While the government began mapping data on public resources and held preliminary discussions to promote transparency initiatives, implementation was limited.
3. Effective access to information policy No No This commitment aims to reform the rules used to justify denial of information requests. The government developed a methodology to evaluate current practices, as well as an internal legal analysis.
4. Neutral access to information policy No No In light of evidence of discrimination in responding to information requests, the government and civil society completed two preliminary studies on safeguarding the identity of requesters.
5. Effective social participation mechanisms No No This commitment focuses on consolidating and integrating existing participation mechanisms rather than directly improving them. Implementation was limited at the midterm.
6. Digital education resources ✪ Yes Yes The government developed a participatory network and draft methodology for curating digital education resources. However, the platform to release these resources was pending at the midterm.
7. Open data for health No No The commitment aims to proactively release access to information requests related to health from the previous four years. However, the implementation of the commitment is at a preliminary stage.
8. Torture prevention in prison system Yes No This commitment seeks to produce, organize, and release data that can reduce abuses in the penitenciary system. While the government took preliminary steps, such as publishing a call for proposals, the development and launch of the information system is pending.
9. Innovation spaces for public service management No No The government held trainings on best practices in innovation, and held a multi-stakeholder Innovation Network Meeting. The IRM recommends moving beyond raising awareness of best practices to connecting key actors and implementing initiatives.
10. Evaluate and streamline public services No No The government aims to create a platform with civil society to evaluate public service delivery, but the platform will focus on government performance and not feedback from end users.
11. Legislative transparency and open innovation No No This commitment seeks to promote open government innovation in the legislative branch of government. Implementation so far is limited to mapping eligible materials for an information repository.
12. Open government in states and municipalities No No This commitment looks to promote greater transparency at the subnational level by raising awareness of best practices. During the first year of the plan, publicly available results of implementation were still pending.
13. Transpar-ency and innovation in the judiciary No No This commitment seeks to establish electronic judicial proceedings. While the commitment has seen substantial implementation, the IRM recommends prioritizing not only improved internal efficiency, but also greater access to information.
14. Participation in federal planning cycle No No The commitment aims to improve and consolidate social participation in the Plurennial Plan. The government developed the draft monitoring methodology in partnership with civil society and began developing digital monitoring tools.
15. Environ-mental transparency No No While environmental transparency is an important issue in Brazil, this commitment involves preliminary steps, such as improving an open data plan, hosting an event, and establishing a monitoring group.
16. Participatory culture management No No The government implemented the National System of Information and Indicators on Culture in 37 percent of states and 23 cities, but other activities – such as trainings – were only partly implemented.

* Commitment is evaluated by the IRM as specific, relevant, and has a transformative potential impact.
✪ Commitment meets the criteria (above) for a well-designed commitment and is substantially or fully complete.



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